Carville, World's Shiniest Head, Acknowledges Hitlary Getting an Ass-Whooping


Patriot Games


Carville Acknowledges Hillary in Trouble

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Even longtime Clinton ally James Carville is acknowledging that Hillary is
in trouble, saying that if she loses the March 4 primary in either Texas or
Ohio, her campaign is doomed.

Speaking at the International Builders Show in Florida on Wednesday,
Carville - a top adviser to Bill Clinton in the 1990s - declared:

"She's behind. Make no mistake. If she loses either Texas or Ohio, this
thing is done."

After his recent resounding wins in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C.,
Barack Obama holds a narrow lead over Clinton in total delegates, 1,272 to
1,231, although Hillary leads in superdelegates, 242 to 156, the New York
Post reports.

But Obama leads in the polls in Wisconsin, which holds its primary on Feb.
19. And while recent polls in Ohio and Texas show Clinton ahead, her support
among Hispanic-Americans - considered crucial in Texas - has been waning,
and political analyst Dick Morris has predicted that Hillary will lose in
Ohio, as well as in Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

With her back against the wall, Clinton on Wednesday unleashed a strident
attack ad against Obama, saying: "I am in the solutions business. My
opponent is in the promises business. I think we need answers, not