Burma Crackdown Intensifies - Shame on Those Who Say USA is "Police State"



YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- After crushing the democracy uprising with
guns, Myanmar's junta stepped up its campaign to intimidate citizens
Wednesday, sending troops to drag people from their homes in the
middle of the night and letting others know they were marked for

"We have photographs! We are going to make arrests!" soldiers yelled
from loudspeakers on military vehicles that patrolled the streets in
Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city

People living near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most revered shrine
and a flash point of unrest during the protests, reported that
security forces swept through several dozen homes about 3 a.m., taking
away many men and even some women for questioning.

A U.N. Development Program employee, Myint Nwe Moe, and her husband,
brother-in-law and driver were among those detained, the U.N. agency

Dozens of Buddhist monks jammed Yangon's main train station after
being ordered to vacate their monasteries -- centers of the
anti-government demonstrations -- and told to go back to their
hometowns and villages.

It was not clear who ordered them out. Older abbots in charge of
monasteries are seen as tied to the ruling military junta, while
younger monks are more sympathetic to the democracy movement.

"People are terrified," said Shari Villarosa, the acting U.S.
ambassador in Myanmar. "People have been unhappy for a long time.
Since the events of last week, there's now the unhappiness combined
with anger, and fear."

- - - - -

OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one. In
a proper police state, Michael Moore would have been dragged
into an alley and shot on the spot. "Move-On" would have been
raided and their members tortured to death - dumped in a
ditch to scare other dissenters. The news ? WHAT news ? They
would say what they're TOLD to say - or else.

And you ? Suffice to say you'd be in a constant state of
fear, certain that they were going to come for YOU tonight,
that someone would rat you out to save their OWN hide.
Gitmo ? You'd never GET that far ... you're not important
enough to keep alive. They'd tape your apology to the State
and Fearless Leader for your treasons - and that's the last
anyone would hear of you.

That's a "police state" folks.

Oh yea, the USA and others are busy kissin' the butt of
two OTHER police states at this very moment - N.Korea
and the PRC - other "socialist workers paradises" ......
B1ackwater wrote:

> OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
> a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one.

And then you post two articles in a row about expanding
gov't surveillance in the U.S. and UK. So we don't have a
police state _yet_. We would if Bush had gotten his way
more. Eternal vigilance, you know?


"Every gun that is made, every warship launched,
every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense
a theft from those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and are not clothed."
--Dwight Eisenhower
On Oct 4, 4:17 am, b...@barrk.net (B1ackwater) wrote:
> YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- After crushing the democracy uprising with
> guns, Myanmar's junta stepped up its campaign to intimidate citizens
> Wednesday, sending troops to drag people from their homes in the
> middle of the night and letting others know they were marked for
> retribution.
> "We have photographs! We are going to make arrests!" soldiers yelled
> from loudspeakers on military vehicles that patrolled the streets in
> Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city
> People living near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most revered shrine
> and a flash point of unrest during the protests, reported that
> security forces swept through several dozen homes about 3 a.m., taking
> away many men and even some women for questioning.
> A U.N. Development Program employee, Myint Nwe Moe, and her husband,
> brother-in-law and driver were among those detained, the U.N. agency
> said.
> Dozens of Buddhist monks jammed Yangon's main train station after
> being ordered to vacate their monasteries -- centers of the
> anti-government demonstrations -- and told to go back to their
> hometowns and villages.
> It was not clear who ordered them out. Older abbots in charge of
> monasteries are seen as tied to the ruling military junta, while
> younger monks are more sympathetic to the democracy movement.
> "People are terrified," said Shari Villarosa, the acting U.S.
> ambassador in Myanmar. "People have been unhappy for a long time.
> Since the events of last week, there's now the unhappiness combined
> with anger, and fear."
> - - - - -
> OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
> a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one. In
> a proper police state, Michael Moore would have been dragged
> into an alley and shot on the spot. "Move-On" would have been
> raided and their members tortured to death - dumped in a
> ditch to scare other dissenters. The news ? WHAT news ? They
> would say what they're TOLD to say - or else.
> And you ? Suffice to say you'd be in a constant state of
> fear, certain that they were going to come for YOU tonight,
> that someone would rat you out to save their OWN hide.
> Gitmo ? You'd never GET that far ... you're not important
> enough to keep alive. They'd tape your apology to the State
> and Fearless Leader for your treasons - and that's the last
> anyone would hear of you.
> That's a "police state" folks.
> Oh yea, the USA and others are busy kissin' the butt of
> two OTHER police states at this very moment - N.Korea
> and the PRC - other "socialist workers paradises" ......

Damn, IF ONLY we could be more like Burma. Then you wouldn't whine
about how the U.S. isn't a police state, while dually fulfilling your
wet dream of being a subservient useful idiot your whole worthless
On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 12:39:05 -0400, Jeffrey Turner
<jturner@localnet.com> wrote:

>B1ackwater wrote:
>> OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
>> a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one.

>And then you post two articles in a row about expanding
>gov't surveillance in the U.S. and UK. So we don't have a
>police state _yet_. We would if Bush had gotten his way
>more. Eternal vigilance, you know?

The way to PREVENT a police state is to crap on
almost everything that vaguely resembles something
a police state would do - even when it seems kinda

Therefore I do complain about "W"s police state-ISH
"security" endeavours. I encourage others to complain
about them, file lawsuits and injunctions too if that's
within their means.

The probelm though isn't "W" ... the problem has been
developing for a LONG time - way back to McCarthy and
Hoovers FBI at least. If there's an American police
state it won't be imposed like in Burma, instead
we will slowly, quietly "evolve" into that condition,
one little seemingly-reasonable step at a time.

"W"s added his two cents to the equation, the next prez
will add his/hers, and the next, and the next. No one
year, no one administration, no one policy will seem
THAT much worse than the one before, but the effects
have been CUMULATIVE starting with "Are you now or
have you ever been ...?". Every step towards less
surveillance has been followed by two or three
towards it.

The technology also enters into the equation. Not all
so long ago, even if you COULD watch all of the people
all of the time the sheer volume of information made
it pointless, the data unmanagable. Nowdays technology
has not only provided MANY more ways to keep a close
eye on almost everybody, but the computing power and
techniques exist to make that mass of data USEFUL to
a surveillance state.

Hoover had his cabinet of 'black' files, dirt on
congressmen and civil-rights personalities. HS has
an on-line nation-wide distrubuted multi-terabyte
database of everything from your debit-card purchases
to your utility & phone bills to to you pants size,
a lot of your medical records,the last time you
bought cold medicine, bought a 'subversive' magazine,
your e-mails with 'suspicious' persons, who you probably
had lunch with, etc, etc, etc.. They also have the
software to look for anything "abnormal", connect
those dots and draw preliminary conclusions all
without human intervention.

I'd call that a quantum change in the potential POWER
of surveillence states. It's only just being realized.
"W"s surveillance won't benifit that much, but the NEXT
presidents and the NEXT ...

So, the time to piss all over such stuff is RIGHT NOW,
because we've truthfully reached the point where waiting
a few more years is TOO LATE to start. We'll wind up
being just like Burma. Why ? Because power intoxicates
and they'll do it just because they CAN ... like we've
seen again and again throughout history. You can create
new governments and systems but PEOPLE remain the constant
and we KNOW how people behave.
On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 09:51:28 -0700, neoconis_ignoramus
<bellamacina@verizon.net> wrote:

>On Oct 4, 4:17 am, b...@barrk.net (B1ackwater) wrote:
>> CNN
>> YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- After crushing the democracy uprising with
>> guns, Myanmar's junta stepped up its campaign to intimidate citizens
>> Wednesday, sending troops to drag people from their homes in the
>> middle of the night and letting others know they were marked for
>> retribution.
>> "We have photographs! We are going to make arrests!" soldiers yelled
>> from loudspeakers on military vehicles that patrolled the streets in
>> Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city
>> People living near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most revered shrine
>> and a flash point of unrest during the protests, reported that
>> security forces swept through several dozen homes about 3 a.m., taking
>> away many men and even some women for questioning.
>> A U.N. Development Program employee, Myint Nwe Moe, and her husband,
>> brother-in-law and driver were among those detained, the U.N. agency
>> said.
>> Dozens of Buddhist monks jammed Yangon's main train station after
>> being ordered to vacate their monasteries -- centers of the
>> anti-government demonstrations -- and told to go back to their
>> hometowns and villages.
>> It was not clear who ordered them out. Older abbots in charge of
>> monasteries are seen as tied to the ruling military junta, while
>> younger monks are more sympathetic to the democracy movement.
>> "People are terrified," said Shari Villarosa, the acting U.S.
>> ambassador in Myanmar. "People have been unhappy for a long time.
>> Since the events of last week, there's now the unhappiness combined
>> with anger, and fear."
>> - - - - -
>> OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
>> a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one. In
>> a proper police state, Michael Moore would have been dragged
>> into an alley and shot on the spot. "Move-On" would have been
>> raided and their members tortured to death - dumped in a
>> ditch to scare other dissenters. The news ? WHAT news ? They
>> would say what they're TOLD to say - or else.
>> And you ? Suffice to say you'd be in a constant state of
>> fear, certain that they were going to come for YOU tonight,
>> that someone would rat you out to save their OWN hide.
>> Gitmo ? You'd never GET that far ... you're not important
>> enough to keep alive. They'd tape your apology to the State
>> and Fearless Leader for your treasons - and that's the last
>> anyone would hear of you.
>> That's a "police state" folks.
>> Oh yea, the USA and others are busy kissin' the butt of
>> two OTHER police states at this very moment - N.Korea
>> and the PRC - other "socialist workers paradises" ......

>Damn, IF ONLY we could be more like Burma. Then you wouldn't whine
>about how the U.S. isn't a police state, while dually fulfilling your
>wet dream of being a subservient useful idiot your whole worthless


Well, at least the police state might force you to
take your meds ....... :)
On Thu, 04 Oct 2007 11:17:29 GMT, bw@barrk.net (B1ackwater) wrote:

>YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- After crushing the democracy uprising with
>guns, Myanmar's junta stepped up its campaign to intimidate citizens
>Wednesday, sending troops to drag people from their homes in the
>middle of the night and letting others know they were marked for
>"We have photographs! We are going to make arrests!" soldiers yelled
>from loudspeakers on military vehicles that patrolled the streets in
>Yangon, Myanmar's biggest city
>People living near the Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar's most revered shrine
>and a flash point of unrest during the protests, reported that
>security forces swept through several dozen homes about 3 a.m., taking
>away many men and even some women for questioning.
>A U.N. Development Program employee, Myint Nwe Moe, and her husband,
>brother-in-law and driver were among those detained, the U.N. agency
>Dozens of Buddhist monks jammed Yangon's main train station after
>being ordered to vacate their monasteries -- centers of the
>anti-government demonstrations -- and told to go back to their
>hometowns and villages.
>It was not clear who ordered them out. Older abbots in charge of
>monasteries are seen as tied to the ruling military junta, while
>younger monks are more sympathetic to the democracy movement.
>"People are terrified," said Shari Villarosa, the acting U.S.
>ambassador in Myanmar. "People have been unhappy for a long time.
>Since the events of last week, there's now the unhappiness combined
>with anger, and fear."
>- - - - -
> OK folks ... next time you're tempted to say "W" has created
> a "police state", HERE is a fetid example of a REAL one.

The Burmese government is evil, no doubt, but they aren't
technically capable of creating something like the "Total Information
Awareness System". Maybe the Bushites aren't more "evil" than the
Burmese, but they are far more dangerous due to the kind of systems
they're building, and what they want to use them for.

> a proper police state, Michael Moore would have been dragged
> into an alley and shot on the spot.

No he wouldn't, because he's not really "anti-establishment".
He's part of the liberal establishment, which as you may know is part
of the Dem establishment, and of course you may also realize that they
aren't that much different from Republicans in general. Actually, you
WOULD notice all these things, being a smart guy. Sorry if I sounded
like I was talking to a liberal shill like Joe S. there for a moment.
I know you're way to smart to be anyone's boy (I read your posts with

>"Move-On" would have been
> raided and their members tortured to death - dumped in a
> ditch to scare other dissenters. The news ? WHAT news ? They
> would say what they're TOLD to say - or else.
> And you ? Suffice to say you'd be in a constant state of
> fear, certain that they were going to come for YOU tonight,
> that someone would rat you out to save their OWN hide.
> Gitmo ? You'd never GET that far ... you're not important
> enough to keep alive. They'd tape your apology to the State
> and Fearless Leader for your treasons - and that's the last
> anyone would hear of you.
> That's a "police state" folks.
> Oh yea, the USA and others are busy kissin' the butt of
> two OTHER police states at this very moment - N.Korea
> and the PRC - other "socialist workers paradises" ......