Bush proves he's nothing but a neocon *******... AGAIN!!!


New member
AP - Treasury Secretary John Snow resigned Tuesday and President Bush nominated Goldman Sachs chief executive officer Henry M. Paulson Jr. as his replacement


New member
The only other choices are unsuccessful people and big government ********. Give me the big business guy.


New member
Lets see...

We can go up to the closest trailer park and find the next person to get the job. Would that make you feel any better?

I think your jelous! go out and get a job. Maybe you'll feel better of yourself.

Very Better.



Lets see...We can go up to the closest trailer park and find the next person to get the job. Would that make you feel any better?

I think your jelous! go out and get a job. Maybe you'll feel better of yourself.

Very Better.
I'm not sure that I would agree with you that anyone who hasn't made a fortune out of the work and sweat of others lives in a trailer park. There are a lot of people who earned what they have who are not in trailer parks.



New member
I'm not sure that I would agree with you that anyone who hasn't made a fortune out of the work and sweat of others lives in a trailer park. There are a lot of people who earned what they have who are not in trailer parks.
You are clearly an idiot.



New member
TH, how on earth do you think "BIG BUSINESS *******" could be quantified into law? Anyone who's ever made over $200,000 per year? Anyone who ever has been in leadership of a private company?
I don't think this criteria is logistically possible, much less constitutional!
It is ok for him to have been a CEO for a major corporation BEFORE he became the Secretary of the Treasury. I do not have an issue with that. What I have an issue with is the fact that he is still currently the CEO of a major corporation and the Secretary of the Treasury AT THE SAME TIME. In my eyes this creates an unforgivable conflict of interest because it ties big business DIRECTLY to the federal government.

The neocon scumbags that run this country would like nothing better then to have their personal business interests run the country. This cannot be allowed because it is the foremost source of political corruption. It would give the necon scumbags unpresedented [sic] freedom to hide massive, illegal campaign[sic] donations by using their office to protect their business intrests[sic].

I believe that GWB and his neocon friends need to be impeached for this very obvious breach of professional ethics. It is a despicable[sic] attempt by a group of political assclowns to provide big business with the means to interfear[sic] with the federal government.

If he is willing to give up his stewardship of the company he runs and sell his shares then I would have no issue with his appointment. If not, he needs to be prevented from holding office and President Bush needs to be centured[sic] for a deliberate attempt at an end run around federal law.


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