Buy Nothing Day Puns


Tim Bruening

nemo wrote:

> "Tim Bruening" <> wrote in message


> > Contort: Against wrongs.


> Contaught: Kid who won't go to school.

B Street: Street of apines.

C Street: Street of oceans.

D Street: Demon street.

E Street: Street of computers.

F Street: Street of profanity.

I Street: Street of optometrists.



"Tim Bruening" <> wrote in message



> nemo wrote:


> > "Tim Bruening" <> wrote in message

> >>

> > > Contort: Against wrongs.

> >

> > Contaught: Kid who won't go to school.


> B Street: Street of apines.


> C Street: Street of oceans.


> D Street: Demon street.


> E Street: Street of computers.


> F Street: Street of profanity.


> I Street: Street of optometrists.

That'd be 'Suicide Bridge' above Archway Road.

BTW. A High Street isn't a high street. The 'high' means to make your way,

as in 'I must high me to a monastery!' In other words, it's the main

thoroughfare, fare, of course, meaning to travel, usually by driving.

And never say, 'I must Hymie to a monastery!' Wrong religion. They won't let

you in!

(Noah fence)

And an English sailor of that name would have had a rough time.

"Blimey! It's limey Hymie!" they'd shout!

English sailor: "Oy! Don't put I deers in 2 E Z!"

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