Certificate Server


Richard Tracy

Not sure this is the right place to post this, but did not really find

anywhere else to post this question. We have an internal ca running and one

of our certificate servers is having trouble with the certsrv website. The

server is giving out certificates that are set to autoenroll so the

certificate services are working correctly. When we try to access the

http://servername/certsrv we get a 401.2 error and in the security log on the

server I get a event id 553 failure audit with request type of krb_ap_req

with the account I am using to authenicate to the site and then the caller

user name is network service. The network service account is what we are

using for the default app pool and when I change the account in the app pool

the caller user name changes in the failure audit.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Richard Tracy

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