Chevy Volt Dance


Active Members
I think we need to offer support for our new President and support this new age of success for GM and their modern marketing by learning the Volt dance:

[ame=]YouTube - Chevy Volt Dance Troupe[/ame]

The catch tune they commissioned is a sure chart topper and the dance....the dance is as good as you will ever find from professional dancers.....



New member
I kinda like the song, love the voice of whomever is singing it.

the dancing is better than a poke in the eye, but not by much.

I give it one snap up in a z formation.



Active Members
Why is it I sense a lack of support for this awsome new direction for marketing the new and improved Government Motors is heading?

Don't you guys know this is brilliant?

I am sure this kind of thinking will propell Government Motors into great success all over the world.



New member
they were talking on one of the morning shows (may have been Fox or CNN- I was still pretty much asleep...) about how upset we should all be that GM is spending our tax money on this stuff.

my thoughts: It doesn't look like they spent much...



Active Members
my thoughts: It doesn't look like they spent much...
Is that not the case with everything the Government spends money on?

Remember the last way you can spend money:

Spending someone elses money on someone else.

That is Government.

In the attempt to rebuild their reputation, Government Motors is spending millions on advertising. Will it work? So far I am not impressed by any of it, are you?

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