china anti-satellite weapon


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
Ok, so china now has an anti-satellite missile that they have used successfully to shoot their own weather satellite into oblivion, does this pose a big threat to America given that most of our military power lies in satellite communication?

'Diplomatic talks' are being opened up with china, but does anyone consider war possible? If we went to war what would the consequences be?

Opinions, we need opinions, who thinks what? Be lengthy in your post!

I think that this would cripple the U.S. economy; it would render our military unable to operate as a team (on the corps level) and would make the world pretty much open for china to take.

I say, nuke the slant eyed mother ****ers while we're ahead.
I don't know why China would try to bother us. Both the USA and China have quite the economy with one another. Wouldn't attacking us in any way hurt their economy greatly?
Outlaw2747 said:
I don't know why China would try to bother us. Both the USA and China have quite the economy with one another. Wouldn't attacking us in any way hurt their economy greatly?

yes and no, they have an un-godly need to expand, also, they would gain in the long run from not having any significant military power stopping expantion and they can always sell to us for better prices if they cripple us. without the U.S. there would be nobody to uphold sanctions on the world and china could free trade to everyone with no restriction on product, or end user. also that would make them a very self-contained nation with no need to be supported by another nation like you pointed out. and they could conduct government affairs such as communistic rule by fear. more openly with no fear of U.S. intervention.
Msixty said:
Opinions, we need opinions, who thinks what? Be lengthy in your post!

Ok, but be warned...


The end-times prophecies in Revelations and Ezekiel refer to an Eastern army numbering 200,000,000. That is a massive army, obviously, that was never believed to be possible. For approximately the last decade, China has been boasting of its massive army numbering... 200 million. I personally feel one-child family limits lead China to this advantage. In Chinese society, the male is the one responsible for taking care of the parents in their old age. To secure their retirement, families obviously preferred male children while aborting the females. Their population also makes up 1/6 of the entire population of the world. It is no surprise they now have 200 million in their military. If something is going to happen, one would think it would be happening soon. A population crash would seem logical as there are not enough females to mate with males for much longer.

Ezekiel also speaks of a nuclear holocaust that is initiated in the East. For instance, the prophet describes such a war where the flesh literally melts off the bones while people are still standing. The description of the war fits a nuclear attack to a T but I won't bore you with the details (as the war is described for several chapters).

The prophecies also go on to explain the desolation of "The Coastlands" by nuclear attack. Some scholars believe The Coastlands is a reference to the Americas as the origin of the word describes such places as being at the ends of the earth.

P.S. Don't laugh at me. I'm only offering another perspective to this debate. :p
Msixty said:
yes and no, they have an un-godly need to expand, also, they would gain in the long run from not having any significant military power stopping expantion and they can always sell to us for better prices if they cripple us. without the U.S. there would be nobody to uphold sanctions on the world and china could free trade to everyone with no restriction on product, or end user. also that would make them a very self-contained nation with no need to be supported by another nation like you pointed out. and they could conduct government affairs such as communistic rule by fear. more openly with no fear of U.S. intervention.

You got some interesting points there and they certainly have the motivation and manpower to be a severe threat to the world. But as far as nukes are concerned, they have turned from WMA's to WMA's/deterrence weapons. People are scared to use them in fear of retaliation. And you know once one guy fires, someone else says "**** that, kill them before they kill us!"

Pretty soon there isn't a world left to rule/conquer/inhabit.

China vs. USA would be one hell of a war. It would not be pretty at all. It would be a long and painful ordeal for the entire planet. Others would get involved because depending on what is being fought for, this war would expand past the reaches of Chinese and USA borders, or it could all pour in. Very scary thought, even as a US soldier I believe that fighting China would be very ill-advised. At least for the moment.
Outlaw2747 said:
You got some interesting points there and they certainly have the motivation and manpower to be a severe threat to the world. But as far as nukes are concerned, they have turned from WMA's to WMA's/deterrence weapons. People are scared to use them in fear of retaliation. And you know once one guy fires, someone else says "**** that, kill them before they kill us!"

Pretty soon there isn't a world left to rule/conquer/inhabit.

China vs. USA would be one hell of a war. It would not be pretty at all. It would be a long and painful ordeal for the entire planet. Others would get involved because depending on what is being fought for, this war would expand past the reaches of Chinese and USA borders, or it could all pour in. Very scary thought, even as a US soldier I believe that fighting China would be very ill-advised. At least for the moment.

i compleatly agree on it being a bad idea to go to war right now given our current deployment of troops, and nukes would start a doomsday i won't argue that (i was not being literal in the sense of 'lets nuke em') and diplomatic talks is a great way to go at current time, but we do need to watch the china military buildup VERY closely. they have small arms and armor in the works that disturb me. they also (as phanny said) have a far superior number of troops, something we could counter with technology, IF our satellite grid is not shot down. i very truly beleave that the reason they developed this weapon is to have a counter that allows them to fight the U.S. on more that equil terms.
Phantom said:
Ok, but be warned...


The end-times prophecies in Revelations and Ezekiel refer to an Eastern army numbering 200,000,000. That is a massive army, obviously, that was never believed to be possible. For approximately the last decade, China has been boasting of its massive army numbering... 200 million. I personally feel one-child family limits lead China to this advantage. In Chinese society, the male is the one responsible for taking care of the parents in their old age. To secure their retirement, families obviously preferred male children while aborting the females. Their population also makes up 1/6 of the entire population of the world. It is no surprise they now have 200 million in their military. If something is going to happen, one would think it would be happening soon. A population crash would seem logical as there are not enough females to mate with males for much longer.

Ezekiel also speaks of a nuclear holocaust that is initiated in the East. For instance, the prophet describes such a war where the flesh literally melts off the bones while people are still standing. The description of the war fits a nuclear attack to a T but I won't bore you with the details (as the war is described for several chapters).

The prophecies also go on to explain the desolation of "The Coastlands" by nuclear attack. Some scholars believe The Coastlands is a reference to the Americas as the origin of the word describes such places as being at the ends of the earth.

P.S. Don't laugh at me. I'm only offering another perspective to this debate. :p

the end of the earth is supposedly to start in asia, china would definently be a canidate for this, although i don't beleave in god, i do beleave that the bible is a book of history depicting real events that were attributed to god, and some of the predictions of the future are proving right and some will still prove to be true (i don't beleave god told anyone this, but rather it is a combination of lucky guesses and calculated understanding of the world and using that knowledge in a prediction of the future) i feel that we can trust if not a doomsday-type scenerio (no i don't think the world will end or 'Mad Max' will have his post apocolyptic earth) a massive WWIII. this is gonna be big, really big.

remember my thread about 'will america fall to another nation like other super powers in history'??????? this may have just changed things.
Msixty said:
the end of the earth is supposedly to start in asia, china would definently be a canidate for this

The Bible speaks of two wars during the end of this age- One sparked by the Middle East and one sparked by the Far East. The descriptions are directly in agreement with what is going on now in the world. Although it uses archaic names, basically the Middle Eastern alliances will consist of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria, etc., and the Eastern army will consist of China. Russia will also play a factor in the war against Israel.
i do beleave that the bible is a book of history depicting real events that were attributed to god, and some of the predictions of the future are proving right and some will still prove to be true (i don't beleave god told anyone this, but rather it is a combination of lucky guesses and calculated understanding of the world and using that knowledge in a prediction of the future)

I personally feel Biblical prophecies are much more than educated guesses. Some of the fulfillments we are seeing now are over 2,500 years old. This would simply be too hard to pull off with as much as world powers fluctuate. Furthermore, these are not vague prophecies. For instance, the rebirth of Israel as a nation was predicted to the day (ranging from 4,500-2,700 years in advance), the year of Jesus' birth was predicted approximately 650 years in advance, national alliances were foretold 2,000 years in advance, etc. Fascinating stuff. I just can't see how a mortal man would be able to do this.

i feel that we can trust if not a doomsday-type scenerio (no i don't think the world will end or 'Mad Max' will have his post apocolyptic earth) a massive WWIII. this is gonna be big, really big.

The jury is still out with me. I don't think the earth is going to end completely but I do feel life as we know it will. A nuclear holocaust is only a matter of time.

remember my thread about 'will america fall to another nation like other super powers in history'??????? this may have just changed things.

Unfortunately, all nations come and go. With the increase of military weapons and technology around the world, one would think our demise would come sooner than later. Not that I would want it to happen. I love the U.S., obviously, but nothing is forever and it seems inevitable at this point.
Phantom said:
The Bible speaks of two wars during the end of this age- One sparked by the Middle East and one sparked by the Far East. The descriptions are directly in agreement with what is going on now in the world. Although it uses archaic names, basically the Middle Eastern alliances will consist of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Syria, etc., and the Eastern army will consist of China. Russia will also play a factor in the war against Israel.

and America, Isreal, Japan, U.K., Auzzies, Most o' Europe, and Canada, will be another party. (don't forget Germany)

russia scares the **** out of me, you all need to know what i do about the weapons they have to fully understand that. BUT, they are insignificant as a nation given the shitty command structure, although they have weapons that can turn our most hi-tech warships into scrap and they have impressive small arms. i'd be more afraid of them as an arms-dealing nation with noteable naval power.

Phantom said:
I personally feel Biblical prophecies are much more than educated guesses. Some of the fulfillments we are seeing now are over 2,500 years old. This would simply be too hard to pull off with as much as world powers fluctuate. Furthermore, these are not vague prophecies. For instance, the rebirth of Israel as a nation was predicted to the day (ranging from 4,500-2,700 years in advance), the year of Jesus' birth was predicted approximately 650 years in advance, national alliances were foretold 2,000 years in advance, etc. Fascinating stuff. I just can't see how a mortal man would be able to do this.

since the dawn of civilisation the middle east has been run the same way, europe has always been like it is, and aisia has been to. note that the U.S. was left out of all this, why? becouse it would have been fairly hard to predict, possible yes, given that western ways had the best chance of spreading this way (although western civilisation was not around back then, if you could see the way it was going up there, you could predict over here)

Phantom said:
The jury is still out with me. I don't think the earth is going to end completely but I do feel life as we know it will. A nuclear holocaust is only a matter of time.

if it's gotta end permenently, i want 1,000 giant hydrogen bombs to go off at the same time (an H-bomb is different from an A-bomb, and H-bomb creates a small sun (or star actually) for a short moment burning everything. we (and russia, and a few others) have them, and to turn the earth into a big cluster of stars would be cool :D

Phantom said:
Unfortunately, all nations come and go. With the increase of military weapons and technology around the world, one would think our demise would come sooner than later. Not that I would want it to happen. I love the U.S., obviously, but nothing is forever and it seems inevitable at this point.

yep, and this just prooves that.
You ****ers have made this way too complicated. Heres the deal:

Sterotypically, Asians have little dicks. But ya see, China is a big-ass country, with a Military that is 2nd in the world, only to the USA. Now, these little Asians have been ignored as of late in the media.. as its all focused on North Korea, and Iran and their nuclear bullshit. These mother****ers needed to unzip their flys, and say hey.. look at us.. we do got a dick to swing around here, and not only are we becoming a major financial player in the world economy, you really dont wanna **** with us.

This is nothing but a bit of show-boating, imo. China certainly does not want to incur the wrath of the USA, we are putting some serious dollars into that country right now.
yes, they do want recognition (given N korea's ass hat pull with the nukes) BUT, they have been developing anti-satellite weapons for years, they even blinded our satellites before with light and other weapons. so it's not new. but fear not, soon we will have stealth satellites, so i guess they are just giving us more things to pre-defend against. go china for giving us ideas, and go us for thinking we are ninjas and trying to 'stealth' everything
Msixty said:
and go us for thinking we are ninjas and trying to 'stealth' everything

Does "stealthing" a sattelite really work? after all, wouldn't it be possible to trace any signals given off by the sattelite back to the uplink or the sattelite itself? And would it also be possible for a crack team of REALLY sophisticated hackers to worm their way into the uplink and cause some mayhem, namely by hijacking and shutting down sattelites? (When **** gets more computerized/automated, cyberspace IS going to become a more and more potential battlefield)
I can't remember where I read it but China has a doomsday scenario in the event they are attacked. It has to do with disabling satellites. The scenario is pretty scary for the U.S. and allies. This test, if was sucessful, could mean that China is ready to put this into play. While this will give China the world to rule, it will not lead to total devastation of the Earth. It is designed to cripple the enemies, not destroy them. The end product will be a World wholey controlled by China.
thekid and Outlaw have it right. The Chinese economy depends on the American consumer. Also, the Chinese military is incapable of being any threat to the US without facing massive retaliation. In less than a generation China is on the road to being a civilized nation. They are our trading partners. The only policy difference between us is the status of a few islands.
Msixty said:
and they can always sell to us for better prices if they cripple us.

Let me explain an economic concept called the supply and demand curve. Basically it means as demand goes down prices decrease. You are a sad victim of our educational system.