Christian-Hating Edwards: 2-Year Ban on New Drug Ads


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Edwards: 2-Year Ban on New Drug Ads

Sunday, October 28, 2007

CONCORD, N.H. -- Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards says
prescription drug companies should have to wait two years to begin
advertising their new products to consumers.

Edwards on Sunday was outlining a plan to regulate what he views as a
proliferation of misleading drug ads. In the decade since the government
relaxed rules on advertising directly to consumers, spending on prescription
drug ads has nearly quadrupled to more than $4 billion a year, he said in
prepared remarks.

"With such aggressive and often misleading drug company marketing, it's too
easy for advertising _ instead of doctors or proven results _ to influence
families' health decisions," Edwards said in excerpts of his speech provided
to The Associated Press. "But the (Food and Drug Administration) has been an
ineffective watchdog, reviewing only a small fraction of ads.

"It's time to stand up to the drug companies and their lobbyists who have
rigged the system. It's time to stand strong for families, patients and
doctors," said Edwards, a former senator from North Carolina.

Besides the two-year delay on new-drug advertising, he would require drug
companies to get FDA approval before launching major ad campaigns. He also
would increase penalties for companies that violate truth-in-advertising
laws and would require companies to disclose more information about a drug's
side effects and effectiveness compared to placebos and alternative drugs.

Edwards was beginning four days of campaigning in New Hampshire, accompanied
by his wife, Elizabeth, and their children, Jack and Emma Claire.