Bush Praises Huge GOP Smackdown of ***** Socialist Dems in Ohio, Virginia


Patriot Games


Bush Praises GOP Wins in Ohio, Virginia

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

WASHINGTON -- President Bush took heart Wednesday in Republican wins for
House seats in Ohio and Virginia.

He called the GOP winners of Tuesday's special elections in both states,
which allowed their party to maintain control of the seats and disappoint
Democrats who had hoped to extend their gains in the House. Bush called to
"congratulate them on their victory and tell them that he looked forward to
working with them in Washington," White House press secretary Dana Perino

The loss of the Republican majority in Congress to Democrats in the November
2006 elections was a major blow to Bush. His year has been dominated by
tussles with the new Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill. The president
wants to see himself replaced in the Oval Office by a Republican in the 2008
elections, and hopes for a reversal of last year's Democratic takeover in

Both elections on Tuesday were to complete the terms of lawmakers who died.
Jo Ann Davis, who had represented a southeastern Virginia district for seven
years, died of breast cancer in October. Rep. Paul Gillmor, first elected in
a northwest Ohio district in 1988, died in a fall in September.

In Ohio, state Rep. Bob Latta defeated a Democrat making her third run for
the seat. And in Virginia, Rob Wittman, a first-term Republican state
legislator, easily won.