Chances of hearing "non album" songs?


New member
We all know LP wrote about 150 songs over the last 18months, and managed to narrow it down to around 15-18 for this album,

But wat about the others? Obviously i know they wont have recorded demos of all 150 ideas, but i know from videos and interviews LP say they always go into the studio with pre-recorded rough demos of songs, meaning there must be recordings of songs that arent on the album.

Do you think there is any chance these will ever be released? on LPU or other such places.

Or lost in the wind like the 'myth' of the meteora demos? :p



Active Members
The chances are probably pretty high that we get to hear "non-album" songs.. They normally always release them on LPU Cds..


New member
They should release a CD towards the end of there career with b-sides but if they do that i bet the b-sides we have already heard will take up like over 50% of the disc


New member
What would be really tight, is if one of the LPU Albums was alll B-Sides. I mean like they have a normal amount of songs on the albums (12-15) instead of the normal LPU amount of (4-6) and have it a complete B-Side album.
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