can some1 help me find an article???


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2005
:p hello!! im trying to find that article that was here on Mike himself talking about the new album... is it here yet??? i cant seem to find it...can some1 help me?? :thumbsup: :eek:
umm,I haven't visited LPW in quite a while now,but you can try visiting that site if you want to look for anything Linkin Park,including some news.
i find the news travels faster to LPtimes, but the place hasnt got anything atm

oh and the LPA is very good with the news as well
I agree with that.LPW is a teeny bit slow in getting new info... :) I think it's because it's also not affiliated with LP.. :)
Hazi[LP]Tonz said:

such a shame it was a fake...

so does anyone hav an ACTUAL news on the upcoming alb?
:rolleyes: and its Fake becuzzzzz.......yur guessing, or u dont believe it?? hmmmm....plz. fill us in on it... \m/ :thumbsup:
LP4ever said:
Your saying it too??? can u fill me in plz.??? some1 that has no life, or wants attention did this??? WoW!!! Strange!!!!! S t r a n g e :p i n d e e d

The guy said that he knows someone who is a spy...and he gives him all the new information....but this time he made a joke...bla bla.... :p

Jeezy said:
The guy said that he knows someone who is a spy...and he gives him all the new information....but this time he made a joke...bla bla.... :p
A Spy??? hes being labeled as a spy!! WoW!! this story gets more wierder!! ;) thanks 4 your input...
no no, as in he sed he knew a spy, whish was obviously rong,since his info is completely rong so he prolly jus made the whole thing up