Censorship/Indoctrination on College Campus'


New member
Unfortunately this tone is all to common and accepted in institutions of higher learning...

Calif. professor to student: "Ask *** what your grade is"
ADF attorneys file suit against L.A. Community College District after professor calls student 'fascist *******' for sharing beliefs on faith and marriage

Thursday, February 12, 2009, 8:35 AM (MST)

LOS ANGELES ? Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom filed a lawsuit against officials of the Los Angeles Community College District Wednesday. The lawsuit comes after a professor censored and threatened to expel a student following a speech about marriage and his Christian faith during an open-ended assignment in a public speaking class.

"Christian students shouldn't be penalized or discriminated against for speaking about their beliefs," said ADF Senior Counsel David French. "Public institutions of higher learning cannot selectively censor Christian speech. This student was speaking well within the confines of his professor's assignment when he was censored and ultimately threatened with expulsion."

On Nov. 24, 2008, Los Angeles City College speech professor John Matteson interrupted and ended Jonathan Lopez's presentation mid-speech, calling him a "fascist *******" in front of the class for speaking about his faith, which included reading the dictionary definition of marriage and reciting two Bible verses. Instead of allowing Lopez to finish, Matteson told the other students they could leave if they were offended. When no one left, Matteson dismissed the class. Refusing to grade the assigned speech, Matteson wrote on Lopez's evaluation, "Ask *** what your grade is."

One week later, after seeing Lopez talking to the college's dean of academic affairs, Matteson told Lopez that he would make sure he'd be expelled from school. Matteson's treatment of Lopez during his speech follows an earlier incident in which Matteson told his entire class after the November election, "If you voted yes on Proposition 8, you are a fascist *******."
ADF: Calif. professor to student: "Ask *** what your grade is" - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty
conservative views are often suppressed on college campus' but any liberal views are accepted as free speech.



New member
You go to college to learn, not to tell everyone fairy tales of unicorns, leprechauns, Jesus and your version of what *** is.

I would have failed the idiot as well.





New member
You go to college to learn, not to tell everyone fairy tales of unicorns, leprechauns, Jesus and your version of what *** is.
I would have failed the idiot as well.


Jesus existed. And still does depending on your beliefs.

Also, leprechauns is not the correct term anymore, they are now called "little people" :p


Old Salt

New member
The lawsuit comes after a professor censored and threatened to expel a student following a speech about marriage and his Christian faith during an open-ended assignment in a public speaking class.
Public speaking class.... Sounds like that was what the student was doing.
If it were a history class, Bender, you're right. But "public speaking" is for the student doing the speaking. This sounds like it was within the framework of the class and the student was "learning" to speak in public.

Anyway, this sounds just like something I heard or read about quite some time ago. Can't put my finger on exactly where, or when.



New member
More college campus overstepping it's bounds...

Professor Takes Heat for Calling Cops on Student Who Discussed Guns in Class
Wednesday, March 04, 2009

By Maxim Lott

A professor in Connecticut reported one of her students to the police after he gave a class presentation on why students and teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. Now, free speech activists say the professor?s actions are what really need to be investigated.

Last October, John Wahlberg and two classmates at Central Connecticut State University gave an oral presentation for a communications class taught by Professor Paula Anderson. The assignment was to discuss a ?relevant issue in the media,? and the students presented their view that the death toll in the April 2007 Virginia Tech shooting massacre would have been lower if professors and students had been carrying guns.

That night, police called Wahlberg, a 23-year-old senior, and asked him to come to the station. When he arrived, they they read off a list of firearms that were registered in his name and asked where he kept them. Guns are strictly prohibited on the CCSU campus and residence halls, but Wahlberg says he lives 20 miles off-campus and keeps his gun collection locked up in a safe. No further action was taken by police or administrators.

?I don?t think that Professor Anderson was justified in calling the CCSU police over a clearly non-threatening matter,? Wahlberg told The Recorder, the CCSU student newspaper that first reported the story. ?Although the topic of discussion may have made a few individuals uncomfortable, there was no need to label me as a threat.?
FOXNews.com - Professor Takes Heat for Calling Cops on Student Who Discussed Guns in Class - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News


New member
Not a college but related...

Education or Indoctrination

Friday, March 06, 2009 This next outrage comes to us from North Dakota, where we find a General Educational Development (GED) practice test showing blatant anti-gun bias.

The GED tests, sometimes referred to as a "General Equivalency Diploma" or "General Education(al) Diploma," are used to certify that an individual who passes the test has high school-level skills. The tests were originally created to help veterans after World War II. The tests were never intended to be a vehicle for advancing a political agenda. But one North Dakota practice test is attempting to do so.

On page three of the test, under the heading "Government Comprehension" there is a political cartoon featuring a caricature of Uncle Sam with a shovel in his hand and a fat man wearing a shirt that says, "GUN LOBBY." The two are standing in a cemetery in front of an open grave. Dirt is falling from Uncle Sam's shovel. The grave's headstone reads, "Another Victim Of A Senseless Shooting Spree." The figure representing the gun lobby, with his hand on Uncle Sam's back, is stating, " No One Ever Said Preserving The American Way Of Life Would Be Easy?"

Question number 21?the related question?asks the following:

21. Which of the following assumptions does the cartoonist make?


While the "correct" answer may be perplexing, none of the "answers" are accurate and all are offensive (especially number 3). The implications are clear; the cartoon suggests that guns are bad, having guns inevitably leads to "senseless shooting sprees," such heinous violence is part and parcel of the American way of life, the government can only "bury the dead," and the gun lobby flippantly and dismissively concludes that a shooting spree is a reasonable price to pay for our violent American way of life. This sort of propaganda has no place in a GED test. Rather, this sounds more like biased indoctrination: "to instruct in a doctrine, principle, ideology, etc., esp. to imbue with a specific partisan or biased belief or point of view."

That sounds about right.

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