Bush Threatens Scuzzy Muzzy Renegade Iran with SEVERE ASS-WHOOPING!!! [You Go George! Bomb Their A


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Bush Embraces Pause In Troop Cutbacks; Warns Iran

Thursday, April 10, 2008

WASHINGTON -- President Bush on Thursday ordered an indefinite halt in U.S.
troop withdrawals from Iraq after July, embracing the key recommendations of
his top war commander. Bush said Gen. David Petraeus will ''have all the
time he needs'' to consider when more American forces could return home.

Bush's decisions virtually guarantee a major U.S. presence in Iraq
throughout his term in office in January, when a new president takes office.

In another major decision, the president announced he will seek to relieve
the heavy strain on the Army by reducing the length of combat tours in Iraq
and Afghanistan to 12 months, down from the current level of 15 months. He
said the change would take effect on Aug. 1, and would not affect U.S.
forces already deployed on the front lines.

Bush said U.S. forces have made major gains since he ordered a buildup of
about 30,000 U.S. forces last year. ''We have renewed and revived the
prospect of success'' the president said.

Bush delivered his remarks in the Cross Hall of the White House before an
audience of veterans' service groups and Vice President Dick Cheney, Defense
Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The president's decision had been foreshadowed by two days of testimony
before a skeptical Congress by Petraeus and Ryan Crocker, the U.S.
ambassador to Baghdad. Now in its sixth year, the war has claimed the lives
of more than 4,000 U.S. troops and cost more than $500 billion.

Iraq and the sagging economy have taken a heavy toll on the public's view of
Bush. His job approval rating has fallen to just 28 percent, a new low in
the Associated Press-Ipsos poll.

Bush said the United States would proceed with planned drawdowns of U.S.
forces, bringing home the 30,000 troops he sent to Iraq last year to combat
sectarian violence. The additional troops were also intended to help restore
basic security and provide a sense of calm to allow Iraqi leaders to attempt
to achieve political reconciliation.

''I've told him (Petraeus) he'll have all the time he needs,'' Bush said.
''Some have suggested that this period of evaluation will be a pause. That's
misleading, because none of our operations in Iraq will be on hold. Instead
we will use the months ahead to take advantage of the opportunities created
by the surge and continue operations across the board.''

While acknowledging that ''serious and complex problems remain in Iraq,''
Bush said that ''a major strategic shift'' has occurred since the buildup.

''Today we have the initiative,'' the president said.

Bush also called on Congress to send him a spending bill for Iraq that does
not include any timetables for troop withdrawals or exceed the $108 billion
he has requested. Last spring, Congress added $17 billion in unrequested
domestic add-ons such as children's health care, homeland security and
heating subsidies.

Now, Democrats are eyeing using this year's war funding bill to stimulate
the economy with road-building funds, additional unemployment benefits, a
summer jobs program and additional food stamp benefits. The measure is
slated to advance later this spring.

Bush said he would veto the spending measure if Congress fails to meet his

''While this war is difficult, it is not endless,'' Bush said in a message
directed to troops, but surely to the American public as well.

The president said that only as conditions in Iraq improve will he bring
more troops home, a policy he calls ''return on success.''

''The day will come when Iraq is a capable partner of the United States,''
Bush said. ''The day will come when Iraq's a stable democracy that helps
fight our common enemies and promote our common interests in the Middle

''And when that day arrives, you'll come home with pride in your success,''
Bush said to the military and U.S. civilians in Iraq.

Bush used his speech to challenge Iran anew. He said the regime in Tehran
has a choice to make: live in peace with its neighbor, or continue to fund
and train militant groups that terrorize Iraqi people _ charges that the
Tehran government denies.

''If Iran makes the right choice, America will encourage a peaceful
relationship between Iran and Iraq,'' Bush said. ''Iran makes the wrong
choice, America will act to protect our interests, and our troops, and our
Iraqi partners.''

After his remarks, Bush boarded a helicopter on the South Lawn to begin a
journey to Texas for a weekend at his ranch.

In remarks prepared for a Senate hearing later on Thursday, Gates said he
and the senior military leadership at the Pentagon ''concur with the course
the president has chosen in Iraq.''

''I do not anticipate this period of review to be an extended one, and I
would emphasize that the hope is, conditions on the ground will allow us to
reduce our presence further this fall,'' Gates said. ''But we must be
realistic. The security situation in Iraq remains fragile and gains can be