Bush's "Funny" Nelson Mandela "Joke"

  • Thread starter 9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio
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9 Trillion Dollar Republican Natio

George W. Bush batshit crazy


What, you didn't hear? At a press conference last week George W. Bush
answered a question about the need for leadership in Iraq, and
temporarily stunned the world by announcing the death of South
Africa's most famous son.

I thought an interesting comment was made - somebody said to me, I
heard somebody say, "Now, where's Mandela?" Well, Mandela's dead.

According to Dana Milbank, who was in attendance, "There was a gasp in
the White House briefing room at this news."

But don't panic folks, Nelson Mandela isn't really dead. Our Great
Leader was merely trying to make one of them durn metamaphors. He

....because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas.

Yes, if only Saddam Hussein hadn't killed all the Mandelas. But then,
maybe if Poppy Bush hadn't told the Shiites to rise up against Saddam
Hussein in 1991, and then refused to protect them while they were
slaughtered, there would be a few more Mandelas to go around.

And what's so great about Nelson Mandela anyway? After all, when our
current vice president Mr. Dick Cheney was but a humble congressman in
1986, he regarded Mandela as a terrorist and voted against a House
resolution calling for his release.

In fact, it's odd that Bush and friends don't still regard Mandela as
a terrorist, given that he's been known to go around saying things
like this:

Former South African president Nelson Mandela has criticised US
President George W Bush over Iraq, saying the sole reason for a
possible US-led attack would be to gain control of Iraqi oil.


Nelson Mandela called Mr Bush "a president who can't think properly
and wants to plunge the world into holocaust".

He said war "would be devastating not just to Iraq but also to the
whole of the Middle East and to other countries of the world".

Hmph. If you ask me George W. Bush should be thanking Saddam Hussein
for killing all those pesky Mandelas.