Cain plows ahead but says yet again: reassessing (AP)


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<p><a href="*"><img src="" align="left" height="101" width="130" alt="Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain speaks during his first stop of an Ohio bus tour at the Cincinnati Marriott North in West Chester, Ohio, Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2011. Cain claimed Wednesday that he has experienced a 'groundswell of positive support' from backers who are ignoring the most recent charge of a 13-year extramarital affair. (AP Photo/The Enquirer, Tony Jones) NO SALES, MANDATORY CREDIT" border="0" /></a>AP - His campaign's survival in question, Herman Cain plowed ahead Wednesday in an effort to move past a woman's allegation that they had a longtime affair. But he acknowledged the toll was rising and said he would decide by next week whether to drop out of the Republican race.</p><br clear="all"/>


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