Can't delete fonts



Yes you can delete the fonts.

No, you don't have to live with a bunch of garbage fonts.

The "file is open by another program" is wrong and misleading.

The Chinese, Korean, Japanese and other whacky fonts are not locked by

the system, nor required for the system to operate.

------first give yourself ownership and full control of the font


-----using the command line------

- Click start

- Type: "cmd" in the search box. It will find cmd.exe with a black box

icon up at the top of the search window.

- Right-click cmd.exe and click Run As Administrator

- cd to c:\windows\fonts or whatever folder has your fonts.

- Type these commands into the command prompt. If you only want to

delete one font, use the font filename instead of .

- takeown /F /A

- icacls /grant Administrators:F

-----^^^^end of using the command line^^^^------

-----using the Windows GUI------

In the font viewer window (Control panel/Fonts):

Right click the font file and select Properties.

Select the Security Tab.

Click the Advanced Button.

Click the Owner Tab.

Click the Edit Button.

In the 'Change owner" section, select your current username.

Click Apply, click OK twice.

This will return you to the Security Tab.

Select your administrator account in the 'Group or user names'


Click the Edit Button.

Select your administrator account again.

Place a check mark in the Full Control check box.

Click OK twice.

-----^^^^using the Windows GUI^^^^------

The above steps grant the administrators group and/or your current

username full access to the font files. Now you can delete the fonts

using the control panel font manager (assuming your current username is

part of the administrators group. You can type "whoami" to see your

current username). If you still can't delete the font file, see the

"other issues" at the end of this document.

---------------------OTHER ISSUES---------------------------

There are several issues that may all contribute to this problem. You

may have to address several or all of these issues before you have


a reboot is required is many cases

Even after you properly set the permissions on the file with icacls,

you will need to reboot the computer before you can delete the file.

(Microsoft bug).

Windows may incorrectly assign you the most restrictive permission

assigned to the file instead of the most liberal.

Go to the command prompt and icacls the file (icacls is a newer version

of the depracted cacls). You may notice that the "users" group has only

RX (read & execute) permission to the file. Since you are an admin and

the admin group has full control, Windows should award you the most

liberal permission avalable to you and give you full control, but

instead Windows is incorrectly limiting you to RX permission. To fix the

problem, use icacls to award the users group full control. Then reboot

and try again. (Microsoft bug).


c:>icacls myfont.ttf /grant users:F

The "font preview" window in the Microsoft Font Viewer window will

incorrectly lock the font.

The Microsoft Font Viewer Window (Control panel/Fonts) has a preview

window (organize/layout/preview pane). If this is open you will not be

able to delete the font. Moreover, if you try to delete the font with

the preview open, you will thereafter not be able to delete the font

even if you close the preview pane. You will need to reboot the computer

and then try again. (two Microsoft bugs).

That's at least five Microsoft bugs chalked up during a simple

no-brainer operation. That's real (lack of) talent.



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