Child-Molester Scuzzy Muzzy Scholar Denounces Vatican Baptism


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Muslim Scholar Denounces Vatican Baptism

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

VATICAN CITY -- A Muslim scholar who participated in recent Vatican talks to
improve Catholic-Muslim relations criticized Pope Benedict XVI's Easter
baptism of a prominent convert from Islam as a "provocative" act.

Magdi Allam, an Egyptian-born TV and newspaper commentator who has denounced
Islam as inherently violently, was baptized by the pope in a vigil service
Saturday night in St. Peter's Basilica.

Aref Ali Nayed, director of the Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Center in
Amman, Jordan, criticized what he called "the Vatican's deliberate and
provocative act of baptizing Allam on such a special occasion and in such a
spectacular way."

"It is sad that the intimate and personal act of a religious conversion is
made into a triumphalist tool for scoring points," Nayed said in a written

He added that the baptism came "at a most unfortunate time when sincere
Muslims and Catholics are working very hard to mend ruptures between the two

Earlier this month, Nayed participated in two days of talks at the Vatican
to prepare for an audience in November between the pope and Muslim religious
leaders and scholars. Benedict's top official on interreligious dialogue,
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, was among the participants.

The Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano denied that the baptism had been
played up, saying it was kept secret until just before the ceremony. It
described the baptism as a papal "gesture" to stress "in a gentle and clear
way, religious freedom."

"There are no hostile intentions toward a great religion like that of
Islam," the newspaper wrote.

The Vatican has been eager to mend relations with moderate Islam and has
placed a great deal of importance on the upcoming audience with
representatives of 138 Muslim scholars who wrote to the pope last year
calling for greater Muslim-Christian dialogue.

Their call came after Benedict gave a speech in 2006 citing a medieval
emperor's words about Islam and violence. Benedict later expressed regret
that the speech angered many in the Muslim world.

Nayed said work to improve relations would continue despite the "unfortunate
episode" of Allam's baptism.

Allam, a deputy editor of Milan daily Corriere della Sera, has built his
career as commentator and book author attacking Islamic extremism and
supporting Israel.

In a Sunday piece for Corriere della Sera, he said the "root of the evil is
inherent in an Islam that is physiologically violent and historically

On Tuesday, Ugo Intini, Italy's deputy foreign minister for Middle East
affairs, criticized Allam's "very harsh condemnation" of Islam.

In an unusual appeal in a country where the government is highly respectful
of the Holy See, Intini called on the Vatican, "after the emphasis given to
Allam's conversion, to distance itself clearly from his statements."