Camp Freddy w/Chester - 18 (LIVE)


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From Billy Morrison's blog:

Visit the site to download the song. It's REALLY good. One of the best Chester appearances ever in my opinion.

"Camp Freddy performed a couple of days ago at the Declare Yourself event in Beverly Hills, CA. Along with Dave and myself, we were joined by Chester Bennington (Linkin Park) on vocals, Chris Wyse (The Cult) on bass, and Stephen Perkins (Janes Addiction) on drums. And here is an EXCLUSIVE live track, recorded that night and produced by Mike Clink.

Declare Yourself is the national nonpartisan, nonprofit voter initiative aimed at registering America's 18-year-olds to vote in the 2008 primaries and general election. The unforgettable night was hosted by Declare Yourself founder Norman Lear with popular television star Hayden Panettiere (“Heroes”). CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE DETAILS ABOUT DECLARE YOURSELF."



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Is there gonna be a release of that whole gig?

Chester does sounds quite different on that track...more classic-rock type of sound

good song

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