Can't Eliminate the "Install Windows" Dialogs



I'm trying to set up an unattended installation of Windows 7 SP1 (x86) and I used the Windows System Image Manager to create my Sysrep answer file. My problem is that Windows Setup still prompts for user response on a few items.
More specifics: Prompt for Language, Time & Currency Format and Keyboard/Input Method even though I specifed en-US for all 5 items in Windows-International-Core (oobeSystem pass). Prompt to select the OS to install even though Windows 7 is the only selection available in the list. Prompt to accept the EULA even though HideEULAPage is set to True in Windows-Shell-Setup > OOBE (oobeSystem pass). Prompt for Windows installation location (didn't find an answer file setting to hide that one).
I also tried setting SkipMachineOOBE and SkipUserOOBE to True even though WIM says those settings are deprecated. I reverted those changes and tried the installation again, same problem.

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