Cam Comparison Video HC2 vs HRC


New member
This is a video of me and two buddies drag racing this past weekend in Oregon. It's the same races, but from two different helmet cams. Both are 2007 450r's with DASA exhaust, DASA intake, and no airbox lid. The one with the red helmet has a HC2 and the white/black helmet has an HRC cam. You can see how the HRC gets the holeshot every time until 3rd gear, then the HC2 pulls away hard on the top end. Pretty cool.



New member
What about rider weights and starting ability? Paddle setup? I know someone with an ltr who will lose to a trx by a length, but when I jump on his bike I can pull two lengths on the trx. I also noticed that the black helmet rider seemed to miss his shifts later in the run, causing the red to seem to pull more.

Not trying to dis, but just saying there are a few more things to consider.



New member
I see what you guys are saying by it is already know that the hc2 will produce slightly more top end and the hrc has better bottom end responce. With that being said if they can continue to get these results while switching riders I'd say it's a neat real world test.


New member
still it's a great video though. It is always nice to see videos in comparison between bikes. I love the holeshots the hrc gets lol


New member
the red helmet is me and the black helmet is my little brother. both bikes are mine and i have about 20 pounds on my brother. also the hc2 bike has haulers and the hrc bike has sand stars.


New member
That's a big difference in paddle set up alone! I know cause I used to have a set of stars for about a month before switching back to haulers (early '06!) Thanks for the vid but I'm not backing the differences from the cams that appear in the vid. I've stomped many HC2 bikes on my HRC, usually comes down to the rider.


New member
i agree lots of variables but awesome vid. For example when you show the 2 different camera views of the the drag race that happened right after you were talking about rubbing your nerfs on the tire. The video on your bike you get a real nice straight holeshot, your buddy on the other hand comes out of the ruts a little and gets kind of sloppy out of the hole. That's why you got the holeshot on that one.

kye oat

New member
the best way to see the diff between 2 different cams in the dunes is same tires, relatively same weight riders, and a long flat straight where you guys can start at a roll in like 3rd. that would be the most accurate way of emphasizing the difference between the hc2 and hrc... **** it all depends on how you ride it lol i short shift my 05 with an 02 crf cam in it and i pull the **** out of other 05's with an early hrc cam and other bikes that their power is focused in the top end. but if you shift my bike like its got an early hrc cam in it then you aint gonna do so well!!


New member
def not a roll in 3rd. the hc2 would win every time from the roll hence the extra top end hrc dont have. There's no logistics in that. However you're correct about having same tires and same rider.

OP, mind making another video? Bring both bikes out again and only you ride them both on a timer. Dont forget to switch out the tires for the good ones you'll be using. Then we'll have a good view of the time records. The only thing that was changed would be the bikes with the different cams. You mentioned that the bikes are relatively the same except for tires and cam. Eliminate all of the variables you can and do another video.... I'd love to see the data you collected from the results.


kye oat

New member
def not a roll in 3rd. the hc2 would win every time from the roll hence the extra top end hrc dont have. There's no logistics in that. However you're correct about having same tires and same rider.
OP, mind making another video? Bring both bikes out again and only you ride them both on a timer. Dont forget to switch out the tires for the good ones you'll be using. Then we'll have a good view of the time records. The only thing that was changed would be the bikes with the different cams. You mentioned that the bikes are relatively the same except for tires and cam. Eliminate all of the variables you can and do another video.... I'd love to see the data you collected from the results.
so youre saying a roll in 3rd wouldnt "emphasize the difference between the two cams"....? rolling in the bottom of third gear and goin from a low rpm roll to wot, thats not going to EMPHASIZE the DIFFERENCE between the two cams? no no no, what they should have done is a holeshot! oh wait they did that and it was inconsistent... im pretty sure a roll in 3rd would be even better than second because there would be less wheelspin and it would show how the hrc pulls the low end of 3rd harder til the hc2 passed it. the only better way than that would be to get to some asphault....



New member
Kye... just wait.... wait for the new video. You'll see what i mean.

No on asphault unless he has a set of street tires. Pretty pointless to try race on asphault with wrong tires.



New member
I'll get some video as soon as it stops raining here. I'll do some third rolling runs and some timed runs from a standing start with me on both quads.
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