Bush's Pentagon has no idea where their nuclear weapons are -- don'teven know if they have them all

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

I thought we were supposed to be in mortal fear of "terrorists"
sneaking around with "suitcase nukes." Now I find it's my own guvmint
who can't keep up with this **** -- maybe the Pentagon is supplying
nukes to Osama??


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Defense Secretary Robert Gates has formally
ordered the Air Force, Navy and Defense Logistics Agency to conduct an
inventory of all U.S. nuclear weapons and nuclear weapon-related
materials to make sure all items are accounted for, according to a
Pentagon memo released Thursday.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates orders an inventory of all U.S. nuclear
weapons and related materials.

The order comes in the wake of the discovery last week that four
nuclear warhead fuses were accidentally shipped to Taiwan in 2006.

Gates' memo, issued Wednesday, calls for all items to be accounted for
by serial number.

Pentagon officials said at a news conference Tuesday that Gates would
call for the review in addition to a full investigation into how the
shipment to Taiwan from a Defense Logistics Agency warehouse happened
18 months ago.

The inventory review, which will involve thousands of items, is due to
Gates in 60 days. Pentagon officials said the request was ordered, in
part, because this latest incident comes after the August 2007
accidental flight of six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles on a B-52
bomber across the country.

"At a minimum, your report should include the results of the inventory
and your personal assessment of the adequacy of your respective
department or agency's positive inventory control policies and
procedures," Gates said in the memo.

Four officers --- including three colonels -- were relieved of duty
last year after a B-52 bomber mistakenly carried six nuclear warheads
from North Dakota to Louisiana, the Air Force said.

A six-week investigation uncovered a "lackadaisical" attention to
detail in day-to-day operations at the bases involved in the incident,
an Air Force report said.