California has the cure for what ails ya !!


New member
Back been bothering ya lately, maybe got a bit of tennis elbow, or a *** knee that gives out every now and then, maybe you've been depressed lately and just can't seem to eat well anymore. Get up out of bed and that dang neck feels a bit stiff? Got a calus on your foot that feels like your stepping on a rock when you walk? Not a problem....

new customers are directed first to the physician's waiting room, presided over by two young women in low-cut tops. After proving state residence and minimum age (21), customers see a doctor in a white lab coat who for $150 produces a "physician's recommendation."
Ahh, it's like getting one of those ***** Wonka golden tickets but even better.
It's MEDICAL MARIJUANA and it's quite a hit !! (PUN INTENDED)





New member
I am for drug legalization, but that doesn't make me an advocate for drug abuse. I think, personally, that people who use drugs, have every right to do so in the privacy of their own home! Be it for recreational or medical purposes, but it becomes abuse when you're selling off everything you own to get that high or destroying the lives of others for the sake of drugs. I'm convinced that we can do a better job ... at a lower price ... of handling our drug problem in this country through treatment rather than through law enforcement.

Now that we have that drug legalization thing out of the way, let's talk medical marijuana. There is no question whatsoever that using marijuana can help critically ill patients avoid severe discomfort and acute pain. For terminally ill patients medical marijuana can be the difference between spending their final days or weeks in a drug induced coma, or in a comfortable and conscious state where they can still interact with friends and loved ones who come to pay final respects.

The federal law needs to be changed. There is no victim here, and there should be no crime. It's time to stop pandering to hyper-moralists on this issue, and to start thinking about the ill, the dying and their families.

13 Legal Medical Marijuana States

Come on, you 37 other bastards! Get with the program.

I don't use at all. Never developed a taste for marijuana. Liquor has always been my drug of choice. That said, if I am lying on my deathbed, writhing in pain, ******* or sh!tting myself every ten minutes and if I were to ask for a big, fat doobie... goddammit! A nurse should be rolling that motherfukker tighter than virgin cunny on a Sunday. I shouldn't have to sneak around.



New member
Michigan just passed legislation for medicinal use with the past election and I'm headed back there within the next few months... just might talk to my doctor about getting a script, too. :)

Also, RO... I would volunteer to provide that service. I can roll better than a machine ;)



New member
Also, RO... I would volunteer to provide that service. I can roll better than a machine ;)
I'm not doubting your ability to roll my joint, mercury. I am doubting your ability to let me enjoy it in peace.



New member
Is sobriety a medical condition? If so, I got it bad and it hurts.
Know the feeling bro..

Haven't had any weed since last fall and I'm cutting back on the brewski. I'm trying to lose a few pounds.



New member
That's awesome!

I'll have to pull it up when Daniel starts winding up with his whinefest. I've been telling him he sounds like Napoleon, now he can hear for himself what that means!

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