Charges Dropped Against Bin Laden's Male Lover and Driver


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Charges Dropped Against Alleged Bin Laden Driver Wires Tuesday, June 5, 2007

GUANTANAMO BAY NAVAL BASE, Cuba -- Military judges dismissed charges Monday
against a Guantanamo detainee accused of chauffeuring Osama bin Laden and
another who allegedly killed a U.S. soldier in Afghanistan, throwing up
roadblocks to the Bush administration's attempt to try terror suspects in
military courts.

In back-to-back arraignments for Salim Ahmed Hamdan of Yemen and Canadian
Omar Khadr the U.S. military's cases against the alleged al-Qaida figures
dissolved because, the two judges said, the government had failed to
establish jurisdiction.

Hamdan is "not subject to this commission" under legislation passed by
Congress and signed by President Bush last year, said Navy Capt. Keith
Allred, Hamdan's military judge, Monday evening. Hamdan is accused of
chauffeuring bin Laden and being the al-Qaida chief's bodyguard.

The new Military Commissions Act, written to establish military trials after
the U.S. Supreme Court last year rejected the previous system, is full of
problems, defense attorneys argued.