

New member
This is a grey area for me and has been for years. Dare I say sounds hypocritical but depends on the circumstance. I'd love to say cheating is just wrong period, there's no grey area, on my moral high horse I believe it (or want to) but really every instance is different.

If you cheat yes I believe it's wrong. If you're not happy where you are you should just get out, period. If you cheat because you want your cake and eat it too I say you deserve the **** you're going to get eventually. If however you've been abused, you're sick of feeling used and feel there is no way out and want to hurt the other party to give them a taste of their own medicine, I say that's sort of okay. I don't condone it, and still say you should leave If things are that bad, but again everyone's different.

On a personal level if someone cheated on me I would be extremely torn on giving them a second chance. While I think once a cheater always a cheater, I would be unable to deny my old feelings of attraction anyway and hopeful that whatever made them stray wouldn't return again. I guess in a word depends if I saw genuine remorse there and if I felt I could trust him again. If he didn't acknowledge it, if I found out through indirect means, if he shrugged it off or didn't try harder to make it up to me in some way knowing there's a consequence for every action even those dumb decisions he may now regret (isn't that equal and opposite reaction thing Newton's Law?) then easy, kick his *** to the curb. Better to be single than put up with that ****.

So my answer would be;




New member
You mean "to every action there's an opposite and equal reaction"? :D :D I just know Newton's motion laws very well.

Well, I've been cheated on and I know how bad it hurts to find out, in that case, that guy was seeing two other girls behind my back. Again, I'm with you Rav, once a cheater always a cheater, exactly like the girl law, once a ***** always a *****. I don't have the morality to do that to a guy. Been there and I know if I give him a second chance, I'll end up just kidding myself when I know that he's going to cheat on me again. Don't wanna be hurt again. So here's my overrall answer. NO!!!



New member
cheating? no

unless you;ve cheated and been forgiven, then in some twisted way ur both forgiven cause u both cheated...

but generally i wouldnt forgive anyone whos cheated in a relationship, take the easy way out and dump them rather than fraternise around with other people



New member
i have cheated in the past on one of my ex's because i was unhappy in the relationship (i know its no excuse) he forgave me and took me back so i did it again (more fool him for sticking around)

as maya says if you love someone you wouldn't cheat. i would never cheat on andy, no matter who offered, i have too much to lose. i see it like this, if you cheat and your relationship ends its your fault. if your partner cheats on you and you take them back then they will do it again because they know they will get away with it.

as racheal in friends said...once a cheater...always a cheater!!



New member
idk...i was cheated on and i forgave her but i don think i made the right choice...

however, i did cheat on a girl once...and it was more or less i just got another girl to show me her ****...and i guess that was a major no no...but while i didnt tell the girl i was dating at the time i did everything in my power to make up for it...i dont think i didnt deserve a second chance either, because i was a really really dedicated bf and the girl was kinda like watever...and i got driven to the point where i was lookin for someone to show me some love i guess and it just so happened the other girl was there...



New member theory I'm gonna say I'd never cheat and would not forgive...but in real's like anything can happen when you're drunk or something...or you're simply being's life, I guess...*shrugs*

I just hope it won't happen to me...not me cheating and not me being cheated...



New member
Unless large amounts of drink is involved in a situation out of her hands that my answer would have to be,


Why should I be faithful to someone who isn't faithful to me?


Shadowed Heart

New member
Bringing up old thread: the only thing spam bots are good for.

Imo, Cheating is unacceptable. But that makes me sound like a hypocrite because I've been cheated on by two guys.

The first one, i found out whilst doing some innocent myspace snooping, and I forgave him. Then the other guy.... I was with him at lunch once at school and he was acting really funny, and DURING the next class, he text me and told me he had done something stupid and was ashamed, and had to break up with me. I was ******, and I asked him after school, but he just told me he would text me later. So he did. And told me he had another girlfriend, but had "accidentally" cheated, because he thought they were going to break up when him and I started going out. But.... I forgave him. And I'm with him now actually. >.<

Also, the first guy.... probably cheated on me again, but I never had solid evidence but I'm done with him now so w/e.

But I wouldn't cheat on anyone. Ever. It hurts. I know.

Once, while I was with the first guy that cheated on me, I told my ex that I loved him. Yeah. Big no no. So I told my boyfriend what I did and he was REALLY hurt, so I told my ex, and my boyfriend, at the same time, that I didn't love him (ex), and that I really did love him (boyfriend). It was true... But anyways.

Cheating: NO.

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