Can you imagine a world without Islam?

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Islam broke world records of genocide, slavery, religiously sanctioned
rape, abuse of human rights, and prohibition of scientific inquiry. If
we care about human rights, we must de-Islamize the world.

"Terrorism is not the enemy. The enemy is Islam... For example, if
someone is throwing rotten eggs at you, it is not the "rotten eggs"
but rather the "person" throwing them who is the enemy... Take an atomic
bomb, write the letters R-E-L-I-G-I-O-N on it, and we, gullible
Americans, will welcome it as a religion... The militant Muslim is the
person cutting the head off the infidel while the moderate Muslim
holds the victim's feet... History proves that both militant and
moderate Muslims are invaders working as a team to conquer America...
The war cannot be won unless we clearly identify the enemy as Islam,
and the American government makes a formal declaration of war against
the Religion of Islam." - "Martel Sobieskey" source:

"Like children playing with dynamite, Western intellectuals,
journalists, and diplomats fantasize that they are achieving results
in the Middle East with their words, promises, apologies, money, and
concessions. Yet how can such innocents cope... with polities and
societies whose basic ruling ethos is that of the serial killer?... Can
anyone really expect a stable society capable of progress in Pakistan
when a large majority of the population expresses admiration for Usama
bin Ladin? And what about the Saudi system where, as one local writer
put it, the big Usama put into practice what the little Usama learned
in a Saudi school?... The radical forces in the region are not expecting
to retain or gain power by negotiating, compromising, or being better
understood. They believe they are going to shoot their way into power
or, just as good, accept the surrender of those they have intimidated.
That is why so much of the Western analysis and strategies for dealing
with the region are a bad joke." - Barry Rubin, source:

23-year old French Jew, Ilan Halimi was abducted by Muslim immigrants
and tortured for three weeks in a basement of an apartment building in
a southeastern suburb of Paris. Some Muslim neighbors came to the
basement to watch the torture and to participate in the torture. About
30 Muslim immigrants living in the building heard the screams of the
tortured Jew for three weeks, but none of them called the police. The
Jew was later found tied to a tree near a railway track. Cigarettes
were burned into his skin. He had multiple stab wounds. One ear and
one toe was severed. 80% of his skin was burned. He died on his way to
a hospital. While the Jew was held hostage, his torturers called his
family on the phone many times. They made ransom demands and quoted
Koran while tortured Jew's screaming was heard in the background. The
French police refused to trace the phone calls claiming that they had
technical problems. The police also claimed that there was "no anti-
Semitism involved." The Jew's mother, Ruth Halimi was not happy with
the way the police handled the case. She said: "We told the police
that there had been at least three other attempted abductions of young
Jews, but they persisted in considering the motives purely criminal
because they are afraid of reviving a clash with the Muslims." The
French interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, described the abduction,
torture and killing of the Jew as an anti-Semitic crime.

Two years earlier another Jew named Sebastien Sellam was savagely
killed in the eastern part of Paris by a Muslim. The Muslim cut off
the Jew's head and took out his eyeballs with a fork. He came home a
few minutes later saying to his family: "Now, I can go to paradise. I
killed my Jew." The Muslim was sent to jail, then to an insane asylum,
and declared cured two years later.

"I'll tell you about the twelve young impure men I saw executed at
Dacca at the end of the Bangladesh war. They executed them on the
field of Dacca stadium, with bayonet blows to the torso or abdomen, in
the presence of twenty thousand faithful who applauded in the name of
God from the bleachers... After [killing] the twelve impure young men
they killed a little boy who had thrown himself at the executioners to
save his brother who had been condemned to death. They smashed his
head with their combat boots... at the conclusion of the slaughter, the
twenty thousand faithful (many of whom were women) left the bleachers
and went down on the field. Not as a disorganized mob, no. In an
orderly manner, with solemnity. They slowly formed a line and, again
in the name of God, walked over the cadavers. All the while thundering
Allah-akbar, Allah-akbar. They destroyed them like the Twin Towers of
New York. They reduced them to a bleeding carpet of smashed bones." -
Oriana Fallaci (The Rage and the Pride)

Islam has the world's record of genocide. Its victims, over more than
1,350 years, number in the hundreds of millions, many more than the
victims of the Holocaust and World Communism combined. Muslim genocide
is still ongoing in the Sudan, Ivory Cost. Mauritania, Somalia, the
Philippines, Indonesia, and, to a lesser extent in other Muslim
countries. source:

More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of
the Spanish Inquisition combined. source:

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan
has in the last 50 years. source:

"Where are the mass protests against the Saudi Wahhabite destruction
of the birthplace of Muhammad in Mecca? Or systematic annihilation of
Muslim heritage in Medina? Or the organised desecration of the
Prophet's family's tombs across Saudi Arabia?" - Ed Husain, source:,,2220483,00.html

American Muslim leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad speaks about whites:

"Seventy years ago, Winston Churchill repeatedly took to the floor of
the House of Commons to warn his nation against the growing menace
posed by the steady accretion of military might by Nazi Germany. He
contested the determination of his party (which at the time ruled
Britain) to appease the Nazis, in the face of enormous public
resistance to his message and over the blithe assurances of his
nation's intelligence services that Hitler's build-up either was not
real or posed no threat. Upwards of 40 million people subsequently
lost their lives... because Churchill's warnings were not heeded at a
time when the danger could have been dispatched with relative ease." -
Frank J Gaffney Jr., source:

"Know your enemy and you will not be defeated." - Sun Zi

The other islamic bomb:

Latest offerings from the religion of peace:


"Jihad is holy fighting in Allah's Cause with full force of numbers
and weaponry. It is given the utmost importance in Islam and is one of
its pillars. By Jihad Islam is established, Allah's Word is made
superior (which means only Allah has the right to be worshiped), and
Islam is propagated. By abandoning Jihad (may Allah protect us from
that) Islam is destroyed and Muslims fall into an inferior position;
their honor is lost, their lands are stolen, their rule and authority
vanish. Jihad is an obligatory duty in Islam on every Muslim. He who
tries to escape from this duty, or does not in his innermost heart
wish to fulfil this duty, dies as a hypocrite." sources:
2. Koran 2:190 Footnote, King Fahd Complex translation
3. page 580 of the Islamic University of Medina's translation of Sahih
al-Bukhari's Hadith; it opens Bukhari's Book of Jihad

In verse 9:5 Allah tells the Muslims that after the four sacred months
(Rajab, Zulqad, ZulHajj, Muharram) have passed, slay (fight and kill)
the pagans wherever they are found. Ibn Kathir writes that this means,
the earth in general. That means this verse is not meant only for the
Meccans pagans; it applicable all around the globe, even today.
Echoing ibn Kathir, Jalalyn and ibn Abbas further say: Do not wait
until you find them, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts,
gather intelligence about them in various roads and fairways and force
them to Islam. If they do not embrace Islam, then kill them... Allah
mentioned the most important aspects of Islam here, including what is
less important. If they repent and become believers then forgive them.
There, in the above paragraph, we read the true spirit of Islam, as
per the immortal exegetes of the Qur'an. According to the most Qur'an
scholars this verse (9:5) is known as the verse of the sword (ayat
saif); this verse alone cancels about 124 verses that espouse mercy,
tolerance and forgiveness to the pagans... Islam cannot be reformed.
Muhammad himself has banned any reformation to Islam. Reforming Islam
is not a new idea. From time to time Islamist Scholars have attempted
to reform Islam. They have failed. You might have heard of the group
called Mutazzilites. Their sincere attempt to reform Islam in or
around the ninth and tenth century had failed miserably. Many such
Mutazillites faced severe Islamic punishment for bringing innovation
(bidah) in Islam. Introducing innovation in Islam is a serious crime,
according to Ghazali. Whoever, brings in such a reform is subject to
Islamic punitive measure, which is death. Today, Islam is fossilized
in the seventh century Bedouin Arab customs upon which Muhammad had
founded Islam... Islam is at perpetual war with the non-Islamic world
(the Qur'an 4:76, 60:4). Those who read the Qur'an and ahadith
(Muhammad's deeds and traditions) and want to emulate them... must hate
the non-Muslims, humiliate them, distrust them, deceive them at every
opportunity, and kill them when the situation is appropriate. This is
the stipulation of the central doctrine of Islam. A Muslim who does
not emulate this cardinal premise of Islam is not a Muslim at all...
Killing, assassination, terrorism and bloodshed are the DNA codes of
Islam. Even if the whole world converts to Islam, the true Muslims
will continue perpetrating bloodshed. If they don't get the blood of
infidels, they kill one another. This is the legacy of 1400 years of
Islamic rule. The best example is Pakistan, (or Iraq) where 97% of the
population is Muslim, yet there is bloodshed of Muslims by Muslims.
Look at the recent assassination of Bhutto. Previous to that, a
Pakistani suicide bomber killed at least fifty Muslims (worshippers)
while they were praying in a mosque on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.
This is the stark proof that violence and killing are inseparable from
Islam. Terrified, many non-Muslims often ask: what do the Islamist
terrorists want? They want to convert the entire world into an Islamic
Paradise. There is no surprise in this. During his days, Muhammad had
asked the Muslims to terrorize the world until Islam rules supreme
(Quran 3:85, 5:3, 5:33). Qur'an exhorts the Muslims to keep fighting
(with swords, not spiritually) until they perfect the world through
Islamic purification and domination (Qur'an 9:5, 9:29, and 9:33). In
reality, it means imposing on the non-Muslims (or the non-Arabs) the
Arabic and Bedouin culture (also known as Islam) by force, murder and
terrorism. Even Caliph Umar had admitted that Bedouins are the raw
materials of Islam (reference: History of the Arabs by Phillip K.
Hitti)... Islamic terrorism is not going to end soon... Its demise will
depend upon how resolute the world becomes in the coming days. As long
as there are PC politicians, and as long as the world depends upon the
so-called moderate Muslims to extinguish this menace, nothing will
happen... We must recognize that the real enemy is not the terrorists.
Rather, it is Islam. As long as the world does not internalize and
comprehend this truth, and as long as wrong, PC policies are pursued
this war will continue and the defeat of the non-believers is
guaranteed... source:

In an Al-Jazeera survey on September 11, 2006, 49.9% of the
respondents avowed that they did indeed support Osama bin Laden.

65.2% Muslims favor Caliphate, 65.5% Muslims favor strict Sharia law
in every Islamic country:
(Only the Caliph can wage offensive jihad and offensive jihad is his
main duty.)

"To say that moderate Islam is the solution to radical Islam implies
several things: that moderate Islam exists; that it represents the
true (though perhaps currently disregarded) norm of Islam; and that
radical Islam is a departure from that norm." - Lawrence Auster

Muslim activists emphasize that Islam is a religion of peace. They say
that "Islam" is derived from the Arabic word "Salam," meaning peace,
while Islam, in fact, means "Surrender" (to the will of Allah). To
prove that Islam stands for peace, Muslims often quote certain verses
out of the early period of the Quranic revelation. Here are some of
them. "Let there be no compulsion in religion." Surah 2: 256 "And have
patience with what they (opponents) say, and leave them with noble
(dignity)." Surah 73:10 However, what Muslim advocates deliberately
fail to say is that the peaceful verses from the Meccan period have
been abrogated (nullified) and replaced by the militant verses of the
Medinan period. These verses were written after Mohammed moved to
Medina, abandoned his peaceful approach and resorted to using the
sword. As an example of the abrogation, 124 verses of the Quran that
call for tolerance, peace, and patience have been canceled and
replaced by this one single verse: "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever
ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them
in every stratagem (of war.)" Surah 9:5 source: "The Islamization of
America" by Abdullah Al-Araby,

This idea of abrogation was concocted to deal with the many
contradictions in the Koran. source:

When Hina Saleem's father cuts her throat, buries her in the yard, and
faces her head towards Mecca before rigamortis sets in -- for the sin
of loving an Italian man -- and most of the Islamic organizations in
Europe (from the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy to the Islamic
Cultural Association in Brescia) defend the murderer, not the victim,
you do not have to conscript yourself into appreciating or defending
this insanity. You're allowed to hate it. Not all hate is improper. My
hatred of the fascistic impulses of archaic shari'a law stems not from
ignorance of "the other," but from knowledge. The more I learn, the
more that is revealed, the stiffer my backbone becomes and the more I
come to despise. This hatred is fine, as its converse would be immoral
indifference. source:

Islam is a political movement that aims to destroy all the governments
and democracies and establish its own rule. This is the main objective
of Islam and anyone denying this is lying. All the Muslims, including
the wishy-washy ones who like to call themselves "moderates" know that
the objective is to conquer the world and make Islam dominant... At the
same time Islam uses religion as a mask and demands religious status
and protection in the countries that it wants to conquer... Islam is a
subversive political movement, but you can't fight it because it
portrays itself as religion and even solicits support from governments
that it aims to destroy. source:

"There is no moderate Islam. There are Muslims who are passive, who
don't always follow the rules of Islam, but there's really only one
Islam, defined as submission to the will of God. There's nothing
moderate about it... How naive is the self-deception of the West to
continue to talk of moderate Islam? We're trying to appease Islam, but
we are headed for a terrible confrontation between fascist Islam and
Right-wing fascists who will step in when liberals fail to do so...
Islam is the new fascism... The Islamic vision is a caliphate - a
society ruled by Sharia law." - Ayaan Hirsi Ali (She lives in the USA
and is the first refugee from Western Europe since the Holocaust.)

"There is no such thing as "radical Islam", since by its true
definition Islam is nothing but radical. Those who espouse a "liberal"
view of Islam should be forced to back up their nouveau interpretation
with unabrogated scriptural facts. Unless such would-be "reformists"
can categorically denounce Islamofascisim based on sound evidence from
the Qur'an, they prove to be the true radicals... The terrorists are
faithful and true to what is written in the holy Qur'an. A Muslim is
forbidden to think critically about the Qur'an. He must blindly obey
it and accept it passively and should memorize all of it... The terror
and death inflicted on humanity is not the work of radical Islam,
neither the political Islam, nor the militant Islam. It is Islam,
period... To be a moderate Muslim demands that a person explicitly
renounce much of the violent, exclusionary, and radical teachings of
the Quran. By so doing, the individual issues his own death warrant in
Islamic countries, is condemned as an apostate if he lives in a non-
Islamic land, and may even earn a fatwa on his head... The so-called
moderate Muslims, even if they exist, are complicit in the crimes of
the radicals either by providing them with funds, logistics, and new
recruits or simply by failing actively to confront and unequivocally
renounce them... Moderate Islam is a wedge that will jam open the door
to Jihad. The great majority of Muslims are not adherents of the
radical line. Yet, because the Islamists wage their war under the name
of Islam, they receive immense direct and indirect support from the
rank-and-file ordinary Muslims. It is this support of moderate Muslims
that keeps the Jihadists alive. And it is the Jihadists who intend to
show no mercy to any and all who do not share their theology, be they
Muslims or not... It is a mentality of enslavement that drives Islam...
Man subdues other men in order to establish a kingdom of oppression
and hatred on earth." - Amil Imani

"There does not exist an identifiable body of Muslims, substantive in
number or an outright majority, who could be described as "moderate"
by their repudiation of Muslim extremists. Violence has been an
integral part of Muslim history, irrespective of whether it is
sanctioned by Islam, and Muslims who unhesitatingly use violence to
advance their political ambitions have created a climate within their
faith culture that any Muslim who questions such practice is then
deemed apostate and subject to harm. Consequently, what might pass for
"moderate" Muslims, the large number of Muslims unaccounted for as to
what they think, in practical terms constitute a forest within which
extremists are incubated, nurtured, given ideological and material
support, and to which they return for sanctuary." - Salim Mansur

Progressive radicalization is a persistent theme in Islam, not just in
the West, but in other parts of the world as well, where
fundamentalism usually has a way of winning out over pragmatism.

Even the Westerners who perceive a danger rarely grasp its full scope.
Religious war simply does not fit with their understanding of the
world. While they may be able to grasp the notion of Islamic terrorism
or "Islamofascism," it is inconceivable that Islam itself could be
hostile. They assume, without questioning, that all religions are
basically the same, and that all religions teach about peace and love.

"I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with
the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the
world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is
the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim
world." - Alexis de Tocqueville

"Christians believe that "love conquers all." Well, love does not
conquer Islam." - Bill Warner

"Just as cancer cannot be reformed... Islam can't be reformed either and
it must be eradicated for the world to be saved." - Ali Sina

"Islam is more than a religion. It is an elaborate one-party state
punishable by death if you leave it." - Noni Darwish

"The object of jihad is to bring the whole world under Islamic law... In
an Islamic state, there is in principle no law other than the shar'ia,
the Holy Law of Islam... The idea that any group of persons, any kind of
activities, or any part of human life is in any sense outside the
scope of religious law and jurisdiction is alien to Muslim thought." -
Bernard Lewis

"The golden age of equal rights was a myth, and belief in it was a
result, more than a cause, of Jewish sympathy for Islam. The myth was
invented by Jews in nineteenth-century Europe as a reproach to
Christians." - Bernard Lewis

"Islam contains specific notions of martyrdom and jihad that fully
explain the character of Muslim violence." - Sam Harris

"Apologizing to the Muslims for the Crusades is a complete betrayal to
the Crusaders who sacrificed their lives to stop Muslim invasion." -
Galadriel (anonymous evangelical Christian)


Islam does not enslave Muslims, only kafirs (non-Muslims). Since only
kafirs are enslaved, it assures that more of the world submits to

Islamic slavery is based on the Trilogy of the Koran, the Sira
(Mohammed's life) and the Hadith (the Traditions of Mohammed). All
three texts say that slavery is permitted, ethical, desirable and a
virtue. There is not one single negative word about slavery.

Slavery is seen as a process that brings kafirs to Islam. It is a
virtue to free slaves, but Mohammed only freed slaves who submitted to
Islam. If the kafir slave does not submit, then their children will.
So given enough time, slaves convert to Islam. That is one of the
reasons that Islam sees slavery as a positive...

Arabic has more words for slaves than any other language. Both a black
African and a black slave have the same name, abd. The historical
reason for this is that African slavery was so important to Islamic
economics. Language reflects history. Islamic legal history is filled
with the complaints by African Muslim jurists about how Arabic Muslim
slave traders captured African Muslims and sold them on the auction

History records around 11,000,000 Africans being sent to the Americas
and about 13,000,000 being sent to Islamic countries for a total of
24,000,000 African slaves. To get one slave, many others have to be
killed for the tribe to surrender to enslavement. The old, sick and
children are left behind to starve. These collateral deaths are
conservatively estimated to about 5 to 1. So that implies that over
1400 years, 120,000,000 million Africans have been killed to furnish
Islam with its profits.

The accepted history of race in the U.S. is that white men captured
Africans, brought them to the U.S. and sold them as slaves. This is
wrong. When the white slavers showed up on the west coast of Africa,
they didn't capture Africans. They looked them over in the pens, gave
the Muslim slave traders their money, took their bills of sale, and
loaded their purchases into their boats.

The Muslims had been plying the trade of war, capture, enslavement,
and sale for a thousand years. Mohammed was a slave trader. Long after
the white slave traders quit, the Muslims continued their African
slave trade. It still exists today.

And to put a fine point on it, many African slaves were castrated by
removing both testicles and penis. Castrated slaves brought more on
the slave block. Castrated blacks were the traditional keepers of
Mohammed's mosque in Medina.

African slaves were called abd; white slaves were called mamluk. Most
black slaves were used in mining and heavy fieldwork. White slaves
were used more for skilled trades. White slaves were even promoted to
leadership positions, if they converted. Only one black slave was
promoted to leadership. He ruled Egypt and was a eunuch.

Over a million white slaves were taken from Europe. Our word, slave,
comes from Slav. A white woman was the highest price slave for 1400
years on the Meccan auction block. The Muslim who could not afford a
white sex slave choose an Ethiopian woman at a third of the price.

The most revolting enslavement of whites was how Turkish Muslims took
as a tax, one out of five Christian children in Islamic ruled Eastern
Europe. These male children were taken back to Turkey where they
became the janissaries, elite soldiers for the sultan. The Turkish
sultans did not trust tribal Muslims to be the elite palace guards,
since they all harbored ancient tribal rivalries. We see the same
distrust of Muslim tribal politics in Afghanistan, where kafirs are
used as presidential guards.

The Hindus were enslaved, but we don't have the number. We do know
that jihad took half of ancient Hindustan and killed 80,000,000
Hindus. We have accountings of Hindus being enslaved by the hundreds
of thousands at a time.

Muslims enslave everyone, but no one enslaves Muslims. This knowledge
is part of Islam's arrogance and superiority. They know the history;
it is the dhimmis (kafir apologists) who are ignorant of the doctrine
and history of Islamic slavery...

The enslavement of Africans is happening today. The only reason that
Islam stopped enslaving whites and Hindus is that Islam is too weak to
resist the social pressure. The Sunna of slavery has not changed, just
the ability to use their law.

In the African countryside Muslims are still using jihad to enrich
themselves. I have spoken with a Sudanese slave who escaped. The
Muslims killed his parents and took him and his sister. Each night the
jihadists gang raped his sister. Remember, rape is Sunna.

When he met his new masters, they put him in the middle of a circle of
the family and each beat him with a stick. He was told that his new
name was Abd, black slave. He slept in the barn with the animals.

Our media and intellectuals are quick to punish the slightest insult
by a white against a black man, but they have not the slightest
recognition of murder, rape and enslavement of blacks by Islam. Our
media and intellectuals are dhimmis...

The criticism of whites because of their being involved in slavery is
standard fair in the media and the universities. Try to find a
university that even teaches about the killing of 120,000,000 Africans
for Muslims to profit from the 24,000,000 slaves...

One thing whites and blacks have in common is that their ancestors
were enslaved by Islam, and both are too ignorant to know it. Blacks
and whites have a secret shame buried under the denial of being slaves
inside Islam...

The ignorance of kafir intellectuals about Islam is profound. They
don't know about how jihad killed the 120,000,000 Africans, the
60,000,000 Christians, the 80,000,000 Hindus or the 10,000,000
Buddhists. Our intellectuals do not know about the Tears of Jihad
(detailed in all of our books). That is a lot of death and ignorance--
270,000,000 dead. Our intellectuals don't know, don't care and don't
bother. They deny.

University Islamic studies never mention the Islamic political
doctrine. The media discusses Islam in terms of political correctness,
and multiculturalism. History courses don't teach about the
civilizational annihilation due to jihad. Religious leaders placate
imams in public gatherings and have no knowledge what the imam
actually thinks of them. Political thinkers do not even know Islam as
a political force...

Our intellectuals and the media have only one view of Islam -- a
glorious civilization. They have created the "terrorist", a bogus term
based upon ignorance. And the "terrorist" is not even a "real" Muslim,
but an extremist fundamentalist. All of these terms are based upon a
profound ignorance of Islamic political doctrine.

Intellectuals cannot connect the dots of persecution of other
intellectuals and artists today, such as Salman Rushdie, Theo van
Gogh, the Mohammed cartoon riots, and Daniel Pearl. Their persecution
is part of a 1400 year Islamic tradition of keeping all intellectuals
and artists in line with the doctrine of political Islam. But for our
intellectuals, there is no history, no connection, no pattern, no
doctrine of Islam. Their only doctrine is the doctrine of denial.
These intellectuals write our textbooks. Then our tax dollars buy the
books to feed the ignorance...

Rape is not a sin. Rape is permitted and encouraged by Mohammed and
the Koran. Islam is the only political system in the world that
includes rules for rape and war. Rape is jihad. How good can it get? A
Muslim gets to rape a kafir girl and get heaven credits. All jihad is
a ticket to Paradise.

The most disgusting aspect of the Islamic rape of kafirs is not the
rapes, but the kafir response. Kafirs become dhimmis by ignoring the
rapes. I challenge you to find one, even one, mention of Islamic rape
in the history books...

Our so-called "feminist" scholars... are traitors to our culture and a
shame and a disgrace. They remain silent in the face of heinous crimes
against women.

HIJRA (a.k.a. Hegira, source:

The process of migrating and establishing a Muslim community in a non-
Muslim context has an important place in Islamic theology. The word
hijra is used to describe such a migration... Muslims see the
establishment of a Muslim community in the UK as a contemporary hijra...
Some are even calling for Muslim-majority areas to become like an
Ottoman millet i.e. to organise their own social, cultural and
educational life in accordance with their religious beliefs. In parts
of France, says Taheri, a de facto millet system is already in place,
seen in Islamic head-dress, Islamic beards, Islamic control of the
administration, and the elimination of cinemas, dance-halls and shops
selling alcohol and pork... Islam is a territorial religion. Any space
once gained is considered sacred and should belong to the umma for
ever. Any lost space must be regained - even by force if necessary.
Migrant Muslim communities in the West are constantly engaged in
sacralising new areas, first the inner private spaces of their homes
and mosques, and latterly whole neighbourhoods (e.g. in Birmingham) by
means of marches and processions. So the ultimate end of sacred space
theology is autonomy for Muslims of the UK under Islamic law... Most
alarming of all is the prospect of Muslim secessionist violence in the
UK as in Kosovo, the Philippines, Thailand and elsewhere (Huntington's
much-reviled "bloody borders of Islam"). Now this is happening -
apparently - in France... Islamic enclaves would be defined by Islamic
values, education, politics, religious practice, and above all law.
They would be "cleansed" of any non-Muslim presence. This cleansing is
already beginning by means of threats and violence to isolated
churches in Muslim-majority areas.


It is impossible to appeal to a sense of reason in societies bound by
fanaticism because enlightenment directly challenges and threatens
their beliefs and very existence... The fanaticism inherent in Islam
produces a group allegiance that supersedes all other potential
attachments. The tribal code and tribal cohesion takes precedence over
anything else and a collective fanaticism fosters cultural
protectionism... The principle of honor is of primary importance in
radical Islamic cultures. The honor of the community must be protected
at all costs and far exceeds any notion of the individual or of
individual rights. Religious leaders, who view the world across a long-
term time horizon, operate for the good of the ummah, the propagation
of Islam over time and the enforcement of Islamic law. Tribal success
hinges on the inculcation of a uniform system of steadfast shared
values and of a sense of shame so deep and visceral that it is
impervious to reason and makes death preferable to tribal code
violations and the accompanying loss of collective honor. It
solidifies a rigidly imposed "us vs. them" mindset in which "the
other" is a cursed object of abject enmity. The faithful are
indoctrinated and prepared to sacrifice themselves for furthering
fanatic tribal goals. Martyrs for the cause are celebrated and
elevated to a position of honor... Their fanaticism, which includes
glorification of martyrdom, thus becomes a weapon that defeats all
Western attempts to deal with tribal societies, including negotiation,
conventional warfare and punitive economic measures. So, while Islam
seeks to destroy the West's enlightened way of life with the
fanaticism of jihad, the West sabotages itself by non-judgmentally
viewing these actions as cultural variations or efforts to procure
freedom from an imagined oppression. source:

One of the cardinal principles of Islam is that when a Muslim commits
heinous deeds in order to bring victory to Muslims waging a Jihad
against the Non-Muslims (Kafirs), Islamic law forgives those deeds.
Mohammed preached contempt for all the non-Muslims and told his
gangsters that the non-Muslims were living in ignorance (Jahiliyaa)
and that he would lead his followers to enlightenment (Ailm or ilm).
This enlightenment forgave all acts of rape, murder, torture, as long
as they were committed against the non-Muslims (Kafirs)... Muslims
respect only strength and cruelty. They treat magnanimity, charity and
noblesse with contempt. The ritual of emulating Mohammed in everything
is called the Sunnat (or Sunnah). Muslim males emulate him in doing
everything he did like drinking camel urine, dyeing hair red by using
henna, in addition to emulating Mohammed's traits of being murderous,
lecherous, and deceptive... While all forms of religious fanaticism are
deplorable, only Islam sanctifies the slaughter of all Kafirs (non-
Muslims). It teaches Muslims to gloat over the killing of non-Muslims,
including women and children. Islam is a psychology of perpetual war.
A psychology that had existed among the pre-Islamic Bedouin Arabs. But
then, before Islam, this psychology was not a global problem, since
the Arabs fought amongst themselves. source:

Name any area of achievement, any field of human endeavour -- patents
filed, literacy, quality of life, degree of civil or political
freedoms, transparency, world-class universities, and so on. In every
case, the nations of Islam are at or near the bottom in every
category, and only barely beat sub-Saharan Africa in overall
performance. source:

Muslims constitute 22 percent of world population with a 1 percent
share of Nobel Prizes. Jews constitute 0.23 percent of world
population with a 22 percent share of Nobel Prizes. source:

About 67% of the Koran written in Mecca is about the unbelievers, or
politics. Of the Koran of Medina, 51% is devoted to the unbelievers...
Religion is the smallest part of Islamic foundational texts... Political
Islam's most famous duality is the division of the world into
believers, dar al Islam, and unbelievers, dar al harb... The unbeliever
can be treated nicely, in the same way a farmer treats his cattle
well... Mohammed preached his religion for 13 years and garnered only
150 followers. But when he turned to politics and war, in 10 years
time he became the first ruler of Arabia by averaging an event of
violence every 7 weeks for 9 years. His success did not come as a
religious leader, but as a political leader... The history of political
Islam is the destruction of Christianity in the Middle East, Egypt,
Turkey and North Africa. Half of Christianity was lost. Before Islam,
North Africa was the southern part of Europe (part of the Roman
Empire). Around 60 million Christians were slaughtered during the
jihadic conquest. Half of the glorious Hindu civilization was
annihilated and 80 million Hindus killed. The first Western Buddhists
were the Greeks descended from Alexander the Great's army in what is
now Afghanistan. Jihad destroyed all of Buddhism along the silk route.
About 10 million Buddhists died. The conquest of Buddhism is the
practical result of pacifism. Zoarasterianism was eliminated from
Persia. The Jews became permanent dhimmis throughout Islam. In Africa
over 120 million Christians and animists have died over the last 1400
years of jihad. Approximately 270 million nonbelievers died over the
last 1400 years for the glory of political Islam. These are the Tears
of Jihad which are not taught in any school. source:{6AA49466-2575-491F-B712-CEA90FCCCD0D}

Turkish holocaust of Christian Armenians inspired Adolf Hitler:

Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf was inspired by the Koran:

Beheading video of American civil engineer Eugene Armstrong:

Beheading video of a Turkish truck driver Durmus Kumdereli:

Beheading video of South Korean translator Kim Sun-il:

3 days In Israel:

Muslim Albanians exterminate Christian Serbs in Kosovo:

Brief History Of Ethnic Cleansing Of Serbs In Kosovo:

Muslim families are baby-production factories. No consideration is
given about the child's future... and whether the parents can feed,
shelter and educate him/her. What is important is the mullah's call to
grow in numbers, so that the Ummah may overcome the kaffirs. source:

The Muslim world does not accept non-Muslim immigrants. In fact, it is
becoming more homogenous as Islamic regimes drive out religious
minorities or whittle them down through other means of attrition. Even
Muslims who feel entitled to life in the West often decry the presence
of foreigners in Muslim lands. source:

"What I dislike about it is this element of parasitism. These (Muslim)
people who want to come to other countries from their own benighted
places. They twist the laws, they hire lawyers, they do bad things to
get residence. And then, having got that, they wish to destroy (the
society) which has welcomed them." - Nobel Prizewinning author Sir
Vidia Naipaul

Everything a Muslim does is done to promote Islam. Everything they see
and touch which is not Islamic, or accepted by Islam, becomes a target
for "jihad". So no matter how many concessions we make, Westerners can
never concede enough. Yet Muslims are moving us, step by step, towards
conceding the unthinkable: that there is only one God and his name is
Allah and that politics, religion, education and every other form of
human life must bow down to and accept the "guidance" of Islam. There
can be no shared ground with Islam. Muslims, by their very nature, are
committed to transforming every area they live and work in into an
Islam-dominated world. And freedom for Islam is doom for anything and
anyone else. Saying "I will live in peace, equality and tolerance with
Islam" is... the medical equivalent to saying you will live in equality
and harmony with a body-wasting disease... Anyone with a mind knows that
"jihad" means the Islamization of everyday life. And any Muslim who
accepts secularism, freedom, equality or any of our other cherished
"Western" values can no longer be considered a Muslim in anything but
name - for the Qur'an forbids it. The dominance and authority of the
Qur'an is why Muslim communities, no matter where they are have never
integrated. They are either dominant or growing... Building a mosque in
a European city is Islamization. Changing school meals to halal is
Islamization. A teacher telling my child that Allah and God are the
same thing is Islamization. Destroying traditional European culture
because it may offend the people who would like to destroy it is
Islamization. Allowing irresponsibly fecund families into Europe to
breed, take our jobs and bleed our welfare system dry is Islamization...
"Islamization" is the mass immigration of people who hold "Western"
values in contempt. "Islamization" is the invitation of people who
detest our freedoms, religions, equalities and ways of life into our
neighbourhoods, cities and schools. And "Islamization" is the
reprehensible enforcement of multiculturalism even though the result
is inevitable social tension, alienation and hatred. Westerners and
Islamic culture are bipolar opposites which never have - and never
will - share common values. source:

I was born and raised as a Muslim... I left Islam when I understood that
Islam is a sick and evil religion... You will find us well mannered,
polite... but we will stab you in your back when you are sleeping as we
did on 911. There will be more 9/11s in Europe and in America. We will
say, "We do not support terrorism but America got what it deserved."
The war of civilizations has just begun... American laws will protect
us. Democrats and Leftist will support us. UNO will legitimize us.
CAIR will incubate us. ACLU will empower us. Western Universities will
educate us. Mosques will shelter us. OPEC will finance us. Hollywood
will love us... We will use your welfare system... We will take the
advantage of American kindness, gullibility, and compassion... We will
say one thing on the camera and teach another thing to our children at
home... Our boys will marry Caucasian girls in Europe and in America. We
will mix with the intricate fabric of the Western society but still
will remember to do Jihad when time comes. Who are we? We are the
sleeper cells. We will raise our children to be loyal to Islam and
Mohammad only. Everything else is secondary... You infidels cannot
defeat us. We are 1.2 billion strong. We will double again. Do you
have enough bullets to kill us? source (minor edits):

I headed for Gracanica, a small enclave of Christian Serbs who's
ancestors have been living in Kosovo for thousands of years. Gracanica
Monastery has been the site of Christian churches since the 6th
century, yet when I arrived I was struck by the towering concrete
walls adorned with coiled barbed wire and machine gun nests, all
required now for the protection of the nuns and bishops who live
there. The outside was also spotted with vehicle blockers reminiscent
of Normandy Beach, with KFOR guards and vehicles patrolling to protect
the Christians from Islamist attacks. I visited with the nuns in the
monastery, who told me their stories, how much they lived in fear of
being murdered by radical Muslims. My heart sank as I saw that even
though their families had been there for countless years, they knew
that their situation would never get better, and that sometime in
their lives they would either be murdered or forced to leave. My mind
shot back to Dearborn, Michigan, and I found myself wondering if
Christians there would one day be forced to live like this. source:

Why did Bosnia collapse into the worst slaughter in Europe since World
War Two? In the thirty years before the meltdown, Bosnian Serbs had
declined from 43 percent to 31 percent of the population, while
Bosnian Muslims had increased from 26 percent to 44 percent. In a
democratic age, you can't buck demography--except through civil war.
The Serbs figured that out -- as other Continentals will in the years
ahead: if you can't outbreed the enemy, cull 'em. The problem that
Europe faces is that Bosnia's demographic profile is now the model for
the entire continent. source:

Muslim minorities throughout the world are being financed and
ideologically trained in Saudi and UAE funded mosques and Islamic
centers. These minorities act in strikingly similar manners in the
countries where they are situated throughout the world. On the one
hand, their local political leaders demand extraordinary communal
rights, rights accorded neither to the national majority nor to other
minority populations. On the other hand, Muslim neighborhoods,
particularly in Europe, but also in Israel, the Philippines and
Australia, are rendered increasingly ungovernable as arms of the state
like the police and tax authorities come under attack when they
attempt to assert state power in these Muslim communities. source:

In Moslem culture, during the Daheyah (Sacrifice) feast, Moslems bring
a lamb into the home for a ritual slaughter accompanied by the
invocation 'Allahu Akbar', in the presence of the family and the
children. Now we see the Daheyah of Radical Islam to be Jews such as
Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl, who were beheaded with no mercy,
accompanied by the same pious invocation. This is a perversion of
Islam, but don't expect an apology. To expect Arab and Moslem
leadership to apologize for the barbaric murder of Nick Berg is a
reflection of the West's naive and wrong expectations of Arab culture.
In the Arab world to take responsibility and say sorry is taken as an
unmanly sign of weakness that may get a person into more trouble.
Those who admit guilt, even if it is accidental, are given no mercy
and may end up taking all the blame and being brutally punished. It is
the norm for Arabs to deny a fact (however blatant) and blame others
rather than admit to the wrongdoing and apologize. Honesty is not
rewarded. source:

"Islam makes it incumbent on all adult males, provided they are not
disabled and incapacitated, to prepare themselves for the conquest of
(other) countries so that the writ of Islam is obeyed in every country
in the world." - Ayatollah Khomeini

"We do not worship Iran, we worship Allah. For patriotism is another
name for paganism. I say let this land [Iran] burn. I say let this
land go up in smoke, provided Islam emerges triumphant in the rest of
the world." - Ayatollah Khomeini

"Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of
creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and
prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no
jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam.
There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious." - Ayatollah

"Those who oppose the mullahs oppose Islam itself; eliminate the
mullahs and Islam shall disappear in fifty years. It is only the
mullahs who can bring the people into the streets and make them die
for Islam - begging to have their blood shed for Islam." - Ayatollah

"I have nothing against Islam because it educates the men in this
division for me and promises them heaven if they fight and are killed
in action. A very practical and attractive religion for soldiers." -
Heinrich Himmler (head of Nazi SS troops)

"Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is
Islam." Sheik Saleh Al-Fawzan (member of the Senior Council of
Clerics, Saudi Arabia's highest religious body)

"Muslims breed like rats... They stay in our own countries, in our
cities, our universities, our business companies... Europe is no longer
Europe, it is Eurabia, a colony of Islam, where the Islamic invasion
does not proceed only in a physical sense, but also in a mental and
cultural sense." - Oriana Fallaci

"The two greatest genocides of the 20th century are the crimes of
annihilating the Armenians and the Holocaust. Despite this, not a
single Arab or Islamic country acknowledges this or denounces the
Turks." - Magdi Khalil (Egyptian/American writer)

"Islam considers itself the three branches of government... Freedom of
the press is completely alien to Islam, since a free press tends to
express matters as it sees it, rather than as it is stated in the
Quran. To Islam, the Quran is the press and the only press. There is
no need for critical reporting, no need to present ideas that may
conflict with the Quran, and no place for criticism of anything
Islamic. The stranglehold of Islam on the individual and society is
complete." - Amil Imani

Hassan al Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood (from which
today's radical Muslim groups descend) was, after all, an open admirer
and supporter of Adolf Hitler -- as was the principal theorist of the
modern jihad, Sayyid Qutb. During World War II, the Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem, cousin of Yasir Arafat and spiritual godfather of
Palestinian nationalism, Hajj Amin al-Husseini, pronounced his pro-
Nazi sympathies openly and proudly. In May 1941, he issued a fatwa
calling upon the Germans to bomb Tel Aviv, and in November 1941
traveled to Berlin and met with Hitler. He implored the Nazi dictator
to help implement a Final Solution in the Middle East. Then he went to
the Balkans, where he spearheaded the creation of Muslim units of the
Waffen SS. source:

Sun Tzu teaches that to win a war one must know who the enemy is. And
if there is a single reason while we've failed, it is the
administration's' staggering inability after six years to figure out
who our enemy is, let alone how to go about defeating it. Officially,
we're fighting a war against terror, but terrorism is a tactic not an
enemy and one does not win wars by fighting tactics. Yet, the enemy is
very real and formidable. Armed with a murderous ideology, it has a
worldwide support and recruitment infrastructure, virtually unlimited
financing and single-minded commitment to the destruction of our
civilization... Saudi Arabia, a reactionary medieval fiefdom subsisting
on our oil rents, has spent, by its own admission, anywhere between
$80 and $100 billion dollars over the past 30 years exporting its
hateful Wahhabi creed worldwide and building a gigantic infrastructure
of Islamism. There is not a city of any size anywhere in the West
today that does not have a Saudi-controlled mosque, Islamic center or
a madrassa, all preaching hatred and violence against the infidels. In
the United States, at least half of the mosques are owned by the
radical Wahhabi organization North American Islamic Trust (NAIT) and
most of what claims to be the Muslim establishment is in the hands of
radical Islamists.

Sir Jadunath Sarkar, the pre-eminent historian of Mughal India, wrote
this about dhimmitude, the humiliating apartheid system imposed upon
non-Muslims under Islamic rule: "The conversion of the entire
population to Islam and the extinction of every form of dissent is the
ideal of the Muslim State. If any infidel is suffered to exist in the
community, it is as a necessary evil, and for a transitional period
only. (...) A non-Muslim therefore cannot be a citizen of the State; he
is a member of a depressed class; his status is a modified form of
slavery. He lives under a contract (dhimma) with the State. (...) In
short, his continued existence in the State after the conquest of his
country by the Muslims is conditional upon his person and property
made subservient to the cause of Islam." This "modified form of
slavery" is now frequently referred to as the pinnacle of "tolerance."
If the semi-slaves rebel against this system and desire equal rights
and self-determination, Jihad resumes. This happened with the
Christian subjects of the Ottoman Empire, who were repressed with
massacres, culminating in the genocide by Turkish and Kurdish Muslims
against Armenians in the 20th century. This same pattern is now used
against the state of Israel. Israelis are not only attacked because
they are Jews, but because they do not meekly disarm and accept the
status of servitude that they should have according to Islamic law.
They are disobedient dhimmis, just as the Armenians were. source:

Muslims still enslave non-muslims:

For the most part, Christianity has been purged from the Middle East.
While some countries have a small minority of Christians, they are
persecuted and tormented and in many cases, they are not even allowed
to be citizens of the country of their birth because they are not
Muslim. In most Islamic countries, non-Muslims cannot own land and
their children are not allowed to attend the better schools. source:

For hundreds of years the Middle East was the embodiment of real
multicultural ideal, the thesaurus of spiritual and philosophical
knowledge. Antique mystery religions and Zoroastrism; the Ebonites and
the first Christian sects; Gnosticism and Kabbalistic teachings; the
Neoplatonics and the Manichees, the Arians and the Nestorians -- all
of them had co-existed in harmony... It was from this fathomless source,
that European philosophy, theology and learning got strength which
paved the way to freedom and liberal values... What has remained from
the multicultural world of the Middle East? Do the Zoroastrians and
Bahai's stay in Iran, their homeland? It will be easer to find them in
a cemetery in that country, than living. Those who could escape flew
to India and the West. Had the Sufis remained in Saudi Arabia? No,
they were annihilated by the regime as the enemies of "true Islam".
Can you find a branch of Ahmadiyya movement at least in one of the
countries of the Middle East?... The Christians of Iraq and the West
Bank escaped to the USA and Canada. Copts left Egypt... In 20-30 years
the Middle East will turn into a multicultural cemetery with an oasis
in the form of Israel... One more step, and instead of the cradle of
humanity only a scorched desert of hatred will be left here. And this
desert will spread to the North and South, to the East and West. It
will enter the open doors of your house; devour you and your family,
your clubs, cafes, libraries, theaters, and galleries. You have got
used to freedom; you don't know what the world without freedom is. I
know it because I have grown up in communist Moscow. But I also know
the Middle East. And believe me, in comparison to the new Caliphate
the Soviet empire of the 60ies and 70ies would seem a paradise. The
new rulers of the world will not only shut your mouth, but turn your
soul inside out. source:

There is an asymmetry between the good that many moderate Muslims can
do for Britain and the harm that a few fanatics can do to it. The 1-
in-1,000 chance that a man is a murderous fanatic is more important to
me than the 999-in-1,000 chance that he is not a murderous fanatic...
British society could get by perfectly well without the contribution
even of moderate Muslims. The only thing we really want from Muslims
is their oil money for bank deposits, to prop up London property
prices and to sustain the luxury market; their cheap labor that we
imported in the 1960s in a vain effort to bolster the dying textile
industry, which could not find local labor, is now redundant. source:,6923090.story?coll=la-news-comment-opinions

A Shiite Muslim can't build a mosque in Cairo; his Sunni brother can't
have a mosque of his own in Tehran. Editions of the Koran printed in
Egypt or Saudi Arabia are seized as contraband in Iran; Egypt and most
other Muslim nations in turn ban the import of Korans printed in Iran.
The works of a majority of Muslim writers and philosophers are banned
in most Muslim countries. source:

Laughing is an unacceptable behavior in Islam and it's against
Mohammad' teachings. source:

To become a Muslim, you must take an Arab name, dress like an Arab,
speak Arabic, eat only what Arabs eat, treat your wife as Arabs treat
their wives, etc... Such things as blue jeans are not really condemned
because they are immoral but because they are not Arab. source:

All sports like football, cricket, volleyball, basketball etc. will be
prohibited. Islam does not condone any types of sports for recreation
purposes. Sport of any type is considered the game of Satan. Praying
five times a day is their main sports. All forms of drama, theaters
and cinema are deadly illegal in Islam; hence will be strictly
prohibited by Islamic shariah. Islamic morality/virtue police
(Muttawalli) will roam the country to stop these Satanic vices and
will severely punish with beatings and lashing, if anybody violates
the code of Islamic virtues. In the Islamic Shariah laws, music is
considered weapons of Satan (Devil); hence music of all kinds are
strictly prohibited. Only vocal music of religious nature (commonly
known as Gazzal), which exalts the greatness of Allah and his prophet,
is allowed. All instrumental music, i.e. all musical instruments is
strictly prohibited. Violators are punished or imprisoned. Islam does
not allow drawings or sculpturing of any living beings (such as
humans, animals and birds). The drawings of plants and vines will be
allowed, because the Islamic God thought plants and vines were
lifeless objects! Punishments for the crimes (like stealing, adultery,
killings etc.) will be cutting/chopping hands, feet and even chopping
heads, or stoning death and lashings one hundred and one times.
Present Islamic paradises like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Sudan and many other Arab nations randomly practice these above
mentioned punishments according to Islamic Sharia or hudud laws.
Islamic shariah laws will also control people's sexual life and
marriage life. Shariah will dictate when, what and how to do sexual
acts. Usage of condom etc. will be prohibited. Love acts of all types
will be strictly prohibited at the outside of the private home. Even
the family lives in the Islamic country are controlled by the Sharia
laws. Family planning such as birth-control will be strictly
prohibited. source:

Even though you are not ethnically an Arab, you must keep an Arabic
name, follow Arabic culture; adopt their food, clothing, hygiene and
toilet habits; memorise their Holy Scriptures without comprehending a
single word of it and prostrate endlessly to their Allah. When you go
on pilgrimage or when they hire you as slaves to work for them they
ridicule you as a 'miskin' (indigent). But they treat the white
infidel workers with respect and offer them higher pay and more fringe
benefits than the black and brown immigrant workers (like you). Though
you are better qualified than many of them (white infidels) your Arab
brothers discriminate you against the white infidel workers. As a
general rule, you are paid half compared to a white unbeliever. Yet,
you consider the Arabs superior to you and you imitate their dress and
Bedouin habits. Some Islamic Paradises (like Pakistan) even broadcast
news in Arabic when not even 0.1% of their population understand the
Arabic language. You wonder why a desperately poor country should
spend money to Arabise its population? source:

Recently I had the experience of travelling by train from Karachi to
Islamabad. More often than not, there was no water in the (train)
compartments, for no sooner was the overhead tank filled with water
than it was consumed in a frenzy of ablution (wazu) by the pious
preparing themselves for prayer... Government offices practically don't
become functional until 9:30 or 10:00 and close for business about
2:30 or so. This five-hour working day is further reduced by an
extended 'prayer break' or waqfa barae namaz. During this break, the
pious pray, others socialise or just loaf around... I am told of
instances when groups of holies have commenced congregational prayer
(ba-jama'at namaz) in the aisles of planes as they prepare for
landing. In some cases, even cabin crew have made themselves
incommunicado from passengers by drawing curtains with the notice
'prayer break'... Morality has become synonymous with, and reduced to, a
dress code for women, preferably the veil. Human rights, good customer
service, politeness in public, adherence to contractual obligations,
facilities for the handicapped, public toilets, voluntary work,
donations to secular charities and equality before the law are not
considered worthy objectives, and are conspicuous by their absence in
Muslim countries. source:

A poll of more than 1,000 British Muslims, conducted by the Policy
Exchange think-tank this year (2007), found that 36 per cent of
Muslims aged between 16 and 24 believe those who convert to another
faith should be punished by death. source:,,2170160,00.html

The apostate should not be put to death until he has been asked to
repent three times. This is the view of the majority of scholars,
including 'Umar, 'Ali, 'Ata', al-Nakhaii, Maalik, al-Thawri, al-
Awzaa'i, Ishaaq and others. Because apostasy comes about because of
doubt, and cannot be dispelled in an instant. Time should be allowed
for the person to rethink the matter, and the best length of time is
three days. The saheeh Sunnah indicates that it is essential to put
the apostate to death. Al-Bukhaari (6922) narrated that Ibn 'Abbaas
said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon
him) said: "Whoever changes his religion, put him to death." Al-
Bukhaari (6484) and Muslim (1676) narrated that 'Abd-Allaah ibn
Mas'ood said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) said: "It is not permissible to shed the blood of a
Muslim who bears witness that there is no god except Allaah and that I
am the Messenger of Allaah, except in one of three cases: a soul for a
soul (i.e., in the case of murder); a previously-married person who
commits zina; and one who leaves his religion and separates from the
main body of the Muslims." source:

As a child, I was asked to memorize the verses of Koran. I used to ask
the Hujur (Mullah) what meanings were conveyed by those verses? The
reply I used to get from the Hujur was a few strokes of the cane and
rebukes. He used to say that one should never ask any question on the
matter of Islam especially on Koran. The penalty for asking questions
is whipping. source:

"The Qur'an claims for itself that it is 'mubeen,' or clear, but if
you just look at it, you will see that every fifth sentence or so
simply doesn't make sense... If the Qur'an is not comprehensible, if it
can't even be understood in Arabic, then it's not translatable into
any language." - Gerd Puin

Koran is full of internal contradictions, scientific errors and
historical blunders. 54:19 mentions Aad was destroyed in a day but
69:6,7 mentions Aad was destroyed in seven nights and eight days;
19:17 shows an angel appeared to Mary but 3:42 shows several angels
appeared; 28:40 mentions pharaoh drowned and died but 10:92 states
that the same pharaoh was saved; 18:86 states that sun sets in a muddy
spring of water; 15:19 mentions earth is flat; 86:6,7 states that
semen emits from between back-bone and the ribs; 19:27,28 states that
Mary was the sister of Aaron, whereas history shows they were born
about 1300 years apart; 28:8 tells that pharaoh and Haman were living
at the same time and place whereas history clearly shows they were
born about 1000 years apart and pharaoh lived in Egypt and Haman lived
in Shushan city in Persia; and 4:157 says that Jesus was not crucified
whereas it is crystal clear in historical records that Jesus was
crucified and not another man who looked like Jesus. By the way, the
transliterated name of Jesus in arabic Quran is Isa but even this is
wrong because the name of Esau, brother of Jacob (Yaqub in arabic) is
Isa in arabic. The correct transliterated name of Jesus in arabic is
Yasu. Isa (Esau) means 'hairy' and Yasu (Jesus) means 'God saves.'

Any religion that requires total obedience without thought is not
likely to produce people capable of critical thought, people capable
of free and independent thought. Such a situation is favorable to the
development of a powerful "clergy" and is clearly responsible for the
intellectual, cultural, and economic stagnation of several centuries.
Illiteracy remains high in Muslim countries. Historically, as there
never was any separation of state and religion, any criticism of one
was seen as a criticism of the other... No Muslim country has developed
a stable democracy; Muslims are being subjected to every kind of
repression possible. Under these conditions healthy criticism of
society is not possible, because critical thought and liberty go
together... All innovations are discouraged in Islam - every problem is
seen as a religious problem rather than a social or economic one... If a
man were to break into a woman's dormitory and rape half a dozen
women, he would risk nothing since there would be no male witnesses.
Indeed a female victim of rape is unlikely to file a lawsuit because
she would risk being condemned herself and have little chance of
obtaining justice... According to Muslim jurists, the husband is not
obliged under Islamic law to pay for her (wife) medical expenses in
case of illness... According to Women's Action Forum, a woman's rights
organization, 72% of all women in police custody in Pakistan are
physically and sexually abused... Under Islamic law a woman cannot be
the head of state. source:'s-Shame-Veil-Tears.htm

The United Nations, in its 2002 Arab Human Development Report, found
that the total number of books translated into Arabic each year is no
more than 330, or one-fifth of those annually translated in a small
country like Greece. Indeed, the total number of books translated into
Arabic during the last 1,000 years, since the age of Caliph Al-
Ma'moun, (a ninth-century Arab ruler who was a patron of cultural
interaction between Arab, Persian, and Greek scholars) to this day is
less than those translated in Spain in one year... Muslims claim to have
contributed the numeral "Zero" to the sum total of human knowledge,
and alas, have continued to contribute zero ever since. source:

Most of the scientists, poets and philosophers in Islam's golden age
(the time of the Abassid Caliphate) were Jews, Christians or Muslims
who were suspected of apostasy or blasphemy. Many suffered harassment
and even death. Thus if science did flourish during this golden age,
it was in spite of Islam and not because of it. source:

During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, the Organization of Arab Petroleum
Exporting Countries unleashed the oil weapon, embargoing critical oil
exports to the United States and Western Europe as a strategy for
compelling Israel to withdraw unconditionally from all territories
occupied in the 1967 war. The US rejected Arab demands, but the
European Community (EC, later EU), more dependent on Arab oil than
America, decided on a policy of outright appeasement. This led to a
series of quasi-official meetings between European and Arab officials
and experts that culminated in a meeting at the ministerial level in
Paris on July 31, 1974. There, an agreement was reached to initiate
the Euro-Arab Dialogue (EAD), an ongoing series of closed, high-level
meetings between senior officials of the two sides which would enable
the EC and the Arab League to formulate a new understanding on
economic, cultural, and diplomatic issues... Over time, the EAD would
institute a number of long-term policy agreements that guaranteed the
Europeans both an uninterrupted oil supply and lucrative export
contracts with oil-rich Arab states. In return, the Europeans would
facilitate international recognition of the PLO at a time when its
charter called for Israel's destruction, and enable Arab religious,
cultural, and intellectual institutions to achieve unprecedented
influence in Europe. The Arabs also pressured the EC to relax its
immigration rules and permit a massive influx of Muslims into Europe.
From its inception, every EAD meeting passed resolutions in support of
Muslim immigration to Europe. source:

German author Henryk M. Broder recently told the Dutch newspaper De
Volkskrant that young Europeans who love freedom, better emigrate.
Europe as we know it will no longer exist 20 years from now. Whilst
sitting on a terrace in Berlin, Broder pointed to the other customers
and the passers-by and said melancholically: "We are watching the
world of yesterday." Europe is turning Muslim. As Broder is sixty
years old he is not going to emigrate himself. "I am too old," he
said. However, he urged young people to get out and "move to Australia
or New Zealand. That is the only option they have if they want to
avoid the plagues that will turn the old continent uninhabitable."
Many Germans and Dutch, apparently, did not wait for Broder's advice.
The number of emigrants leaving the Netherlands and Germany has
already surpassed the number of immigrants moving in. One does not
have to be prophetic to predict, like Henryk Broder, that Europe is
becoming Islamic. Just consider the demographics. The number of
Muslims in contemporary Europe is estimated to be 50 million. It is
expected to double in twenty years. By 2025, one third of all European
children will be born to Muslim families. Today Mohammed is already
the most popular name for new-born boys in Brussels, Amsterdam,
Rotterdam, and other major European cities. Broder is convinced that
the Europeans are not willing to oppose islamization. "The dominant
ethos," he told De Volkskrant, "is perfectly voiced by the stupid
blonde woman author with whom I recently debated. She said that it is
sometimes better to let yourself be raped than to risk serious
injuries while resisting. source:

The attack on America was like a fire bell ringing, waking other
countries up to the growing masses of Muslims in their midst. It was
noticed that these Muslims made no effort to blend in with the local
population. Instead, Muslims banded together, taking over
neighborhoods and eventually driving out the non-Muslims. Any
acceptance of the local culture and customs was strongly discouraged
and often severely punished. These Muslim neighborhoods set up their
own legal system of Islamic law, ignoring the laws of the land.
Immigrants were encouraged to have very large families to form huge
voting blocks to maneuver Muslims into positions of power within the
government... Many Islamic leaders state emphatically that Islam and
democracy cannot co-exist. Muslims are expected to have only one
master and that master is Islam. Islam dictates every aspect of their
lives from birth to death... American Muslims are now petitioning that
the call to prayer be blasted over loud speakers five times a day in
quiet neighborhoods and towns. source:

And if we allow Muslims to have complete religious freedom, will we
also allow their Muezzins to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer over
loudspeakers five times a day - at dawn, at midday, in mid-afternoon,
at sunset, and two hours after sunset - in every city and town in
America? And if we find a way to prohibit them from doing so, how long
will it be before Muslims and the ACLU use the "equal protection"
clause of our Constitution to prohibit Christian churches from
sounding their steeple bells on Sunday morning? source:

Prime Minister Gordon Brown told the nation that "we have got to
separate those great moderate members of our community from a few
extremists who wish to practice violence and inflict maximum loss of
life in the interests of a perversion of their religion." By contrast,
a former jihadist from Manchester wrote that the "real engine of our
violence" is "Islamic theology." Months ago, this young man informed
me that as a militant he raised most of his war chest not from
obscenely rich Saudis, but from middle-class Muslim dentists living in
the United Kingdom. There's sobering lesson here for the new prime
minister. So far, those arrested in connection to the car bombs are,
by and large, medical professionals. The seeming paradox of the
privileged seeking to avenge grievance has many champions of
compassion scratching their heads. Aren't Muslim martyrs supposed to
be poor, disenfranchised, and resentful about both? source:

Jihad is a duty of every Muslim... Jihad... does not recognise any...
permanent peace because such a permanent peace does not match the
necessary expansion of "Dar-al-Islam". source:

Should the situation arise where a practicing Muslim, loyal to the
faith, were to be questioned about a suspected terrorist operation or
criminal activity being planed or perpetrated by a fellow Muslim -
whether here in the United States or anywhere in the world - that
Muslim must employ taqiyya. This makes the gathering of credible
information from within the Islamic community, regarding the criminal
Islamic community, virtually impossible. source:

The West has been hampered by a festering and self-inflicted wound: a
reluctance to identify its foe as the totalitarian, Islamic-based
ideology that it is. Instead, our elites call forth a politically
correct haze to shroud the jihadist elephant in the room. Media
outlets invoke euphemisms about rocket-launching "militants" and car-
torching "youths..." The conflict between Islamic expansionists and the
West does not stem from political disagreements that can be assuaged
by dialogue or compromise. Radical Islam seeks to wear down and
ultimately destroy its opponent -- in Iraq, Israel, Europe, and
everywhere else. We must focus on doing the same to radical Islam.

Terror Free Tomorrow of Vienna, Virginia and the Pakistan Institute
for Public Opinion conducted a poll in Pakistan on August 18-29, 2007
to determine approval ratings of some organizations and politicians.
Poll results (approval ratings): al Qaeda = 43%, Taliban = 38%, local
Muslim extremist groups = from 37% to 49%, Osama bin Laden = 46%,
Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf = 38%. source:

A recent study by the London-based Transparency International found
that Middle Eastern and North African nations form the world's most
corrupt region. source:

Repressive laws, supplemented and reinforced by terrorists, vigilantes
and mob violence, are a fundamental barrier to open discussion and
dissent, and so to democracy and free societies, within the Muslim
world. source:

72 terrorist organizations with thousands of operatives exist and
operate within the borders of the United States. These organizations
include: Hezbollah, Hamas, Abu Sayyaf, Islamic Jihad, al Fuqra, the
Muslim Brotherhood and al Qaeda. source:

The struggle between good and evil is the struggle between diversity
and its absence. Western diversity begets more diversity because we
thrive in diverse environments. Evil religions, evil ideologies, and
evil regimes behave like cancer - they attempt to conquer the world by
destroying its diversity. Most Westerners appease these deadly cancers
believing that tolerating the intolerance is a virtue that prevents a
war. They have the same mindset as their parents who branded Winston
Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt as warmongers. There is no
greater contrast between good and evil than the contrast between
Israel and Saudi Arabia. Tiny, yet diverse Israel makes great
contributions to science and technology. A much bigger, oil rich Saudi
Arabia is the most barbaric country on the face of the Earth and the
greatest exporter of Wahhabism and suicide bombers because its Muslim
rulers do not tolerate diversity. Islam was conceived in a desert and
it survives in its most pure form only in a desert. Desert is
synonymous with the lack of biodiversity, and is often associated with
the lack of other forms of diversity as well. It is very unnatural,
prison like environment for us, because healthy humans revere
diversity. When we are forced to live in this unnatural environment,
we adjust to it by loosing our reverence for diversity and by
glorifying this psychopathic flaw of our mind. This is perfect
environment for a religion that is the antithesis of diversity.

Obsession (very good film about Islam):
(part 1, 39 minutes)
(part 2, 9 minutes)
(part 3, 9 minutes)
(part 4, 9 minutes)
(part 5, 9 minutes)

Must-see (or hear) Brigitte Gabriel's speech about Muslims (58

The best books about Islam: "Why I Am Not A Muslim" (http://, "Leaving Islam" ( by
Ibn Warraq, and "Infidel" ( by Ayaan Hirsi

The best books about the Islamization of Europe: "While Europe Slept"
by Bruce Bawer: and "The Coming Balkan
Caliphate" ( by
Christopher Deliso

The best short videos about Islam:

Interview with Brigitte Gabriel:
first half:
second half:

Abul Kasem explains Islam:

Islam in Europe:

Islam in Europe:
part 1:
part 2:
part 3:
part 4:
part 5:
part 6:
part 7:
part 8:

A few words about the world's fastest growing religion:

Wafa Sultan speaks about Islam:

Debate about Islam on Al-Jazeera TV:

Arabs do not understand the meaning of freedom:

Islam? No thanks!

Four Stages of Islamic Treachery:

Robert Spencer, Truth About Muhammad (piss be upon him, 64 min.):

Short interviews with Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

Interview with Nonie Darwish about Islam:

Nonie Darwish, Now They Call Me Infidel:

Criticism of Islam:

Historical persecution by Muslims:

Ali Sina's articles about Islam:

Islamic websites:

Undercover video reveals Muslim plans for the West:

Statistical data about Islamization of Europe: Timothy M. Savage,
Europe and Islam: Crescent Waxing, Cultures Clashing, The Washington
Quarterly, Summer 2004.

A Creche Without Christians:

Fanatics ruled the world because the peaceful majority did not speak
up until it was too late:

According to various reports, at least 80% of U.S. Mosques follow or
are influenced by the Wahhabi sect of Saudi Arabia. Among other
things, this sect believes it is a "religious obligation" to hate
Christians and Jews and to think of the United States as "enemy
territory." In 2006, Bernard Lewis, one of the world's leading
scholars on Islam, called Wahhabism, "The most radical, the most
violent, the most extreme and fanatical version of Islam." source: (September 25, 2007)

Radical Islamist groups, most tied to Saudi-sponsored Wahhabi
organizations suspected by the U.S. government of being closely linked
to terror financing activities, dominate Muslim prison recruitment in
the U.S. and seek to create a radicalized cadre of felons who will
support their anti-American efforts. Due to their efforts, the
population of Muslim inmates has reached approximately 350,000 (in
2003) with 30,000-40,000 added each year. These converted inmates are
mostly African American with a small but growing Hispanic minority.

A typical madrassa usually offers two courses of study: a hifz course
(the memorization of the Koran) and an 'alim course leading the
candidate to become an accepted scholar in the community. A regular
curriculum includes courses in Arabic, Koranic interpretation
(Tafsir), Islamic law (Sharia), recorded sayings and deeds of the
Prophet Muhammad (Hadith), logic (Mantiq), and Muslim history. In a
great many madrassas throughout the world - most notably Pakistan,
Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia - the teachings have a militant and
agenda-driven bent and include ideological and political
indoctrination, a constituent of which is promulgating hatred against
the West and Western civilization. source:

Moderate Muslims:

Radical Islam is taking over Europe and West:

Islamization of Europe:

The real Islam revealed:

Lynching in Islam:

Islam around the world:

Cleric Abu Abdullah on CNN:

Ex-Islamic terrorists speak out:

Islam's war against Buddhism:

Palestinians celebrate 9/11 attack:

Reasons for decline of the Muslim world:

Nostalgia of Islamic Golden Age:

The myth of Islamic tolerance:

Islam, Middle East and Fascism (long but excellent article by
Ibn Warraq):

Islamic humor:

Frank Sinatra's song (Strangers On My Flight):

MEMRI Compilation of Muslim opinions:

Ex-Muslims' Survey:

Since 1945, the number of Muslims killed by other Muslims outnumbers
those killed by Israelis by a factor that far exceeds 100-1. source:

What really happened in the Middle East:

Facts about Israel:

Who authored the Koran:

Contradictions in the Koran:'an

Errors in the Koran:
Scribal Errors:
Grammatical Errors:
The Gate:
Zul-Qarnain and the Sun:
Inventions to protect the miracle:

Detailed info about Muhammad and Koran:

The most famous recent convert from Islam to Christianity is Dr.
Muhammed Rahoumy. He was the Dean of Al Azhar Islamic University in
Egypt - the oldest and most prestigious Islamic school of theology in
the world. Rahoumy (now Samuel Paul) left Islam in 2000, and now lives
in the USA.

There are more religious sects in Islam than any monotheistic religion
in the world and animosity between these sects reflects nothing but
the bestial and tribal mentality of the 7th century Arab clans.

The major branches (of Islam) are Sunni, Shi'a and Sufi. We have four
schools of thought under the Sunni school of thought, Hanafi, Hanbali,
Maliki, and Shafi'i. Shi'a sects are Jafari, Ismailiyah, Zaiddiyah,
Alawi, Alevi, and Bohras. The Sufi orders are Bektashi, Qadiri,
Naqshbandi, Suhrawardiyya, and the Chi i order. In addition to the
major branches within Islam, we have the sects of Kharijite (Ibadi,
Sufri), Kalam schools of thought (Ash'ari, Maturidi, Murjite, and
Mu'tazili). The movements within these sects are namely the Barelwi,
Deobandi, Salafis, Wahhabis, Liberals, and the Tablighi Jama'at. And
the famous, Zikri, Ahmadiya, Qaidyani and the Nation of Islam in
America. If you are a member of one sect, you view generally that your
sect is the "true" Islam and that all other sects are wrong (could
this be a conspiracy to keep us poor and stupid?). The biggest dilemma
that the entire Muslim nation faces is that every sect within Islam
believes that only if all Muslims would follow their view, Islam would
win back Allah's favor and the glory of Islam would be restored. The
Salafist and Wahhabis are a perfect example; they have resorted to
violence, bloodshed, and killings. They believe that every other sect
within Islam is on the wrong path, therefore; all other sects within
Islam must follow their ideology; with the exception of Shi'a,
otherwise they will be humiliated, tortured or killed. Salafis and
Wahhabis have made a permanent takfir on the Shi'a and declared them
as Kuffar (Infidels); they would not even give Shi'a Da'wah
(invitation to Sunni Islam). source:

Salafism is derived from the word salaf, which means "companion of the
prophet" and is a positive term for any Muslim... Salafist groups and
movements include the Wahhabis, the Deobandis and the missionary group
Jamaat al Tabligh. Wahhabis hold the prophet Muhammad's life in Medina
as the gold standard for practicing Islam, particularly in terms of
ethics and morality. Wahhabism rejects all other influences on Islam
and attempts to "purify" the religion; it is generally seen as more
conservative than salafism. It rejects culture, history, philosophy,
Sufism, and all other Muslims that do not follow its path... Muslims who
are not Salafists perceive a "good Muslim" as one who follows a
doctrine of Wahhabism... Even though there are not a lot of salafists in
Europe, most of the religious texts in mosques are salafist. Salafists
have imposed upon the Muslim mind that this is the way... For example,
in traditional Islam the people of the Quran considered Jews and
Christians believers, while infidels were people who did not believe
in one god. Yet, today, if you ask even a tolerant Muslim who is
considered "an infidel", he will answer "Jews and Christians." source:

Philosophy of Wahhabism is nothing but the Islam in its original form
that continued until the rein of four caliphs... Wahhabism... dominates
most of the Muslim insurgencies... Many American academicians dealing
with the subject of Wahhabism do not have any clue what is going on in
the Islamic world these days... In America, almost all the mosques are
run by Wahhabite Imams, which receive constant infusion of petrodollar
from abroad and along with it they receive instruction what to say
during khutba on Sabbath day prayer... It is crystal clear that the
present-day Islam in most part of the world including USA reflects
pure Wahhabism. In short, there is only one face of Islam, which is
visible everywhere and that resembles the old-face of Islam or
Wahhabism. source:

"Fascism was the first and prime instance of a modern political
religion... This religion sacralized the state and assigned it the
primary educational task of transforming the mentality, the character,
and the customs of Italians. The aim was to create a 'new man,' a
believer in and an observing member of the cult of Fascism." - Emilio

Paris is burning, yet again. The Muslim immigrant "youths" in the
banlieues have taken to the streets to expand a Western front in the
global jihad. This time, however, instead of just burning cars and
throwing rocks, this week they have taken up arms against French
police... The urban warfare we are seeing in Paris, as well as the
systematic violence by Muslim immigrants in other major cities
throughout Europe, are in accord with the strategic planning documents
drafted by the Muslim Brotherhood in recent decades in their hopes to
establish a global caliphate through jihad... This process of
confrontation also reflects a traditional Islamic view of constant
warfare, muqawama, interspersed with temporary truces, hudna, to
regroup for further conflict - a doctrine of warfare adopted by the
Muslim Brotherhood. source:

Recently, in Kashmir, the Indian constitution and Indian law was
withdrawn and sharia law established as the law of the land. Muslims
typically claim they are victims while, at the same time victimizing
Indian non-Muslims with terrorist acts. Such claims by Indian Muslims
are similar to charges of apartheid against Israel for its erecting of
a security fence and checkpoints to prevent Islamic suicide bombers
from infiltrating the country. Muslims achieve political power by
attaining majority status demographically; demanding special
compensation, laws and conditions; and driving out non-Muslims. The
long-festering situation in India argues powerfully for the case that
no possibility of coexistence with Islam exists and containment is not
viable. Muslim conquest is scripturally driven and Islam's frontiers
have been extended by gradually overtaking the land of non-believers
and ethnically cleansing their territory. Unbeliever genocide has
gradually swept through Pakistan, Bangladesh and parts of India.
Muslim population growth is 1.5 times that of non-Muslims and physical
threats and political correctness conspire to further the Muslim
takeover. Little hope exists for the reformation of Islam in the same
way that religious reform is traditionally carried out: by religious
institutions accompanied with the lessening influence of clergy.
Currently, Islam is becoming more regressive, sharia courts and
Wahhabism are spreading, and no tradition of tolerance for other
religions has been established. No moderate or alternative versions of
the religion are being offered because such alternative mosques would
be threatened and would suffer from a lack of funding. The Islamic
focus on indoctrination, high population growth, fomenting of
insurgencies, and infiltration is part of the global jihad, a full-on
religious war against infidel nations and an attempted land conquest.