Chinese Really Pissed Over Dalai Lama Honor - Tough !



BEIJING, China (CNN) -- China has offered harsh criticism of U.S.
plans to honor the Dalai Lama with a Congressional medal on Wednesday
in a Washington ceremony.

The Dalai Lama speaks with reporters after meeting U.S. President
George W. Bush at the White House Tuesday.

"U.S. leaders meeting the Dalai (Lama) seriously violate the basic
principles of international relations," Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu
Jianchao said in a statement. Lui called Tibet "an inalienable part of
China" and a matter for the country's internal affairs.

According to White House Press Secretary Dana Perino, U.S. President
George W. Bush will deliver "brief" remarks and bestow the
Congressional Gold Medal -- the nation's highest civilian honor --
upon Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th and current Dalai Lama, during a ceremony
in the Capitol Rotunda.

The medal, one of four awarded by Congress, is presented for singular
acts of exceptional service and for lifetime achievement. The Dalai
Lama is also a Nobel Peace Prize laureate.

Wednesday's ceremony comes a day after Bush met privately with the
exiled spiritual leader in the White House residence. It was his
fourth meeting with him, Perino said.

The visit -- which the administration has worked to downplay -- has
nevertheless drawn the ire of Chinese leaders, who call it an
interference into internal state matters.

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I'm kind of suprised the PRC hasn't assassinated the DL.
He's a constant, well-known, reminder of what they did
to Tibet and all the BS they've spouted about it since.
Tibetians were not Chinese, didn't want to be Chinese,
didn't want to be run by the Chinese and still DON'T
want to be run by the Chinese. First came the try at
"cultural genocide" and now the Chinese have switched
to some weird Tibetian Disneyland thing to suck money
out of the tourists with communist-party-correct
"genuine religious rituals" and such ...

Yet another good reaon to keep them away from Taiwan.

Even worse for the PRC, the DL comes across as a Really
Nice Guy - not a politician, fanatic or bloodthirsty
counter-revolutionary. He'd be anybodies favorite uncle.
Hell, I've even heard he's a Trekkie ...

In any event, it looks as if Tibetian buddhism just
isn't going to go away. It simply went underground
and/or across the border. When the present DL croaks
they'll find his 'reincarnation' - depsite China
passing a law against unauthorized reincarnation
earlier this year.