Bush's Legacy Leads to Iran: Will Clinton or Obama Make Any Difference? Will You?


Gandalf Grey

Bush's Legacy Leads to Iran: Will Clinton or Obama Make Any Difference? Will

By Heather Wokusch

Created Mar 31 2008 - 6:33am

The lack of oversight characterizing both the Bush administration and crony
capitalism have bankrupted the U.S. and created the need for perpetual war.
With Cheney stirring up trouble over Iran, we can't wait until November 2008
to fight back.

Toxic economy

Take the Fed's recent $30 billion bailout of Bear Sterns. Why throw taxpayer
dollars at a company with massive amounts of "toxic waste" on its books,
created largely through reckless behavior chasing short-term profits?

Reigning in Wall Street would make more sense. Force investment banks to
disclose off-balance-sheet risks and put aside substantial reserves, at

But no, the Fed instead hands Wall Street taxpayer dollars. Moral hazard be

Bear Sterns won't be the only bailout - the precedent has been set. We are
looking at the start of a wealth transfer from normal Americans to large and
unaccountable financial institutions.

And the cancer is spreading. In the same way that subprime mortgages have
become toxic for major investment banks, the U.S. dollar has become toxic
for overseas creditors.

The greenback has been falling against the euro and other currencies since
2002 and is widely expected to plummet further this year. Doesn't help that
the Fed stopped releasing M3 money supply data in March 2006, making it
impossible to tell how many dollars are being dumped on the global market.

The Bush administration's irresponsible fiscal policies have led central
banks abroad to see "coupling" with the US as a moral hazard. It's no
surprise that, for example, Japan's war chest of treasury securities fell
$40 billion from January 2007 to January 2008.

Bottom line, the U.S. public's lack of trust in Bush's economic policy (if
he even has one) is shared by global creditors.

And that leaves just one area of influence for this administration: war, war
and more war.

All roads lead to Tehran

In the past two weeks, the White House approach to Iran has become
increasingly schizophrenic. While Bush gave two radio interviews emphasizing
the possibility for a US-Iran reconciliation, Cheney crisscrossed the Middle
East pushing for war.

Maybe they're playing good cop/bad cop. Or else Cheney's taking matters into
his own hands.

As The Global News Service of the Jewish People (JTA) observed, a U.S.
strike on Iran is unlikely unless, "the Democratic presidential candidates
appear to be far ahead of their Republican rival and Bush senses a 'now or
never' strike option." Since even that scenario may be doubtful, "- a role
he reportedly played vis-a-vis the U.S. invasion of Iraq. One official said
Cheney is seen as 'a significant player' who could influence 'serious issues
that cannot wait.'"

Meanwhile, the Jerusalem-based site DEBKA reported that "at the last minute"
before Cheney's recent visit, the White House asked Israel to prepare for
"exhaustive and lengthy discussions on Iran." As a result,

DEBKA also noted: "The vice president's choice of capitals for his tour is a
pointer to the fact that the military option, off since December, may be on
again. America will need the cooperation of all four - Oman, Saudi Arabia,
Israel and Turkey - to mount a military attack on Iran."

Intriguingly, Cheney's visit to the Middle East coincided with a U.S.
nuclear submarine crossing the Suez Canal to join the massive Navy fleet
already stationed in the Persian Gulf.

As the Russian news service RIA Novosti reported this weekend, "the U.S.
Naval presence in the Persian Gulf has for the first time in the past four
years reached the level that existed shortly before the invasion of Iraq in
March 2003." RIA quoted a high-ranking official
as saying,

Here we go again

True to form, Cheney made numerous unfounded allegations against Iran during
his Middle East trip. Contrary to U.S. intelligence reports, for example, he
declared that Tehran is

Interesting coincidence that the Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni just
wrapped up a U.S. speaking tour beating the same war drum.

In a phone call to Barack Obama, for example, Livni stressed that which
requires the "firm steadfastness of the international community against
terror and against Iran." Obama reportedly reassured her that Iran will not
have nuclear weapons.

Just last week General David Petraeus claimed that Iran was behind a rocket
attack against the US-controlled Green Zone in Iraq. and that Iran's actions
were "in complete violation of promises made by President (Mahmoud)
Ahmadinejad and the other most senior Iranian leaders to their Iraqi

We've been down this road of trumped up allegations before.

So what happens after November 2008?

It's obvious that McCain would be a foreign policy disaster. His "Bomb Bomb
Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" performance speaks for itself, as does his claim that

He's also dangerously uninformed. Just weeks ago, McCain told reporters that
Iranian operatives were "taking al-Qaeda into Iran, training them and
sending them back." He said it was "common knowledge and has been reported
in the media that al-Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training
and are coming back into Iraq from Iran, that's well known. And it's

Small problem: Shia Iran does not support Sunni al-Qaeda. You'd think that
after five years of war in Iraq McCain would have figured that out. Only
when Sen. Joseph Lieberman quietly corrected him did McCain say: Whatever.

McCain will keep the US at war indefinitely.

So why, for the first time in 14 years, are defense contractors throwing
their money behind the Democrats? Since 2000, for example, they've given
roughly 63% of their election contributions to Republicans, but

Maybe it's because Clinton and Obama can also be expected to keep defense
contractors happy. Both speak of peace but have repeatedly voted to fund
war. Both have plans for limited troop withdrawal once in office but neither
has strongly argued against keeping tens of thousands of US troops in Iraq
for years to come. Neither has fought to stop construction of the gigantic
US embassy in Baghdad or to scale back the heavily-fortified Green Zone.

Perhaps more importantly, both Clinton and Obama have said that all options
(code language for nuclear weapons) must be on the table for dealing with

Shadow economy, shadow government

So who would profit from broader-based war? Weapons manufacturers for one.
And from 2001 to 2005, the US provided developing nations with 2,099
surface-to-air missiles plus ten "major surface combatants," including
aircraft carriers and destroyers.

Of course, taxpayers fund the bulk of many of these weapons agreements,
through direct corporate subsidies or foreign military aid linked to weapons
purchases. Yet defense industry profits remain private. Another wealth

Having apparently done quite nicely in Iraq, Big Oil could also profit from
further unrest. The Iraqi government is soon expected to sign "technical
support" contracts with five major oil companies (BP, Shell, Exxon Mobil,
Total and Chevron). The oil majors might be hoping to pull off a similar
coup when the smoke eventually clears in Iran, or at minimum, to scuttle the
proposed Iran-Russia gas cartel.

The Republicans would clearly benefit from a wider war come November. McCain
could flash his military credentials and emphasis would be taken off issues
most likely to garner Democrats votes, such as the economy.

While the American people have no stomach for further conflict, it's
debatable if their opinion even matters any more. In the same way that Wall
Street's shadow economy is now sticking US taxpayers for billions in
bailouts, the shadow government is setting us up for war.

No one really knows, for example, what Cheney is cooking up or what new
justification for an attack on Iran will be thrown at us next. False flag

In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned
Americans against from the military-industrial complex. Eisenhower said:
"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of
the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."

Now is the time for an alert and knowledgeable citizenry to take action.

Now is the time to dump the hero worship and ask very tough questions of our
presidential candidates. Some basics include:

- Will you commit to never using the so-called bunker-buster or any other
kind of nuclear weapon against Iran? Will you take that option "off the
table" right now?

- Will you insist on a full briefing to the US public and congressional
approval before any attack on Iran?

- When will you stop funding the war in Iraq? In Afghanistan?

- When will you bring all troops home? Will you commit to removing
Blackwater and other private security companies too?

Now is also the time to ask a very tough question of ourselves. If there is
some kind of attack on US interests and the administration insists Iran did
it, yet supplies little in the way of viable proof, will we take action? If
so, why wait?

Action Ideas

1. Have Fallon testify before Congress

Admiral William Fallon, head of the US Central Command, left his job
recently over differences with the White House regarding an attack on Iran.
As CODEPINK notes: "The Bush Administration will not let Admiral Fallon
testify before Congress in April; it only wants Congress to hear the voice
of General Petraeus, the 'feel good' military man who says the surge is
working. This is a travesty. Congress needs the perspective that Fallon's
deep and reasoned knowledge of the situation in the Middle East brings.
During a time when military endeavors in both Afghanistan and Iraq have
failed miserably, we can't afford to let our President start a third
catastrophe in Iran."

Call Senator Biden (202-224-4651) or the Foreign Relations Committee today
to urge them to have Fallon testify.

2. Learn more about Iraq Town Halls and make your voice heard.

Democrats.com has an important initiative called : "In April, Congress will
vote to give George Bush another $102 billion blank check for Iraq - unless
we finally persuade our Representatives to Just Say No. One of the best ways
to persuade a Representative is to hold a Town Hall Meeting and fill the
hall with people who care and are willing to speak passionately. That gets
their attention!"

3. Impeach Cheney

The People's Email Network has made it easy for you to take action. The
one-click form on their site "will send your personal message to all your
members of Congress, with your vote on the question 'Should Vice President
Cheney be impeached?' At the same time it will send your personal comments
only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper, if
that option is selected below."

While you're at site, consider creating your own issue action petition. It
costs nothing and enables you to start your own movement using their
dedicated submission server.

4. Find out if there are WMD facilities in your area

Weapons manufacturers have had a bonanza under Bush, and often the public
isn't aware that a domestic WMD lab is nearby.

Curious about where the nation's nuclear weapons plants are located? Then
check out the Federation of American Scientists at:

Is a university or military facility in your area involved in biological
weapons research? One resource to help you locate biodefense projects is
under "Biodefense" on the Project Sunshine site.

If your group would like to conduct its own PR-generating "inspection" of a
domestic WMD facility, check out the site for materials, pointers and a
5-page Citizen Inspection Team Event Checklist, covering everything from
budgeting resources to issuing a declaration.

5. Put the media to work

Progressive Democrats of America has put together a terrific resource to
help you


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"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson