Bunch of Racists


New member
Appearantly, when you elect a black President, appoint and approve a black Attorney General, just had a black, female Secretary of State who was the former head of the NSA, had several Hispanic members of the previous administration icluding Attorney General, that means your nation is full of racists cowards...

Holder: US a nation of cowards on racial matters
By DEVLIN BARRETT, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON ? Eric Holder, the nation's first black attorney general, said Wednesday the United States was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues. In a speech to Justice Department employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives.

"Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards," Holder said.

Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, but "we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race."
Holder: US a nation of cowards on racial matters

Old Salt

New member
Open discussion of race is a good thing (IMO), but it seems to me that the first time someone tries to talk about race candidly, they're labeled a racist.


New member
Open discussion of race is a good thing (IMO), but it seems to me that the first time someone tries to talk about race candidly, they're labeled a racist.
Right. It's only PC if a minority initiates an open discussion about race.



New member
Open discussion of race is a good thing (IMO), but it seems to me that the first time someone tries to talk about race candidly, they're labeled a racist.
Based on that comment, you're a racist. :D


Old Salt

New member
Right. It's only PC if a minority initiates an open discussion about race.
And then only if it's about your own race (unless you're caucasian, and then the entire topic of race is off-limits).


New member
And then only if it's about your own race (unless you're caucasian, and then the entire topic of race is off-limits).
and any other race can say whatever they want about caucasians/whites and it isn't racist.



New member
You guys are sooo sensitive. What you are experiencing is only the reverse effects of what your ancestors (and people still today) have been dishing out to the other races for thousands of years and generations. It's the backlash. People didn't start feeling like this overnight. It's **** that's been building up for a very long time. We're touchy and paranoid for a reason. The reverse racism is nothing compared to what white people have put other races throughout time.

And no, white people are not the only ones guilty of race related atrocities. But it's what a lot of other races have in common and been targeted by the most.

Heck, there's racism within our own races, too. Within blacks and hispanics, we ourselves seem to favor the lighter, fairer people within our own race at times and sometimes discriminate against the darker, more "native" looking people.



New member
You guys are sooo sensitive. What you are experiencing is only the reverse effects of what your ancestors (and people still today) have been dishing out to the other races for thousands of years and generations. It's the backlash. People didn't start feeling like this overnight. It's **** that's been building up for a very long time. We're touchy and paranoid for a reason. The reverse racism is nothing compared to what white people have put other races throughout time.
And no, white people are not the only ones guilty of race related atrocities. But it's what a lot of other races have in common and been targeted by the most.

Heck, there's racism within our own races, too. Within blacks and hispanics, we ourselves seem to favor the lighter, fairer people within our own race at times and sometimes discriminate against the darker, more "native" looking people.
Whose ancestors? Just like you just said racism crosses the lines everywhere. He used the wrong word "coward". Being cowardly has nothing to do with racism.

Racism is not hereditary it?s taught.


Old Salt

New member
You guys are sooo sensitive. What you are experiencing is only the reverse effects of what your ancestors (and people still today) have been dishing out to the other races for thousands of years and generations. It's the backlash. People didn't start feeling like this overnight. It's **** that's been building up for a very long time. We're touchy and paranoid for a reason. The reverse racism is nothing compared to what white people have put other races throughout time.
And no, white people are not the only ones guilty of race related atrocities. But it's what a lot of other races have in common and been targeted by the most.

Heck, there's racism within our own races, too. Within blacks and hispanics, we ourselves seem to favor the lighter, fairer people within our own race at times and sometimes discriminate against the darker, more "native" looking people.
I guess the Sioux in me agrees, but the rest (and larger part) of me says BS.
Besides, what we're talking about here is talking about race and hopefully clearing the air a bit. Nothing will be gained so long as there is no dialogue and people are afraid to speak their minds.



New member
Whose ancestors? Just like you just said racism crosses the lines everywhere. He used the wrong word "coward". Being cowardly has nothing to do with racism.
Racism is not hereditary it?s taught.
I was mostly basing my comment on people's frequent bringing up (not only on this post or regarding this post btw) of how touchy/sensitive some minorities get regarding racism and race-related issues. My point being, people/minorities are touchy and paranoid for a reason (because of the past and the present.)

I also see that the reverse racism in turn gets white people touchy, too, and paranoid to even bring up race-related issues to not offend or aggravate the situation that has been created. So all in all, it's one big vicious cycle.

Regarding the post, I agree that the word coward by that guy wasn't a good choice to use. Comments like those only ignite people and further bring people apart.



New member
I guess the Sioux in me agrees, but the rest (and larger part) of me says BS.
Besides, what we're talking about here is talking about race and hopefully clearing the air a bit. Nothing will be gained so long as there is no dialogue and people are afraid to speak their minds.
Please see my response to Snaf, that will clear up what I was referring to. I agree with your second paragraph.



New member
On my local newspapers comment sections, I have been criticized as being racist many many times. More often then not, it's usually because I point out a inconvenient truth about a race. I'm half Hispanic, half white so I have had the advantage (more like a disadvantage) of being on both sides of the fence when it comes to the criticism. Quite honestly, I'm probably one of the least racist persons you'll ever come across. I think people tend to look at me as racist though, because I don't align myself with any particular side except the side of human beings. I still believe the real problem in America isn't racism, it's classism. It just so happens that those tossed into a lower class usually happen to be a different race.

When your the one throwing your fellow human beings into a class, it's too easy to not see your own hatred and persecutions.

I've had to deal with that **** since I was in the first grade just because of a Hispanic last name. The biggest question I had over all those years... is why am I so different from you? My skin is white, I was born in America too, I work, my dad worked.. 40 or more hours a week in a packing house for 20 some years. I did the same for many years myself... how is it that someone who is white is SOO MUCH better then me?

I used to think for many years that I was in a lower class of society just because of how cruel, ignorant, racist, & bigoted people are in my neck of the backwoods sticks.

As I got older though, I came to realize how stupid people were for the way they treat others of a different race and how insignificant their opinion of me and the breed genetically implanted into me is.

It'll never change though, and it's true, like Holder said... we are a nation of cowards when it comes to racism... I say it's because alot of people are in denial.





New member
I think coward is the wrong analogy. Ignorant is more appropriate although it's been used so I guess he needed another shock word. We are not cowards.

I was a lifer brat that grew up on Air Force Bases. I never incountered racism growin up. We had all walks of life going to school and living with me.



New member
On my local newspapers comment sections, I have been criticized as being racist many many times. More often then not, it's usually because I point out a inconvenient truth about a race. I'm half Hispanic, half white so I have had the advantage (more like a disadvantage) of being on both sides of the fence when it comes to the criticism. Quite honestly, I'm probably one of the least racist persons you'll ever come across. I think people tend to look at me as racist though, because I don't align myself with any particular side except the side of human beings. I still believe the real problem in America isn't racism, it's classism. It just so happens that those tossed into a lower class usually happen to be a different race.
When your the one throwing your fellow human beings into a class, it's too easy to not see your own hatred and persecutions.

I've had to deal with that **** since I was in the first grade just because of a Hispanic last name. The biggest question I had over all those years... is why am I so different from you? My skin is white, I was born in America too, I work, my dad worked.. 40 or more hours a week in a packing house for 20 some years. I did the same for many years myself... how is it that someone who is white is SOO MUCH better then me?

I used to think for many years that I was in a lower class of society just because of how cruel, ignorant, racist, & bigoted people are in my neck of the backwoods sticks.

As I got older though, I came to realize how stupid people were for the way they treat others of a different race and how insignificant their opinion of me and the breed genetically implanted into me is.

It'll never change though, and it's true, like Holder said... we are a nation of cowards when it comes to racism... I say it's because alot of people are in denial.


I can agree with the classism thing, too. Money always talks and suddenly makes certain people good enough for some people.



New member
I think coward is the wrong analogy. Ignorant is more appropriate although it's been used so I guess he needed another shock word. We are not cowards.
I was a lifer brat that grew up on Air Force Bases. I never incountered racism growin up. We had all walks of life going to school and living with me.
Probably because of that commaradarie and mind set that is in every branch of the service. You have something in common, unity and a common goal.



New member
How do you help by being negative anyway?

Hoder's glass is definitely half empty.

We have a black President, Secretary of State, Governors, Senators, Generals, and even the RNC Chairman. We’ve also had Hispanic's and other nationalities in high places but as Martin Luther King Jr said "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."


Old Salt

New member
How do you help by being negative anyway? Hoder's glass is definitely half empty.

We have a black President, Secretary of State, Governors, Senators, Generals, and even the RNC Chairman. We?ve also had Hispanic's and other nationalities in high places but as Martin Luther King Jr said "I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
Everybody seems to forget everything after "I have a dream...".
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