Can MSE display in real time when a threat is blocked/detected?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere

I'm coming off of using AVG for the last... 8 years or so.  I'm used to having my anti-virus, anti-malware tell me
<span style="font-style:italic">immediately </span>when a threat is blocked.  I find this very helpful as I know that website (x) is trying to load something, so I won't go there again.  Or opening program (y)  tries to put something on my computer.

Now, blocking it is great.  I certainly won't complain, as long as these threats are blocked -- but an immediate notification helps me to avoid future threats.  As far as I can tell, MSE does really work in the background, blocking but not notifying.

Is there any way to activate this, or is it not yet a supported "feature"?

Thanks much.

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