Capital of you?

I know a million others would say the same, but I'd be nothing without my friends, so by a long shot I'll have to go with them.
Peterdea said:
uhhh.... Jojo is pretty important to me at the moment... music is also up there somewhere... especialy Amity Lane and Queen music...

*snuffle* Aren't you just the sweetest??? My Petie...*squeezes hard* I'd say my two Aussie angels, my Petie and my beloved sister Ravyn...they are my sanity!!! They are the people who make me feel loved as I have never felt before!! They are part of my family!
Mickey [my cat]
Ivy [my best friend]
Jimy [my other best friend]
Jake [my third best friend]
Lara [number 4]
My Hero [my brother James]
Music [LOVE]
Writing [My Only Escape]

so the capitol of me is called MickeyIvyJimyJakeLaraHeroMusicWriting