Cats or Dogs?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
Yes this has probably been done before, but I didn't see it so I'd like to know. Personally, I like cats because they're independent and if you receive their affection, you've probably earned it. Though you can't play fetch with a cat.

Although, if you get a laser pointer, they're very amusing. They're also very cool predators.
I own 2 cats and 1 dog, my dog is an AKC registered American Eskimo and is VERY smart (as are most American Eskimos) and my cats are a Maine Coon, and a ****ing piece of **** cross breed who is the son of the Maine Coon and her whoring ways of old before she was spayed.

The Maine Coon is MY baby, as a matter of fact, she's right next to me right now as I type this. She has a ****ing serious attitude problem and will growl at anything, she hates her son, and totally hates the dog, she's a complete bitch to my kids, and hates being picked up, but she loves chillin' with her master.

Her piece of **** ******* son on the other hand, is ****ing lazy, he ****ing meows an awful ****ing noise if you don't let him out for the night, he's always hungry, he rarely comes inside, he's usually out scrapping with the other cats in the neighborhood, and when he does come in, he ****ing sleeps ANYWHERE... TV, LAUNDRY BASKET, TABLE, THE BEDS, ANY ****ING PLACE HE CAN.. I have seen the lazy son of a bitch sleep for 4 or 5 hours in the same place, get up, eat some food and sleep 4-5 hours somewhere else. Kind of like my uncle Mark..

The dog on the other hand, is very loyal, very obediant, very playful with the kids, very protective, great at being a watchdog, he does probably about 8-9 tricks that we taught him in less then a week, and he learns REAL FAST, but still, he's a dumb ass dog who eats his own poop and will drink out of the toilet.. so, my vote goes to the cat... the bitchy one, not the lazy one..

She may be a total bitch, but she LOVES HER MASTER and she is very loyal to me, and I love her fluffy coat !!!
Yeah, that's a good reason to like cats. They don't eat out of the litter box. Or, if dogs had a litter box, cats wouldn't eat out of it.
Let's see...cats eat the wildlife in Australia, all sorts of mini kangaroos, possums, native lizards, birds etc are eaten by cats, especially ferals. So I have little time for them in Australia.

Dogs commit 10's of thousands of attacks on people every year - killing a few people every year to boot. In the meantime they're a general nuisance if not properly secured in their yards. So I'm not a fan of dogs either.

Cats are fluffy and warm in winter, so if you've forgotten your socks you can sit your feet on a cat and get by. They're fairly low maintenance so don't waste too much of your time unless they're decided to rip something up, or killed some small animal and dragged it's guts through the house.

Dogs are good home security - if you have one and your neighbour doesn't, then they'll get burgled.

On balance, neither for me - I don't have time for this type of pet - they're too demanding.
But most of the time it isn't the dog's...fault that it attacks a person. I know that sounds insane, but most of the breeds that are MORE inclined toward attack than OTHER breeds are owned by people who just want to look tough by owning one of these dogs. This results in poor training and handling, and a disgruntled dog with no manners who flies off the handle due to its genetics+poor training, and you get another pitbull attack. But that's an issue unto itself, isn't it? At least it was in Ontario a few months ago.
I personally hate cats. When ever I find cat **** around my house I make it a goal to find the little ****er. I offer it some tuna that has been drowned in anti-freeze. I know Im a sick ******* but I cant stand cats. Dogs are better because they are bigger so you can wrestle with them, they dont mind baths, they make a great foot warmer, they dont cough up hair balls, and they also are great companions.
I would also like to point out the fact that Im a terrible dog owner.
Makes no ****ing difference whatsoever because afterall, they both taste the same with Barbeque Sauce... kinda like chicken... :eek:

But most of the time it isn't the dog's...fault that it attacks a person. I know that sounds insane, but most of the breeds that are MORE inclined toward attack than OTHER breeds are owned by people who just want to look tough by owning one of these dogs. This results in poor training and handling, and a disgruntled dog with no manners who flies off the handle due to its genetics+poor training, and you get another pitbull attack. But that's an issue unto itself, isn't it? At least it was in Ontario a few months ago.

I think you're partially right.
A vet friend described it to me like this - just about every time one of these dangerous breeds comes into the practise it's accompanied by a skinny guy wearing a tanktop and trying to look tough. You see them with their dog off the leash, and they smirk as other people and animals wince away in fear as they snarl in the waiting room.

To me, the order of things is people first, animals second. If a breed of animals poses a significant threat to people then it should be discontinued. This applies to several breeds of dogs - mastiffs, bull terriers, pit bulls, etc. To make things simple they could also have a universal law that any dog, whatever size, shape or breed, MUST be muzzled whenever it's outside it's yard. This will dramatically cut down the huge number of attacks each year.
It does usually depend on the owner.
My aunt has a Rotweiller. He is the BIGGEST BABY you will ever meet. Very sweet, very loving and affectionate, thinks he is a lapdog. Extremely well trained. Doesn't bark, doesn't bite, and he is great with kids. They give him those stupid frozen dog treats, and when he is done with it-he puts it in the garbage!! But they spent alot of time training him, and took him to doggie school.

For me right now, I prefer my cats. I don't have time to spend on a dog. My cats are quiet, they only ****/piss in their litterbox, don't scratch anything, and they're quiet. My cat is pretty good about where he sleeps, usually the couch or underneath the kitchen table. Except at night, he sleeps right next to me all night, which is nice in the wintertime. Not to mention my house is too damn small to hold a dog. But there is nothing like the love and loyalty of a dog.
Outlaw2747 said:
Neither...the hamster rules surpreme. :D
I HATE RODENTS!! If I had a snake, I would feed him hampsters! They are evil and mean and just want to chew your fingers off!! Not to mention you can't cuddle with them.
I hate them both.Back home in Africa,the dogs were not tame.
I used to get chased every single day,even by our own dogs.I think they were sexist ****ers,coz they loved my brother and chased my sisters and I from the moment we got out the car till the front door of the house.
LOL,we used to get prepared for it by takin' off our shoes before we get out of the car.

And the cats! OH! They would scratch anything.The chairs,tables,couches,my arm.And I hate when they screech!
So our house was infested with animals I hated. :(
There's only one positive thing.All the running I did kept me thin.

Even now,in the UK,although I know the dogs are tame,I still cross the street when I see one in front of me.It's an on going phobia!

SD,I can't vote.You could put,''both are ****ed up animals''.I'll happily vote. :)
And how would you know? I so happen to have a good interest in herpetology. I said hamsters because we were talking about mammals (cats and dogs).
Hey AIG,
I thought you Africans loved cats and dogs...especially with a little white wine and bournaise sauce on the side.

The African cookbook is #1 on right now It is titled:
"101 Ways To WOK Your Dog"

Cats are low maintenance. They can feed themselves if they are outside. They also use a litter box which means that you don't have to get up at 4 in the morning to let them out.
My cat is not really independent. She is spoiled rotten, and, unlike most cats, will roll over to let me pet her on the stomach. She comes every time I call her and is extremely patient with the kids. She actually sheds less than my moms American Eskimo. She makes a good clean companion.
And,she has never hacked up a hairball, either.
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