C is for cookie.


New member
it's downright blasphemous.

plus, Hillary Clinton is going to be on a show, and you know with her on there, it'll probably get ****** up



Active Members
I'm still shocked. I always thought the whole point of cookie monster was to be an example of what happened when you ate to many cookies. :p

But, even so, this is stupid. Americans have become so clueless with health that we are now just lashing out a random things like this.



New member
lol that was posted all over the aussie news...and the silly little kids were falling for it lamo


New member
i loved FAT CAT! lol another oversized character that kids loved.....why are we so bent over people being over weight...if they are happy let them be.


New member
Aww lol. Poor guy, I share his love for cookies as well <3 By far, the pwnest thing invented since... uhh...sliced bread. It's not like putting characters that look like celery will make kids eat celery >.<


New member
Cookie Monster eating healthy?!?!.......O.O That cannot be!

He is the reason i watch sesame street, i even nick named my self cookie monster..




Active Members
hmm.. i was eating a cookie (ironically) while reading this.. how sad.. next they will rename him Healthy Monster.. my lord what has the world come to..


New member
i wonder if pollitically corectness somehow is involved here.

whoever thought that up should be maimed, shot, and burried alive

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