Bush Orders Lazy Dems to Hurry Up With Veterans Bill, Stop Screwing Our Vets


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Bush Urges Congress to OK Veterans Bill

Saturday, November 10, 2007

CRAWFORD, Texas -- President Bush said Saturday that Congress' Democratic
leaders should celebrate Veterans Day by finally passing a spending bill
covering programs for veterans.

"Congressional leaders let the fiscal year end without passing this bill
they know our veterans need," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "The
time to act is running out. ... The best way members of Congress can give
thanks to our veterans is to send me a clean bill that I can sign into law."

Bush's dig at Democrats didn't tell the whole story.

Congress has never delivered to Bush a veterans affairs spending bill by
Veterans Day, even when Capitol Hill was run by Republicans. And even
veterans' groups have been reluctant to criticize this year's Congress for
the delay, because they are thankful for large budget increases already
engineered by Democrats since they assumed the majority in January. They
added $3.4 billion to the veterans' budget in February and $1.8 billion in

Democratic Rep. Joe Sestak of Pennsylvania touted the party's commitment to

"Democrats in Congress are working together with the president to see that
veterans aging and young and their families receive the benefits they need
and deserve," he said, delivering the weekly radio address for his party.

The veterans bill has gotten caught up in a larger battle between the White
House and Congress over Democratic efforts to add about $23 billion for
domestic programs to Bush's $933 billion proposal for all agency budgets
passed by Congress each year. Bush hasn't yet received any of the 12
spending bills for the budget year that began Oct. 1.

Democrats had sought to combine the veterans spending measure with ones for
education, health and job training programs to force passage of increases
for the other programs. But Bush has insisted that the veterans money come
to him in a stand-alone bill, and the veterans portion was stripped from the
larger legislation this week, leaving that funding in limbo.

The veterans' bill adds $3.7 billion over Bush's request for the Veterans
Affairs Department's budget. The increase would ease waiting times to claim
VA health benefits and add money to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and
traumatic brain injuries.

Bush urged the public to remember the service of members of the armed forces
in wartime on Sunday, Veterans Day.

"They come from different generations and different backgrounds," he said.
"But they are united by a commitment to honor, duty and love of country that
has kept America free. They continue to strengthen and inspire our nation.
And we will never forget what we owe them."

The White House is planning an event Sunday during which the president will
honor veterans, spokesman Gordon Johndroe said from Texas, where Bush is
spending the weekend at his ranch. Johndroe declined to discuss where or
with whom the event would take place. Vice President Dick Cheney is paying a
visit to Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, and was scheduled
to speak briefly.

On Thursday at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, four days ahead of
the holiday, Bush paid an emotional visit to soldiers maimed or badly burned
in combat and said his administration is determined to mend the nation's
system of caring for veterans. He toured a new $45 million, privately funded
rehabilitation center for veterans at the hospital, amid scrutiny of
veterans' care and discontent among returning troops after extended tours in

The president said his administration had put in place recommendations of
the commission he created after reports about substandard outpatient
treatment at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington. He urged
Congress to act on other recommendations that require legislation.

Bush is scheduled to return to the White House on Monday.