Bush's VA Head, ex-RNC Chairman Quits Amid Scrutiny on Veterans Care


Harry Hope

His resignation comes amid intense political and public scrutiny of
the Pentagon and VA following reports of shoddy outpatient care of
injured troops and veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and

It also ends a beleaguered two-year tenure in which Nicholson
repeatedly fought off calls for his resignation over the VA's
unexpected $1.3 billion shortfall in 2005 that put health care at

last summer's theft of 26.5 million veterans' personal data in what
was the government's largest security breach;

and, more recently, the award of $3.8 million in bonuses to senior
officials who were responsible for the agency's budget problems.

Walter Reed is a Pentagon-run facility.

But charges of poor treatment relating to poor coordination quickly
extended to the VA's vast network of 1,400 hospitals and clinics,
which serve 5.8 million veterans.

The VA also has a severe backlog of disability payments to injured
veterans, with overwhelming delays of 177 days that Nicholson has
called unacceptable.

``Secretary Nicholson's resignation should be welcome news for all
veterans,'' said Paul Rieckhoff, executive director of Iraq and
Afghanistan Veterans of America.

``The VA under Secretary Nicholson has been woefully unprepared for
the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, consistently
underestimating the number of new veterans who would seek care, and
failing to spend the money Congress allotted to treat mental health


Nicholson was national Republican chairman from 1997 through the 2000
elections and a former U.S. ambassador to the Vatican.

Within months of taking office at the 235,000-employee VA, he had to
deal with a $1 billion shortfall at the government's second largest
agency, requiring the Bush administration to appeal to Congress for
emergency spending.

Republicans blamed the shortfall on unexpected health care demands
from veterans.

But Democrats said it was an example of what they said was the
administration's inadequate planning for the war in Iraq.

From The Associated Press, 7/18/07:

VA Head Quits Amid Scrutiny on Vets Care

Associated Press Writer


VA Secretary Jim Nicholson abruptly resigned Tuesday after months of
the Bush administration struggling to defend charges of shoddy
treatment for veterans injured in the Iraq war.


Another example of how little concen Republicans have for our troops.
