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WTF? ******' wait till you have details before having a frikkin' press conference. That's the same thing Geithner did last month that earned him so much negative press.
Stupid fukrs.
The Associated Press: House GOP offers budget blueprint but scant detailHouse GOP offers budget blueprint but scant detail
By ANDREW TAYLOR ? 2 days ago
WASHINGTON (AP) ? House Republicans released their response to President Barack Obama's deficit-laden budget Thursday ? a glossy pamphlet short on detail and long on campaign-style talking points.
It promises to simplify the tax code and cut income tax rates to 10 percent for people making $100,000 or less. The brochure itself promises to cut domestic spending below current levels, and that pledge seems to include Social Security and Medicare.
Republican aide Matt Lloyd clarified later that the politically sensitive programs won't face outright cuts.
It's impossible to determine the projected deficit based on their offering.
The GOP plan comes two days after Obama criticized Republicans for offering criticisms of his budget blueprint, currently making its way through Congress, instead of solutions.
Republicans said more details will be out next week as the party offers an alternative promising spending amounts, revenue levels and the size of the budget deficit in a more traditional format.
Stupid fukrs.