BURMA DIGEST Multi media 24.06.2007 issue: Suu & her Aggressors

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A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in



Suu & Her Aggressors

Contents [ Read more on http://www.burmadigest.org.uk ]

I. " Disproportionate military expenditure in Burma "_ Editorial: Tai

_ According to the International Institute for Strategic
Studies, the junta's military expenditures account for over 40 percent
of national budget while Burma's health and education spending is 0.4
percent and 0.5 percent respectively........The junta are not
developing the country's capabilities and hence the future economic
prospects for Burma - they are selling off Burma's natural resources
as quickly as they can to fund the construction of their fortress to
keep the rest of the world out, and their prison state to keep the
people of Burma in slavery.. .........

II. "Child Soldierds: The Flourishing Business "_ Feature Article:
Prof. Kanbawza Win

_ The Burmese Junta aims to have half a million
soldiers second only to China and has been turning out the junior army
officers from Maymyo Defense Service Academy. Hundreds of them
graduated every year to be assigned to the army. But they have no
soldiers. The Burmese army has more captains than soldiers. Hence they
assigned these new graduate army officers to recruit young soldiers
promising them with promotion if they can recruit a record number of
young boys. ...........

III. " Burma's Nuke Take Away " _ Feature Article : Ko Sala

_ Kim Jong II allegedly provided missile technology to
Pakistan in exchange for nuclear centrifuge know how from Mr A Q Khan,
father of modern Pakistan or also allegedly recognized as a key
"wheeler and dealer" in international nuclear arms scene. Mr Khan is
reported to have visited Burma in 2003 .. ..........

IV. " Lopsided fiscal policy of SPDC" _ Feature Article: Dr. San Oo

_ SPDC's mounting deficit financing, resulting mostly from
the escalating military expenditures, has had a negative impact on the
economy. The regime's policies led to the growth in the money supply
and accelerated inflation. Mounting foreign debt and depleting foreign
exchange reserves also affected the health of the economy.
Nonetheless, military expenditures increased while the funding for
health and education declined. .. ..........

V. " A Remarkable day in London: 19.06.2007 " _ Special Report : Dr.
Win Naing

_ It was a very lovely weather, fine bright and shiny
morning, with clear blue sky which we usually have very little chance
to see in Britain. So we were very encouraged for the day's
events .. .........

VI. " A call for protection " _ Commentary: Victor Khen Sang

_ June 20, 2007 is World Refugee Day (WRD), a day when UN
refugee agency tries to focus worldwide attention on the plight of
millions of refugees and displaced persons around the world. Even as
we live into new millennium with high technology and a better
environment than the time UNHCR was founded in 1951, there are still
millions of people uprooted by violence and persecution.. ..........

VII. " To Create Alternative Careers for Military Officers " _
Opinion: JORDBUR

_ If there are promising careers in domestic and overseas,
ambitious young men from Burma will think twice before choosing armed
forces as career... ....If one could design lucrative careers for
officers of armed forces, then it will be an exit route for them and
might be good for Burma too. .......

VIII. " Aung San Suu Kyi's Role in Burma's Politics in the Future " _
Opinion : Burmese Student Force

_ The international community and Burmese people want her
to be free because they recognize her values and trust her ability to
take on a central role in politics in Burma. ........

IX. " Bonfire Triggers Enquiry" _ Cartoon: Feraya

X. "A Child Soldier Diary " _ Poem: Ko Ko Latt

_ I beg to you....... .With my tears and fears....... .Let
me see my parents....... .Let me play in the play ground....... .Let
me sleep in peaceful night........ .

XI. " The 62nd Birthday of Daw Suu"_ Announcements: BMA & NLD-LA-UK

_ So, we urgently request for increased international
efforts for the release of our national hero Aung San Suu Kyi and all
other political prisoners in Burma. .. ........

Internet Radio

" A song for Aung San Suu Kyi" _ Song

Video Diaries

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebrated in Palace of Westminster " _ Khin Ma Ma

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Denmark " _ Soe Min Aung

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebrated in Japan " _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

Photo Diaries

" Daw Suu in her Younger Days " _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

" Junta's Plan to Massacre Prayer Sayers for Daw Suu" _ Sai Min Lwin

" NLD's Charity in Rangoon on Daw Suu Birthday " _ Baik Pu & Kyaw Zwa

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Hinthada, Burma " _ Baik Pu & Kyaw

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Refugee Camp " _ Win Win & Moe Chan

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in London " _ Dr. Win Naing, Khin Ma
Ma Myo & Kyaw Zwa

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Washington " _ Aung Htun

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in North Carolina " _ Thar Ngel

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Denmark " _ Action Group for
Democracy in Burma (Denmark)

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in New York " _ Moe Chan

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in India " _ Thangjalun

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebrations in Japan " _ Kyaw Kyaw Naing

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Taiwan " _ Moe Chan

" Daw Suu Birthday Celebration in Malaysia " _ Mohammed Sadek

" Meritorious Deeds in Japan on Daw Suu Birthday " _ Soe Win Shein

" Demonstration in India for Daw Suu's Freedom " _ Thangjalun

" Burma Office Meeting in London " _ Dr. Win Naing

Burmese Language Section
( Burmese Fonts http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk/fonts.htm )

I. " Mountains of Guns & Bullets"_ Editorial: Khin Ma Ma Myo

II. " Speaking with Madam Anwar Ibrahim" _ Interview : Dr. San Oo Aung
(& Tun Aung)

III. " Burma's Nuclear Program" _ Feature Article : Harry

IV. "Military Regime's Nuclear Weapon" _ Review : Than Tun

V. " Parliament with 25% Military Officers" _ Commentary: Lwin Aung

VI. " The Reality inside SPDC Army" _ True Story: Capt. Nay Thu

VII. " Real Road to Democracy, part 2" _ Opinion: Ko Ko Lin

VIII. "River (9)" _ Novel: Khin Ma Ma Myo

IX. "A Burmese Birthday" _ Translated Article: Thet Oo Maung

X. "Indispensable Suu for Burma's Future" _ Translated Article :

XI. "Democracy & Human-rights Movements around the World, 5" _
Analysis : Lwin Aung Soe

XII. "Burma's Education" _ Analysis : Ohn Kyaw Myint

XIII. "54 University Avenue" _ Poem : Phone Soe

XIV. "Doe` Bamar" _ Prose : Kyaw Zwa

XV. "62nd Birthday of Daw Suu" _ News Reports : Sai Min Lwin, Kyaw
Kyaw Naing, Maung Shin, That Ngel, Win Win, Baik Pu


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