BURMA DIGEST 06.05.2007 issue: Education as a Human Right




A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in



Contents [ Read more on http://www.burmadigest.org.uk ]

I. " Education is a Human Right!"_ Editorial: Tai Samyone

_ Education is important, not just for you and me as an
individual, but for our community, our society and mankind as a
whole. It is the route to personal development, leads to raising
one's own consciousness and affords a society with a multitalented
creative culture, and a more versatile and productive

II. "Best Investment: Speaking with AEIOU Programme "_ Interview with
Prof. Ma Tin Yee (Dr. Rosy)

_ AEIOU also realise that the Junta was wielding the
most important weapon. That is education. Generations of Burmese
Generals under the banner of Tatmadaw has deliberately neglected the
education either because of the upheaval in schools and universities
with closures, removal of institutions to remote sites, lack of
freedom of expression, loss of qualified and experienced staff,
maintenance of rote learning in schools and the failure to keep up
with modern developments, and isolation from the rest of the
world. ...........

III. " ASEAN's Role and UN's Duty in Burma"_ Feature Article: Senator
Aquilino Nene Pimentel Jr.

_ ASEAN's limp-wrist attempts thus far have only allowed
the Myanmar regime to go on as it pleases and in doing what it does
best - oppressing its people, ruling with terror and violence,
compelling its hard-working citizenry to eke out a living and in many
instances forcing them out to migrate to countries in the region and
to western nations as well. The regime has been, and still is, made
up of brutal men who believe that power flows out of the barrel of a
gun. Yet, these barbarians have been welcome with open arms into the
house of ASEAN..............

IV. " Education is Passport for the Future of refugee children" _
Commentary: Dr. San Oo Aung

_ We need to educate our refugee children, both abroad and
internally, so that their future life-struggle would be more
productive and less tiresome. The Brain can earn more than the Brawn.
Skilled hands guided by education are more productive, can add more
values to the finished products and can earn more... ........

V. "Refugees: Let's not look away " _ Commentary: Steve Oh

_ Refugees who escape hardships and persecutions will
always find safety in a place they think will give them a chance to
survive. Malaysia has become such a place for many Burmese refugees.
Malaysians should regard their opportunity to help their neighbours as
a privilege. All they ask is a chance to make something of their
miserable lives. They work hard for a pittance and can hardly save
enough for a rainy day. Let not history record the day Malaysians
turned their backs on their neighbours and allowed their own to ill-
treat them. ... ........

VI. "For Burmese students who seeks scholarships "_ Commentary: AKS

_ A nation with citizens who have learnt only to recite
Plato Republic, Shakespeare and History will lose competition with
other nations full of trained professionals.....the author would like
to suggest young Burmese students to pursue more employable
disciplines such as engineering, science and business rather than pure
theoretical/ideological studies such as political science,
etc.... .....

VII. " Scholars, Junta & the Opposition"_ Critique by a scholar

_ Even though many a Burmese scholars overseas came from
activist background, as soon as they finish their masters or
PhDs........they want to give suggestions and advice. They want to speak
out alternative opinions. They want to initiate some projects. But
there is no space for that on the opposition side. ....... .....

VIII. "Welcome to the final phase of National Convention "_ Poem: May
K Ng

_ A nation with rising illiterates ... ........Sponsoring
the so called.. .........'National Convention'.. .........

IX. "Bigger Dogs"_ Cartoon : Feraya

X. "Latest Developments on the Attacked Human Rights Defenders " _
Report by AHRC

_ on April 24 the authorities sent notices to six of the
human rights defenders and local villagers that they would be charged
with intent to cause a public disturbance..... in the early hours of
May 1, two other members of the human rights defenders network were
reportedly arrested..... on May 2, Ko Myint Naing, one of the two men
severely assaulted, is lodging a criminal complaint in the Henzada
court... ........

Video Diary

I. " STOP GENOCIDE in Shan State"_ Feraya & Taisamyone

Photo Diaries

I. " Graduation Ceremony of AEIOU Programme " _ Dr. Tayza

II. " Students of AEIOU Programme" _ Dr. Tayza

III. " Protest in Fort Wayne against Attacks on Human-rights
Defenders " _ Nanda Kyaw

IV. " May Day Ceremony in India"_ Thangjalun

V. " Mayday Ceremony in Malaysia"_ Yan Naing Tun

VI. " Thingyan Cerebrated Lately in Nagoya"_ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

VII. " Thingyan Cerebrated Lately in Portland"_ Thar Ngel

VIII. " Sayar Tin Moe Memorial in Belgium"_ Soe Win Shein

IX. " Sayar Zaw Gyi Centenary in Japan"_ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

Internet Radio

I. " Human Rights Poem"_ Solo in Burmese : Sattsu Lay

Burmese Language Section
( Burmese Fonts http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/fonts.htm )

HR Burmese Literature Nominations for April 2007

I. "Guiding Star in Moonless Night"_ Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. " Speaking with a Hero of Shan People " _ Interview with Sao Yawd

III. "One Minute Interview with Daw Mar Mar Aye" _ Interview: by Khin
Ma Ma Myo

IV. " Democracy & Human Rights Movements around the World" _
Serialized Article: Lwin Aung Soe

V. " The Reality inside SPDC Army, part 34" _ Serialized True Story:
Captain Nay Thu (retired)

VI. " We also want to Stand on our own Feet, part 2" _ Translated
Article: Tun Aung

VII. "A River, part 6" _ Serialized Novel: Khin Ma Ma Myo

VIII. " May Day" _ History Review: Thiha Min

IX. " Burmese Refugees in Thailand" _ News Report: Thaung Nyunt

X. " Human Rights Poem" _ Poem: Sattsu Lay

XI. " Revolution is coming" _ Commentary: Soe Win Aung

XII. " Thingyan Cerebrated Lately in Nagoya" _ Special Report: Ko Khin

XIII. " More Human Rights Defenders Arrested" _ Reported by AAPP(B)

XIV. " Sila Campaign" _ Campaign News: Amyotheryei U Win Naing

XV. "Sayar Zaw Gyi's One Hundredth Birthday "_ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

XVI. "Thingyan Cerebrated Lately in Portland" _ Commentary: Thar Ngel


Burma Digest Team: _

Patrons = Prof. Kanbawza Win, Aquilino Nene Pimentel Jr.

Board of Advisors = Prof. Carl Edwin Lindgren, Dr. Sein Myint,
Ko Htun Aung Gyaw, Sai Wansai, Dr. David Law, Dr. Win Naing,

Think-tank = Aung Kyaw Soe, May K Ng, Lwin Aung Soe, Ko Myint
Swe, Thaung Nyunt, Victor Khambil

International Youth Coordinator = Raluca Enescu

Publisher & Executive Editor = Dr. Tayza Thuria
( postmaster@tayzathuria.org.uk )

Associate Editors = Tai Samyone (English), Khin Ma Ma Myo
(Burmese), Dr. San Oo Aung (Translations), May (Blog & IT), Feraya
Nangmone (art & cartoon)

Affiliations = Federalist Friends & D4B Forum

BURMA DIGEST Publishing House http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/BD.htm .

BURMA DIGEST & BURMA http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/burma.htm .

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