Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 review [video]


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href=""><img class="size-full wp-image-112212 aligncenter" title="cod-modern-warfare-3" src="" alt="" width="652" height="367" /></a></center>
I haven’t turned on my Xbox 360 in almost a year. I did to play <em>Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3</em>, though.
Modern Warfare 3 doesn’t differ greatly from previous editions of the game, though that’s not always a bad thing. The story events pick up right where Modern Warfare 2’s storyboard ended and you’re plopped right in the middle of downtown New York City, which is under siege and swarming with Ruskies. The storyline itself doesn’t have much depth, but for something you can get through in around five to six hours, it doesn’t exactly need to. Besides, the gameplay and graphics surely pull the weight here.<span id="more-112077"></span>
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As far as multiplayer mode, it’s more focused than ever before but there are a few additions to multiplayer like Team Defender and Kill Confirmed. Team Defender is a version of capture the flag, except, you know, with grenades going off and buildings crumbling around you. Kill Confirmed is based around a quest to retrieve dog tags of your friends and enemies, and just as you can collect them from fallen players around you, your opponents can try to grab them before you can. There are other new additions like killstreak rewards that are now baked into Strike Packages, allowing you to customize them, and there are new customizable weapons as well.
I didn’t play co-op mode that much, though, but the new survival mode was insanely difficult. You basically stand there while an endless surge of enemies come at you, but each wave gets harder and harder for you and the other players.
Infinity Ward and Activision’s Call of Duty and Modern Warfare titles have consistently pushed the boundaries of what a first-person shooter can be, and I don’t think Modern Warfare 3 is any different. I’m not a serious gamer, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to pick up a copy and review this game. Multiplayer mode is obviously the big draw here, and for good reason — it’s excellent. While single-player mode is fun, the story definitely isn’t going to win any Oscars. But the gameplay and the graphics are incredible, and this is probably my favorite first-person shooter ever.
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report