Dr. Jai Maharaj

Cabdriver charged with shooting alleged robber

Lawyer says client feared for his life

By John R. Ellement, Globe Staff
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lawrence -- Bienvenido Rodriguez admits disarming the
safety on his gun and firing at the man who allegedly
robbed him at knifepoint, but he never meant to shoot
anyone, according to a police report.

As a result of his actions, the 42-year-old taxi driver,
who friends say is an immigrant success story with an even
temper, was transformed from a victim to a perpetrator of a
violent crime, authorities said.

Police reports said Rodriguez admitted to detectives that
he fired at Herman Irene as the alleged robber ran away
from him, but that he insisted he never meant to hit him.

"He only meant to scare him and did not think he hit him,
since when he shot the gun off he was aiming high," the
report said.

Rodriguez's lawyer said yesterday that her client feared
for his life, but Lawrence Police Chief John Romero said
Rodriguez went too far.

"When a guy is fleeing, he no longer poses a threat to
you," and a person cannot legally use deadly force as their
attacker runs away, he said.

Rodriguez, who immigrated from the Dominican Republic 22
years ago and is a naturalized citizen, was working his
usual overnight shift early Sunday, driving a minivan for
Liberty Car Services of Lawrence, according to court
records and interviews.

Rodriguez already had one fare on board and was heading to
Haverhill when he stopped to pick up Irene on Springfield
Street in Lawrence.

When the van drove into the darkness of a highway overpass
on Parker Street in Lawrence, Irene allegedly pulled a
knife, forced Rodriguez to pull over, and robbed him of the
cash stuck into the car's visor, according to court records
and Rodriguez's lawyer. The other passenger witnessed the
exchange and called police on his cellphone, records show.

Irene got out of the van and started running, and Rodriguez
reached for the licensed .40 caliber Smith and Wesson
pistol he carried, released the safety, and fired one shot
into Irene's back, authorities alleged.

Rodriguez pleaded not guilty in Lawrence District Court to
charges of assault with intent to murder and assault and
battery with a dangerous weapon and was ordered held on
$10,000 cash bail by Judge Kevin J. Gaffney.

Irene, 36, of Lawrence, was recovering yesterday at Brigham
and Women's Hospital in Boston, where he was arraigned and
charged with armed robbery, according to Essex District
Attorney Jonathan Blodgett's office. Bail was set at
$10,000 cash. Irene also faces attempted murder charges
from a prior domestic violence case, prosecutors said.

Rodriguez's lawyer, Pamela F. Saia, said he should not have
been charged. "He was the victim of a crime," she said.
"Mr. Rodriguez is scared to death. . . . He was completely
afraid he was going to be killed."

About 10 people, including at least one of his teenage sons
and his mother, were in court on Rodriguez's behalf

Saia said Rodriguez has built a successful life through
hard work. He owns a two-family house in Methuen, owns a
car repair shop in Methuen, and works every night driving a
cab in the Lawrence area.

She said Rodriguez purchased the weapon about a year ago
and took a class to learn how to use it properly. Sunday at
1:45 a.m. was the first time he fired the handgun, she

Rodriguez has been associated with Liberty for three years,
according to Maria Romero, office manager. Speaking on
behalf of owner Juan Hernandez, Romero said that Rodriguez
has a job waiting for him.

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<usenet@mantra.com1F09r or (Dr. Jai Maharaj)> wrote in
message news:20070130Ga10c1F09rkdHH96Lz9iGMp@C88KO...
> Cabdriver charged with shooting alleged robber
> Lawyer says client feared for his life
> By John R. Ellement, Globe Staff
> Police reports said Rodriguez admitted to detectives that
> he fired at Herman Irene as the alleged robber ran away
> from him, but that he insisted he never meant to hit him.

Big mistake.... He's toast...

> "He only meant to scare him

Not permitted by law in ANY state.

> and did not think he hit him,

Then don't pull the trigger...