Chester Performing With Camp Freddy on New Years Eve


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2006
The City of Angels aka Los Angeles
Chester Performing With Camp Freddy on New Years Eve?

So this was posted on Billy Morrison's blog:

Hi kids. And as some of you have very astutely pointed out, it seems that Camp Freddy is, in fact, performing in Las Vegas this coming New Years Eve. Our decision was left a little late however, and unfortunately, Dave had already accepted another engagement in Vegas. So due to circumstances completely beyond anyone’s control, we will be performing without Dave. But we WILL be bringing Freddy regular, Mr Jerry Cantrell, along with Chester Bennington, to augment the line up for a few songs. Who knows who will be in the house that night – so don’t discount anything from happening!! I am pretty much in the dark on the whole thing and probably know as much as you guys.

Well, Chester seems to be keeping himself busy 0___0
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by new years the album will be done. hell the album should be done within the next few days to be honest. then theyve gotta mix and theyll finish that probably right before new years :p