CHKDSK runs at every startup - cannot turn off!


BCS Sys Admins

Guys, i need some assistance.

i recently used an application to deploy a CHKDSK command to run at startup and it worked....worked too well! Now on every boot up it runs the CHKDSK utility. I have followed articles online such as to rectify the issue but to no avail. Here is the interesting part. Once the PC has booted up, whether i login or not, the PC shutsdown, reboots and runs CHKDSK again. It has never dome this before and is only starting to do it since i deployued the CHKDSK on startup.

Currently there is nothing in the HKLM\...Run or RunOnce keys. The HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager Boot Execute value is set to "autocheck autochk " which i understand is correct for not forcing a chkdsk upon bootup.

If anyone can please help, it will be greatly appreciated.


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