

John Winston

Subject: The Snow People. Part 4. July 25, 2008.

They go to the village were John the B-ptist was


As we looked a derrick arm corresponding to the one
on the ledge where we were standing swung out a rope
was let down and attached to the same basket and we
were hauled up one by one and landed on the roof of the
temple five hundred feet above. I again felt as if we
were on top of the world. The temple was located on a
rocky pinnacle that stood out nine hundred feet above
all of the surrounding mountains. The village we had
left nine hundred feet below was located at the summit
of a mountain pass used in crossing the Himalayas. We
found that this temple was about one thousand feet
lower in elevation than the one I had visited with Emil
and Jast but it commanded a much wider outlook. From
where we stood it seemed as if we could look into
infinite space. We were made comfortable for the night
and our three friends told us they were going to visit
some of our associates and would take any message we
wished to send. We wrote messages carefully dating
them giving our location and including the time of day.
When we handed our friends these messages they shook
hands with us saying they would see us in the morning
and disappeared one by one. We made careful note of
the time and of what we had written and found afterward
that the messages were at their destination within
twenty minutes of the time they left our hands. After
eating a hearty supper served by the attendants we
retired for the night but not to sleep for our
experiences were beginning to make a deep impression
upon us. Here we were nearly nine thousand feet in the
air with no human being near us except the attendants
with not a sound except that of our own voices. There
did not seem to be a breath of air stirring. One of my
associates said Do you wonder that they chose the
locations of these temples as places of meditation?
The stillness is so intense one can fairly feel it. It
certainly is a place in which to meditate. He then
said he was going outside to have a look around. He
went out but returned in a few moments saying there was
a heavy fog and nothing could be seen. My two
associates were soon asleep but I could not sleep so I
arose dressed and went out on the roof of the temple
and sat down with my feet hanging over the wall. There
was just enough moonlight filtering through the fog to
eliminate the inky blackness that would have prevailed
had not the moon been shining. There was just enough
light to reveal the great billowy fog banks rolling by
enough to remind me that I was not suspended in space
that somewhere way down the earth was as ever and that
the place I was sitting upon was somehow connected with
it. Then all of a sudden it seemed as if I could see a
great pathway of light its rays widening like a fan
with the wide part extending toward me where I was
sitting seemed to be in about the center of the
ever-widening ray and the central ray was the most
brilliant of them all. Each ray seemed to project
onward in its course until it illuminated one part of
the earth. Each illuminated its own particular portion
of the earth until the whole blended in one great white
ray. Looking far ahead I could see all gradually
converging until they ended in one central point of
intense white light so white that it seemed transparent
and crystal. Then instantly it seemed as if I stood
out in space looking at it all. Looking far far down
the white ray I could see what seemed to be specters of
the far-away past marching on and on in ever-increasing
numbers but in solid ranks until they reached a certain
place then they separated wider and wider until they
filled the whole of the light ray and covered the
entire earth. They all seemed to emerge at first from
one central white point of light. They seemed to come
forth from this point first on then just ahead were two
then just ahead of them were four and so on until they
reached the place of wide divergence where there were
about one hundred abreast in solid fan-like array.
When they came to the point of wide separation they
suddenly scattered widely and occupied all of the light
paths and each marched on more or less alone until they
seemed to occupy the whole earth. When they had
occupied the whole earth it seemed the rays had reached
their widest expanse. Then they grew gradually
narrower and narrower until the rays again converged
into the one point from which they first started the
cycle was complete and they entered again one by one.
Before they entered they formed in solid array one
hundred abreast gradually closing up until they became
one and that one entered the light alone. I suddenly
aroused myself and thinking that this was rather an
unsafe place to be dreaming I went in and retired.

Chapter XVIII

We had asked one of the attendants to call us at the
first sign of daybreak and almost before I knew it
there came a rap at the door. We all bounded out of
bed so eager were we to see the first break of day from
our lofty perch. We were dressed in no time and went
rushing out on the roof like three eager school boys.
In fact the noises we made so startled the attendants
that they rushed up to see if we were really in our
right minds.
I suspect the noise the three of us made was more
noise than had ever disturbed the peaceful quiet of the
old temple since the days it was built and this we
learned was more than ten thousands years ago. In fact
it was so old that it looked a part of the rock upon
which it rested. When we arrived on the roof there was
no need to ask for quiet. One look and my two
associates eyes and mouths went wide open. I suspect
had anyone looked at mine they would have seen the
I waited for them to speak. Almost in one breath
came the exclamation Why we are surely suspended in
mid-air. They said the sensation was exactly like that
I had experienced in the other temple. They had
forgotten for a moment that there was anything under
the feet and the sensation was that they were floating
in mid-air. One remarked "I do not wonder that these
men can fly after experiencing this." We were aroused
from our reveries by a laugh and all turned to find
Emil, Jast and our friend of the records standing close
behind us. One of my associates walked quickly up to
them tried to grasp all of their hands at once and
said, "This is wonderful! We do not wonder you are
able to fly after you have been here for a time."
They smiled and one said, "You are as free to fly as
we. You only need to know that you have the power
within to do so then use the power." We then turned to
the outlook. The fog had lowered and was floating in
great billowy waves just high enough so that not a
foot of land could be seen anywhere and the movement of
the banks of fog all around gave the sensation that we
were being carried on noiseless wings along with the
fog. Standing there looking far out one lost sense of
anything underfoot and it was very difficult to believe
that we were not floating in space. As I looked out it
seemed as if my body lost all sense of weight and that
I was actually float ing above the roof. I had so far
forgotten myself that when one of the party spoke my
feet hit the roof with such force that I felt the
effects of the jar for several days after. At breakfast
that morning we decided to stay over for three days as
we expected to visit only one other place of interest
before going on to the appointed meeting place. Upon
reading the messages Emil had brought we learned that
our Chief party had visited this temple only three days
before. After breakfast we went out and found the fog
gradually clearing. We watched it until it cleared
entirely and the sun came up. We could see the little
village nestling close in under the cliff and the
valley far below. Our friends decided to visit the
village and we asked if we might go with them. They
laughed and said we could but they thought we had
better use the basket as we would present a better
appearance if we did than if we attempted their mode of
travel. So we lowered one by one to the ledge then
down to the little plateau just above the village. No
sooner had the last one stepped from the basket than
our friends were there. We went down to the village
and spent the greater part of the day. It was a quaint
old place typical of those mountain districts with its
houses built by digging into the side of the cliff then
closing up the opening with rock walls. There were in
all about twenty of these houses. We were told that
the houses were built in this manner to keep them from
being crushed by the heavy snows in winter. The
villagers soon began to gather and Emil talked to them
for a few moments. It was arranged that a meeting
should be held the following afternoon and couriers
were sent out to notify those of the neighborhood who
wished to attend. We were told that John the Ba-tist
had lived at this village and received instruction in
the temple and that the temple remained the same as
when John received his instruction there.

Part 4.

John Winston.


Subject: The Snow People. Part 5. July 27, 2008.

This shows that some of their records are about the
same as we have in the Good Book.


We were shown where the house had been torn down.
That after noon when we returned to the temple the
weather had cleared so that we could see a wide expanse
of country and we were shown the trail that John had
used in going to and from the temple and the different
villages where he lived. The temple was supposed to
have been built and the village established more than
six thousand years before John visited there.
We were shown the trail we would take when we
departed and were told the trail had been in use since
the temple was built. About five o'clock that
afternoon our friend of the records said he would leave
us for a time. He then shook hands saying he would see
us soon and disappeared. That evening we saw the most
remarkable sunset from the roof of the temple that I
have ever witnessed and it has been my good fortune to
have seen sunsets in nearly all lands. As evening
advanced a light haze was gathering over a low range of
mountains that bordered a wide expanse of table lands
which we could look down upon. When the sun reached
this rim we were seemingly so far above it that it
appeared as if we were looking directly down upon a
sea of molten gold. Then came the afterglow and every
mountain peak appeared to be aflame. Those in the
distance that were covered with snow seemed to be
blanketed with fire and where glaciers filled the
ravines it appeared as though they were shooting forth
great tongues of fire and these flames appeared to meet
and melt with the different hues in the heavens. The
lakes that dotted the plain below were transformed
suddenly into volcanoes belching forth fires which
ascended and blended with the colors in the heavens.
For one moment it seemed as if we were standing on
the brink of a silent inferno then all blended into one
harmony of color and the soft peaceful quiet was beyond
description. We sat on the roof until after twelve that
night asking Emil and Jast questions. These questions
pertained principally to the people and the history of
the country in general. Emil quoted liberally from
their records. These records proved that this country
was inhabited thousands of years before our history
began. Emil went on to say 'While I do not in any way
wish to disparage or make light of your history or of
those who wrote it I will say that at the beginning of
this history the historians did not go back far enough
but took for granted that Egypt meant what the name
implied outer darkness or the wilderness.
It really meant a wilderness of thought. At that time
as now a large portion of the world was in wilderness
of thought and they did not go back of it to get the
deeper meaning. They accepted what they saw or heard or
what appeared on the surface recorded it and your
history began. It is quite difficult to correlate the
two and I would not attempt to say that you must take
ours as authentic. I would suggest that you choose for
The moon then appeared over the far-off mountains.
We sat and watched it round and full until it rose
nearly overhead. It was a beautiful sight with an
occasional light cloud passing by at an elevation just
above us. When these clouds went drifting by it seemed
as if the moon and clouds were standing still and we
were drifting past them. This went on for an hour when
suddenly there was a noise as of some object thrown to
the roof behind us. We started to our feet and looked
around. There stood a middle-aged lady smiling and
asking if she had startled us. Our first impression
was that she had jumped from the parapet to the roof
but she had only stamped her foot to attract our
attention. The stillness had been so intense we had
greatly magnified the sound.
Emil stepped forward quickly greeted her and
introduced us to his sister. She smiled and asked
whether she had intruded on our dreams. We then sat
down and in a short time the conversation drifted into
reminiscences of her experiences. She has three sons
and a daughter that had been raised in the work. She
replied that the youngest two were always with her. We
asked if we might see them. She replied that they
could come there that evening and immediately two
figures a man and a woman appeared.
They greeted their uncle and their mother then came
forward and were introduced to the three of us. The
son was a tall erect manly fellow whom we took to be
about thirty years of age. The daughter was not tall
rather slight with very fine features she was a fine
well-poised girl whom we judged about twenty years of
Afterwards we found that the son was one hundred
fifteen and the daughter was one hundred twenty-eight
years old. They were all to be present at the meeting
the next day and soon went below. After they had
retired we passed complimentary remarks about the son
and daughter. The mother turned to us and said Every
child born is good and perfect. There are no bad
It does not matter whether they are conceived in the
perfect or immaculate or through the sense or material
way. The one conceived in the perfect way will soon
recognize his Sonship with the Father that he is the
Christ or Son of God then he will develop and unfold
quickly and he will see only perfection. The one
conceived through the sense way may also immediately
recognize his Sonship perceive that the Christ is in
him and may realize his perfection by idealizing the
Christ. He gazes upon that ideal loves and cherishes
it until he manifests or brings forth that which he
gazes upon the Christ. He is re-born and is perfect.
He has brought forth perfection from within himself
that perfection which was always there. The one held
to the ideal and was perfect the other perceived the
ideal and unfolded that ideal and regained perfection.
Thus no child is bad all are good and from God.
Here one of the party suggested that it was bedtime
as it was past twelve o'clock.

Chapter XIX

Five o'clock the next morning found us all assembled
on the roof of the temple. After the regular morning
greetings we gathered around and as is the usual custom
a selection was read. The selection this morning was
from the records of the temple. Jast translated them
and we were surprised to find that the translation
closely corresponded to the first chapter of St. John
in our Bible and the second reading corresponded to the
first chapter of Luke. After the reading we asked if
we might get our Bible and compare the versions. They
readily consented and with the assistance of Jast we
made the comparison and were surprised at the
similarity. We had scarcely finished when the
breakfast call sounded and all went in. After
breakfast we prepared to descend to the village and for
the time the comparison left our minds. When we arrived
we found quite a number congregated from the near-by
country and were told by Jast that they were nearly all
shepherds that pastured their flocks in the high
mountains in summer and the time for leaving the lower
regions was fast approaching. We were told that such a
meeting as would take place that afternoon was always
called just before the people departed. As we walked
through the village we met Emil's nephew and he
suggested we go for a short walk before lunch. We
accepted the invitation readily as we wished to see
some of the country around. While we were on this walk
several places were pointed out in the valley as being
of special interest. The names when translated very
closely resembled those of the earlier B-ble names but
the real significance of all this did not present
itself until we had returned had lunch and were seated
among those that had assembled. There were about two
hundred in this assembly when the rest of our friends
from the temple appeared. Then Emil's nephew arose and
approached two men holding what looked to us like a
large book. When this was opened it proved to be a box
in the form of a book. He selected a package which
consisted of flat leaves like those of a manuscript
then the box was placed on the ground. The package was
handed to one of the men. He opened it and handed the
first leaf to Emil's nephew. When the reading of each
leaf was finished it was handed to the other man who
placed it in the box. The reading proceeded with Jast
as interpreter. It had not gone very far when we saw
that it bore a striking resemblance to the Book of St.
John carried out much more in detail. Then followed
one similar to that of Luke then one similar to that of
Mark and the final one was like that of Matthew. After
the reading the people collected in little groups and
we with Jast sought Emil for we were curious to know
the meaning of it all. We were told that these records
were read each year at the meeting and that this place
was the center of the country where these scenes were
enacted long years ago. We remarked the similarity of
these happenings with those chronicled in our Bi-le and
were told that there was no question but that some of
the earlier scenes as chronicled in our Bib-e were
taken from these records but those happenings of a
later date such as the C-ucifixion took place elsewhere
the whole reaching its climax in the Birth and Life of
C-rist. The foremost thought of it all was the search
for the Ch-ist in man and to show those who had
wandered away from the ideal that the Chr-st lived in
them as He always had.

Part 5.

John Winston.


Subject: Garbage In, Garbage Out. July 24, 2008.

I just heard on TV that they have passed a law that
will go into effect in the future, that will make the
use of plastic bags unlawful.


Since stories have started surfacing more recently,
many have wondered, if the rumors are true. Are there
really 'continents', or massive floating garbage
patches residing in the pacific ocean?
Apparently, the rumors are true, and these unsightly
patches are reportedly k-lling marine life and
releasing poisons that enter the human food chain, as
However, before you start imagining a plastic version
of Maui, keep in mind that these plastic patches
certainly aren't solid surfaced islands that you could
build a house on! Ocean currents have collected massive
amounts of garbage into a sort of plastic "soup" where
countless bits of discarded plastic float intertwined
just beneath the surface. Indeed, the human r-ce has
really made its mark. One enormous plastic patch is
estimated to weigh over 3 million tons altogether and
cover an area roughly twice the size of Texas.
Plastic_ocean_trash_5 FLOAT:
But if there is an unfathomably massive collection of
plastic junk out there, then why doesn't everyone
already know about it, and why aren't we doing
something about it? Well, there are several reasons.
First, no one is keen to claim responsibility for these
monstrosities, which exists in one of the most remote
spots on the planet. It's easier to ignore than to deal
with, at least in the short term. Most of the plastic
is floating just below the surface where explorers,
researchers, and scientists can get a good close-up
view, but it is nearly impossible to see the massive
quantities of submerged trash in photographs taken from
great distances. This makes it easier for naysayers to
disregard the problem as a mere myth, in spite of all
of the well-documented research to the contrary. Clean
up seems nearly impossible at this point, so even those
who are well aware of the situation have adopted the
famous ostrich cliche of burying their heads in the
sand. Even so, this polluted, chemical filled junk is
finding it's way onto our dinner tables.
Sadly, marine researcher Charles Moore at the
Algalita Marina Research Foundation in Long Beach says
there's no practical fix for the problem.
He has been studying the massive patch for the past
+10 years, and said the debris is to the point where it
would be nearly impossible to extract.
"Any attempt to remove that much plastic from the
oceans - it boggles the mind," Moore said from Hawaii,
where his crew is docked. "There's just too much, and
the ocean is just too big."
The trash collects in this remote area, known as the
North Pacific Gyre, due to a clockwise trade wind that
encircles the Pacific Rim. According to Moore the trash
accumulates the same way bubbles clump at the center of
hot tub.
Ian Kiernan, the Australian founder of Clean Up the
World, started his environmental campaign two decades
ago after being shocked by the incredible amount of
rubbish he saw on an around-the-world solo yacht race.
He'll says he'll never be able the wipe the atrocious
site from his memory.
"It was just filled with things like furniture,
fridges, plastic containers, cigarette lighters,
plastic bottles, light globes, televisions and fishing
nets," Kiernan says. "It's all so durable it floats.
It's just a major problem."
Kiernan says it's killing wildlife in a vicious
cycle. Holding an ashtray filled with colorful pieces
of plastic he told The Sydney Morning Herald, "this is
the contents of a fleshy-footed shearwater's stomach.
They go to the ocean to fish but there ain't no fish -
there's plastic. They then regurgitate it down the
necks of their fledglings and it ki-ls them. After the
birds decompose, the plastic gets washed back into the
ocean where it can kil- again. It's a form of ghost
fishing, where it goes on and on."
A Dutch study in the North Sea of fulmar seabirds
concluded 95 per cent of the birds had plastic in their
stomachs. More than 1600 pieces were found in the
stomach of one bird in Belgium.
The United N-tions Environment Program says plastic
is accountable for the d-aths of more than a million
seabirds and more than 100,000 marine mammals such as
whales, dolphins and seals every year.
Since his first encounter with the gyre in 1997,
Moore created the Algalita Marine Research Foundation
to help study the problem. Canadian filmmaker Ian
Connacher joined Moore last year to film the garbage
patch for his documentary, I Am Plastic.
"The most menacing part is those little bits of
plastic start looking like food for certain animals, or
the filter feeders don't have any choice, they just
pick them up," noted Connacher.
Perhaps an even bigger problem is hiding beneath the
surface of the islands of garbage. Greenpeace reports
that about 70 per cent of the plastic that makes it to
the ocean sinks to the bottom, where it then smothers
marine life on the ocean floor. Dutch scientists have
found 600,000 tons of discarded plastic on the bottom
of the North Sea alone.
A study by the Japanese geochemist Hideshige Takada
and his colleagues atm Tokyo University in 2001 found
that plastic polymers soak up the resilient poisons
such as DDT and polychlorinated biphenyls. The
researchers found that non-water-soluble toxic
chemicals can be found in plastic in levels as high as
a million times their concentration in water. As small
pieces of plastic are mistaken for fish eggs and other
food by marine life, these toxins end up at the dinner
table. But even without the extra toxins, eating
plastic is hazardous to health.
It is estimated that 80 per cent of plastic found at
sea is washed out from the land. The journal Science
last year predicted seafood stocks would collapse by
2048 if overfishing and pollution continued. If the
seafood stocks collapse, a lot of humans will follow.
So, is there anything we can do to prevent this?
Greenpeace says embracing the three Rs - reduce,
re-use and recycle - would help tackle the problem.
Plastic recycling is lagging well behind paper and
cardboard. Part of the reason is because many people
aren't even sure what recycling options exist in their
area. But there are other challenges for plastic
recycling too. Some plastics release toxic chemicals
into the atmosphere, and are more expensive to recycle
than to simply create a new product from
The widespread use of bioplastics could largely
reduce the amount of plastic strewn around the world.
Traditional petrochemical-based plastics are
non-degradable and non-renewable; degradable plastic
breaks into smaller pieces in UV light but remains
plastic. Then there are two kinds of biodegradable
plastic that break down in compost - one from a
petrochemical resource, the other from a renewable
resource such as corn or wheat, which is known as
bioplastic. Bioplastic is by far the most
environmentally friendly option.
Dr Katherine Dean, of the CSIRO, says corporate firms
are now becoming increasingly interested in
"When o-l prices soared in 2005, that changed a lot
of people's perspective, because bioplastic became
quite cost-competitive," she says. "All of a sudden it
wasn't just about doing the right thing."
The company Plantic Technologies, has developed
biodegradable plastic for everything from food and
beverage packaging to medical, agricultural and
sporting applications. The chief executive of Plantic,
Grant Dow, says once composted, the plastic would
become nothing more than carbon dioxide and water.
"For all intents and purposes, it looks like plastic
and feels like plastic and does the same thing as
plastic in the application," he says.
"It will only biodegrade in the presence of heat,
moisture and bacteria, so it will sit in your cupboard
pretty much indefinitely, but when the bacteria get to
it in compost, that's it. It's gone."
While parts of our oceans have already become
inhospitable soups of plastic and plankton, we can at
least mitigate the future consequences by making smart
individual choices. Experts say the best way to
mitigate then damage down the road is by buying less
products that contain plastics or plastic packaging,
recycling, lobbying for safer bio-degradable plastics,
and by purchasing reusable cloth grocery bags among
other strategies.
Posted by Rebecca Sato
Related Galaxy post:
500 Billion Tons of Prehistoric Organic Matter May
Massively Accelerate "Global Warming".
Posted at 12:02 AM in

Part 1.

John Winston.


Subject: Garbage In, Garbage Out. Part 2 of 2.
July 24, 2008.

The last part of the material about garbage dumps in
the ocean just turned out to be a bunch of comments by
the people who read the material.

If my memory seves me right, I believe that you will
find that several large cities near the Ocean put their
garbage in large ships or barges and take the garbage
out into the ocean a few miles and dump it. This is
causing the ocean to be filled with our garbage because
some of this plastic bags and other plastic things will
last for thousand of years before going away. This is
not the way to do things.

The space people, of which many people don't think
exist, take a dem view to this. They say, "We as the
beings on Earth will never be able to clean this up.
They then might say, "The problem is human beings."
We'll just remove all the human beings and put them on
other planets or dimensions that are commensurant with
their developement, we'll come in and clean up the
situation and then bring some more people back when
it's all cleaned up and then let them start over again.
They also will take some people aboard their large
spaceships for a while and then bring them back to
So if you are wondering why we are having so much
problems now and wonder why things are happening to
you then you might realize that some people lived on
a planet called Maldek, they had a leader called
Lucifer, he rebelled and got a lot of people to follow
him. Michael confronted him and asked him to give
up. Lucifer said he wouldn't and blew up his friends
and himself in their space crafts, the planet Maldek
and then they were reborn on Earth.
Lucifer on the planet Maldek, which is the meteorite
belt today was called Tyrantus. Lucifer in this life
was called Louis Spiegel and he sent me a free copy of
his book called "The Confessions Of I. Bonaparte.

Louis is dead now but Lucifer has now been converted
and is working for the light.

So if you wake up on another planet and a
saber-toothed tiger is chasing you'll know the reason

John Winston.


Subject: Search In A Cave. July 27, 2008.

This talks about some people in a cave near Mt.


I am currently in Marysville, CA, visiting family.
Tomorrow I am heading to Shingletown, CA, to visit a
friend. I can't help but notice where she lives is
very, very close to Mt Lassen. That reminds me of this
story posted by B-anton (Hi Bruce!) I will definitely
be on the look out for strange anomalies while in the
Some years ago a man by the name of Ralph B. Fields
submitted the following account to AMAZING STORIES
scifi/scifact Magazine (Dec. 1946 issue, pp. 155-157),
with the assurance that it was true and actually
occurred just as written. Although caution and an
analytical mind should be in order when dealing with
these kinds of claims, the following report
nevertheless seems to tie-in with the previous account
given by the anonymous woman who contacted Val Valerian
[John G-ace] following her abductions near Mt. Lassen.
Mr. F-elds writes:
"...In beginning this narrative and the unexplained
events that befell my friend and myself, I offer no
explanation, nor do I even profess to offer any reason.
In fact, I have yet to find a clue that will, even in
part, offer any explanation whatever.
Yet as it did happen, there must be some rhyme or
reason to the whole thing. It may be that someone can
offer some helpful information to a problem that just
should not exist in these times of enlightenment.
"To begin with, if we had not been reading an article
in a magazine telling us about the great value of guano
(bat droppings in old caves, which are considered to be
an extremely effective fertilizer) that have
accumulated over a great number of years, we would have
continued to wend our merry way through life without
ever having a thing to worry about.
"But having read the article as we were at the time
living near small town called Manten in Tehama County,
California, we thought that that would be a good
country to explore for a possible find to this kind.
After talking it over for some time and as we had
plenty of time just then, we decided to take a little
trip up the country just back of us. As we were almost
at the foot of Mount Lassen, that seemed the best place
to conduct our little prospecting tour.
"So collecting a light camping outfit, together with
a couple of tents to sleep in, we started out on what
we expected to be a three-or-four day jaunt up the
"I guess we covered about ten or twelve miles on the
third day and it was fast approaching time to begin to
look for a place to spend the night and the thought was
not very amusing as it had turned a little colder and
we were well over 7,000 feet above sea level.
"We soon found a sheltered place beneath a large
outcrop of rock and set about making a camp. As I was
always the cook and Joe the chore boy, I began getting
things ready to fix us some grub and Joe began digging
around for some dead scrub brush to burn. I had things
all ready and looked around for Joe and his firewood.
But I could see no signs of him. I began calling for
him and he soon came into sight from around the very
rock where we were making our camp. And I knew he was
laboring under some great excitement and his face was
lit up like a Christmas tree.
"He had found a cave. The entrance was on the other
side of that very rock. He was all for exploration
right away. But I argued that we had better wait till
morning. But he argued that in a cave it was always
night and we would have to use flashlights anyway, so
what would be the difference? Well, we finally decided
that we would give it at least a once-over after we had
a bite to eat.

Part 1.

John Winston.


Subject: Search In A Cave. Part 2 of 2. July 27, 2008.

Here they are rescued by some good type people.


"It wasn't much to call a cave at first as it had a
very small entrance, but back about 20 feet it widened
out to about 10 feet wide and around eight feet high.
And it did reach back a considerable distance as we
would see at least 100 yards and it appeared to bend
off to the left. The floor sloped slightly down.
"We followed to the bend and again we could see a
long way ahead and down.
"At this point we became a little afraid as we were
some way into the mountain. The idea of being inside so
far seemed to make us a little afraid. But we reasoned
that inasmuch as there were no branches or connecting
caves we could not get lost and therefore had nothing
to be afraid of. So we went on.
"We found no sign of anything that we could imagine
to be our much sought guano nor signs of any animals
being inside the cave.
"I don't know how far we went, but it must have been
a mile or two, as we kept on walking and the cave never
changed it's contour or size. Noticing this I mentioned
it to Joe. And we discovered an amazing thing. The
floor seemed to be worn smooth as though it had been
used for a long time as a path or road. The walls and
ceiling of the cave seemed to be cut like a tunnel. It
was solid rock and we knew that no one would cut a
tunnel there out of rock as there had been no sign of
mining operations (tailings). And the rock in the walls
and ceiling was run together like it had been melted.
Or fused from a great heat.
"While we were busy examining the cave in general,
Joe swore he saw a light way down in the cave. We
started down the cave once more and found a light. Or
should I say the light found us as it was suddenly
flashed into our faces. We stood there blinded by it
for a minute until I flashed my light at it's source
and saw we were confronted by three men.
"These men looked to be about 50 or a little younger.
They were dressed in ordinary clothing such as is worn
by most working men in the locality. Levi type pants
and flannel shirts and wool coats. They wore no hats.
THICK that they gave the impression of being made of
----- or two and looked at them. We had no idea there
was anybody within miles of us and there stood three
men looking at us in a cave a mile or so in the depths
of old Mount Lassen.
"I was scared. We were unarmed. And we knew nothing
about these men. One of them spoke to us. He asked what
we were looking for. I told him, but I could see he
didn't believe it. We both tried to convince him, but
he just smiled. We had a little argument with him, but
fearing they might be some criminal gang in hiding, we
came to the conclusion that we had better retreat.
Turning to go we were confronted by two more of them.
"I can't find any words to express the fear and utter
helplessness I felt in finding our retreat cut off. I
do remember having remarked to Joe, 'Well, it looks
like we are behind the well-known eight-ball.'
I sure didn't feel as jovial as I spoke either. One
of the strangers told us, 'I think maybe you had better
come with us.'
"We were in no position to argue, though we both
would have liked to do a little of that right there,
but we had no way of enforcing our arguments. Where
could a hero gain any credit in a place like that? So
we permitted the five to escort us deeper into the
depths of old Lassen.
"They had led us farther down and I guess we had gone
a couple more miles when we came to the first thing
that really amazed us.
"We came to a place where the cavern widened out a
little and we saw some kind of machine, if it can be
called that. Though I had no chance to examine it
closely at the time, I did later and it was a very
strange contrivance. It had a very flat bottom, but the
front was curved upward something like a toboggan. The
bottom plate was about eight inches thick and it was
the color of pure copper. But it was very hard
Although I have had a lot of experience in metals and
alloys, I had no opportunity to examine it closely
enough to determine just what it was. I doubt very much
if I could. It had a seat in the front directly behind
a heavy dashboard affair and there was a dial shaped in
a semi-circle with figures or markings on it. I had not
the slightest idea what they stood for, but they were
very simple to remember. If there was a motor, it was
in the rear. All I could see was two horseshoe or
magnet-shaped objects that faced each other with the
round parts to the outside. When this thing was in
operation, a brilliant green arc seemed to leap between
the two and to continue to glow as it was in operation.
The only sound it gave off was a hum or buzz that
sounded like a battery charger in operation.
"The seat in the front was very wide. The only method
of operation was a black tear-shaped object which hung
from the panel by a chain.
One of these men sitting in the middle took this
thing and touched the sharp end to the first figure on
the left side of the dial.
"When he touched the first figure, the contraption
seemed to move almost out from under us. But it was the
smoothest and quietest take-off I ever experienced. We
seemed to float. Not the slightest sound or vibration.
And after we had traveled for a minute he touched the
next figure on the dial and our speed increased at an
alarming rate. But when he had advanced the black
object over past the center of the dial, our speed
increased until I could hardly breathe. I can't begin
to estimate the distance we had traveled or our speed,
but it was terrific. The two horseshoe objects in the
rear created a green light that somehow shone far ahead
of us, lighting up the cavern for a long way. I soon
noticed a black line running down the center of the
cavern and our inner-mountain taxi seemed to follow
"I don't know how long we continued our mad ride, but
it was long enough for us to become used to the
terrific speed and we had just about overcome our fear
of some kind of wreck when we were thrown into another
spasm of fear.
"Another machine of the same type was approaching us
head on. I could see that our captors were very
nervous, but our speed continued. As the other machine
became closer our speed slowed down very fast and we
came to a smooth stop about two feet from the front of
the other machine.
"Our machine had no sooner stopped than our captors
leaped from the machine and started to dash away. A
fine blue light leaped from the other machine in a fine
pencil beam and it's sweep caught them and they fell to
the cavern and lay still.
"The figures dismounted from the other machine and
came close to us. Then I noticed they carried a strange
object in their hands. It resembled a fountain pen
flashlight with a large, round, bulb-like affair on the
back end and a grip something like a German luger. They
pointed them at us.
"After seeing what had happened to our erstwhile
captors I thought that our turn was next, whatever it
was. But one spoke to us.
'Are you surface people?'
"'I guess we are, as this is where we came from very
"'Where did the horlocks find you?'
"'If you mean those guys there,' I pointed to the
five motionless figures, 'back there a few hundred
miles.' I pointed toward the way we had come in our
wild ride.
"'You are very fortunate that we came this way,' he
told us. 'You would have also become horlocks and then
we would have had to k-ll you also.'
That was the first time I had realized that the
others were de-d.
"They put their strange weapons away and seemed
friendly enough, so I ventured to ask them the who and
why and everything we had run into. I told them of our
search for guano and how we had encountered the five
horlocks - as he called them. And also asked him about
the machines and their operation and could we get out
again? He smiled and told us.
"'I could not tell you too much as you would not
understand. There are so many things to explain and you
could not grasp enough of what I could myself tell you.
The people on the surface are not ready to have the
things that the ancients have left. Neither I nor any
one in any of the caverns know why these things work,
but we do know how to operate some of them. However,
there are a great many evil people here who create many
unpleasant things for both us and the surface people.
They are safe because no one on the surface believes
us or them. That is why I am telling you this.
No one would believe that we exist. We would not
care, but there are many things here that the outer
world must not have until they are ready to receive
them, as they would completely destroy themselves, so
we must be sure that they do not find them.
As for the machine, I don't know how it works. But I
know some of the principles of it. It works simply by
gravity. And it is capable of reverse. The bottom plate
it always is raised about four inches from the surface
of the floor.
That is why there is no friction and has such a
smooth operation. This object suspended from this chain
is pure carbon. It is the key to the entire operation.
As I told you before, I cannot explain why it runs, but
it does. We want you two to return to where you came
and forget about us. We will show you how to operate
the sled and we want you never again to enter the cave.
If you do and you do not encounter the horlocks, we
will have to do something about you ourselves so it
would not be advisable to not try to return at all
events. One thing I can tell you. We never could
permit you to leave another time.'
"He explained to us the operation of the machine and
in some way reversed it's direction. So thanking them,
we seated ourselves in the sled, as he had called it,
and were soon on our way back.
"Our return trip was really something we enjoyed, as
I was sure not to advance the carbon far enough on the
dial to give us such terrific speed, but we soon
found ourselves where we started from. The sled slid
to a smooth stop and we jumped out and started up the
cave afoot.
"We must have walked a long way coming in, for we
thought we never would come to the surface. But at last
we did. And it was late afternoon when we emerged.
"We lost no time in making our way down the mountain,
and Joe tells me that he isn't even curious about what
is in that cave.
"But I am. What is the answer to the whole thing? I
would like to know. We had been told enough for me to
believe that down there somewhere there are things that
might baffle the greatest minds of this Earth.
Sometimes I'm tempted to go back into that cave if I
could find it again, which I doubt, but, then I know
the warning I heard in there might be too true, so I
guess I had better be of the same mind as Joy. He says:
"'What we don't know don't hurt us.'"
B. Alan W-lton

Part 2 of 2.

John Winston.
Subject: Invitation From China. July 28, 2008.


Dear Folks: This may give you a laugh due to fact that
they invited me to talk at their convention. Here is
what was said.
John Winston.


From: "zaylin Zhang" <>
To: "johnfw" <>
Subject: Call for Speakers

BIT's 1st Annual Congress and Exp0o of Molecular
Diagnostic (CEMD-2008)

Scientific Program
Time: October 22-24, 2008
Place: Beijing, China

Tech Tour
Time: October 25-24, 2008
Place: Xii~an & Beijing, China

Dear Dr. Winston, (JW Please let me state that I am not
a licensed Doctor or any other rank of doctor.)

On behalf of the organzing committee, I cordially
welcoem you as one of the speakers to join the
"BIT 1st Annual Congress and Expo of Molecular
Diagnostics (CEMO-2008), which will be held during
October 22-24, 2008 in Beijing, China, with a theme
of "Accurate and Early, Diagnosis of Life-threatening
Diseases". (JW It goes on to explain everthing about
the convention. I told them that I would not be

(JW I have a group of people who might go with me
who are experts in Kinesiology, sometime called "Muscle
Testing" for testing of diseases and all sort of
things. I also could also tell them a way to c-re
In the past I requested that everyone try to get a
web site that covered the good book on one page and
see to it that it got to China. I now have been
informed that this has been done by a friend of mine.
So thanks to everyone for helping in accomplishing
this task.)

John Winston.
Subject: What's Going On In China. July 29, 2008.

Here is some more information about the convention
I was asked to speak on.

Here is part of what is said in that web site.


Personalized Medicine and Tissue-Based Molecular
Dr. Manuel Salto-Tellez, Associate Professor,
Department of Pathology; Senior Research Scientist,
Oncology Research Institute; Senior Consultant
Pathologist; Clinical Director, Diagnostic Molecular
Oncology Center; Assistant Dean (Research) : National
University Hospital & Yong Loo Lin's School of
Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore
October 22, 2008 ( Wednesday)
Opening Ceremony and Keynote Forum Activities
October 22, 2008
( Wednesday )
Keynote & Plenary Lectures
Speakers List:

Session Chair:
Leading Scientist from Domestic
Speech Opportunity Available!
Track 1: Frontiers of Technology Development

Session Info
October 22, 2008
( Wednesday )
Session 1:
Novel Molecular Diagnostics Technologies and Market
Session Chair:
Dr. T. V. Moorthy, President/CEO, MultiGEN
Diagnostics Inc, USA
Dr.Juergen Pipper, Project Leader, Institute of
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Singapore
Keynote Speech:
Decentralised Testing at Point-of-Need. The Way Ahead
Dr. John McKinley, Chairman, Enigma Diagnostics
Limited, Zimbabwe
- Improved Sensitivity for Point-of-Care FISH-based
Diagnostics and Disease Management
Dr. Sandeep Gulati, Co-Founder, Chief Science
Officer, ViaLogy Corp., USA
Title: MultiGen - Meeting Market Trends with Novel
Multi-Loci Nucleotide Sequencing Technology
Dr. T. V. Moorthy, President/CEO, MultiGEN
Diagnostics Inc, USA
Dr. Joseph V. Ferrara, Executive Vice President,
Boston Healthcare, USA
Catching Bird Flu in a Droplet
Dr. Juergen Pipper, Project Leader, Institute of
Bioengineering and Nanotechnology , Singapore.

Tea Break

Speech Opportunity Available!

October 22, 2008
( Wednesday )
Session 2: Pharmacogenomics in Molecular Diagnostics

Session Chair:
Dr. Li Cai, Director, Molecular Genetics and
Molecular Oncology, Laboratory Corporation of America,
Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology, USA

Call for Co-host
Session Introduction
Keynote Speech:
(Better for Conference Sponsor)
Under Invitation
Title: Pharmacogenetic Testing in C-ncer Related
Dr. Li Cai, Director, Molecular Genetics and
Molecular Oncology, Laboratory Corporation of America,
Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology, USA
Speech Opportunity Available!

Tea Break 15:50-16:15
An Absolutely Novel and Accurate Method for Highly
Multiplex PCR Reactions for Genomic Detection and
Amplification Based on A Template Independent Ligation
Dr. Youxiang Wang, CEO and Co-founder, Atila
BioSystems, Inc., USA
Speech Opportunity Available!
October 22, 2008
( Wednesday ) 13:30-17:30

Session 3: Bio-Chips, DNA Microarrays in Molecular
Diagnostics Session Chair:
Dr. Condie E. Carmack, Program Manager, Microarrays,
Diagnostics, Life Sciences Solutions Unit, Agilent
Technologies, Inc., USA

JW It all reminds me of the an Expo. that was held
in the San Francisco Bay Area. Stanford
Linear Accelerator would encourge us to go to it while
I was operating on a contract grant from Stanford

John Winston.
Subject: Mitchell Spills The Beans. July 25, 2008.

Astronaut Mitchell says we are not alone. It seems
that people are really wanting to know what we are
seeing in the sky and the powers that be are not
telling us about.


What unknown forces are really in control of our
lives? Do nightmares of old g-ds and s-irits of cobweb
presence run rampant in our unconscious?
Have otherworldly desires completely taken over, or
are we merely the victims of opportunity and profit? Do
s-cret societies with allegiance to stygian madness
seek the ultimate control? Or are we merely pawns in
some vast universal battle for reality? Lies are the
truth, and truth lies -- but one shining source remains
that all seek to learn...C-nspiracy once
again to bring the light of truth to c-rse the
This week, Co-spiracy Journal brings you such
Venus-Rising stories as:
We Are Not Alone, Claims NASA Astronaut Edgar
- All UFO Sec-ets Must Be Disclosed Part II
Kelowna Woman Says She Saw Ogopogo Lake Monster
Hauntings Spook Wisconsin Library
All these exciting stories and MORE in this week's
~ And Now, On With The Show! ~
This Incredible Issue:
The Mysterious Subterranean Realms of California.
The Mysterious Blast at California