
Jordan Chenier

New member
Has anyone heard of these guys I have and they are awesome. And nobody can tell me that there already is a thread about them cause i searched this one really good anyway post your comments about Chevelle here.


New member
Tired and generic is the 2 words I use to describe them, I used to think their singles where okay about a year ago but I have grown to dislike them. They arent terrible by all means they are just Tired & Generic as I said :)


New member
i think that they're awesome. :thumbsup: deffinately one of my favorite bands. i remember one day i was just sitting there replaying Vitamin R over and over again. love that song..


New member
I think they're great, even if their songs are pretty much along the same lines. Maybe their new record will sound different with the change-up of band members?


New member
i dont like them as much as i used too

Vitamin R is probably the only song i listen to now



New member
I love Chevelle, one of my favorite bands. One of my favorite songs by them is Forfeit, I think its calm but at the same time its not, thats what I like about them I guess.


New member
didnt they break up or something!? or maybe it's the wrong band. Is this the one with the 3 brothers..!? If so yea, I've heard of them and I like one song from them called "The Red" . That's really all


New member
The Band just didn't break up, its said the 2 brothers kicked the other brother out. The word is that since they are openly Christian and there songs are played on Christian networks, it's believed that the brother they kicked out was gay. That's what I heard.
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