Bush-Rice fantasy show heads for Annapolis

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

Continuing their deluded approach to the Mid-East that lead to the war
in Iraq, the Bush junta is taking their fantasy show on the road.
Here's what two CIA analysts think of this farce.


Fantasy vs. Reality in Palestine-Israel
Heading for Annapolis

In Jerusalem.

The "Annapolis establishment," as it might be called -- those in
Israel, Palestine, and the U.S. who have a vested interest in making
the Annapolis summit look like producing something meaningful --
engaged in a strangely unreal burst of enthusiasm as the conference
neared, predicting impossible successes and purporting to see a new
level of U.S. determination to forge some kind of peace. Most
Palestinians, intensely skeptical, know better.

In a haze of unreality, headlines in Ha'aretz on Sunday, November 25,
crowed about the supposed triumphant return of the United States to
leadership of the Middle East and the world for having successfully
arranged the summit after years of setbacks in the Middle East. A
leading, usually realistic Ha'aretz correspondent declared that the
U.S. is "back as a leader in the Middle East" and will put out the
message at Annapolis that "when the U.S. calls, the world sides with
it." This is, of course, seen as a great boost to Israel's interests.
Other headlines saw a "victory" (for Israel and the U.S.) in the Arab
leaders' decision to attend and give their imprimatur to the summit,
and predicted that these developments represent a "definite blow"
weakening Hamas.

Disconcertingly, Palestinians connected to the Palestinian Authority
talk in similar, if somewhat less exaggerated, terms about the
prospects for real progress from Annapolis and appear to agree with
one key Israeli commentator who professed to believe that the Bush
administration is finally ready to "stick its neck out" to forge a
deal for a two-state peace agreement. These establishment
Palestinians, in the assessment of one serious Palestinian analyst,
are almost desperate for some kind of American involvement, as the
only hope of ever overcoming Israeli intransigence and moving toward a
peace agreement. They believe that, because the U.S. has now become
engaged and supports Mahmoud Abbas, this will bring at least a
credible peace process, and they operate on the na