Christian Militants kill 70 Muslims, Muslims still pray for them


New member
"Others noted that crowds of Muslim hardliners gathered at the court during the hearings -- which occurred when religious tensions were at a high -- likely intimidating judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and witnesses. Some threw rocks at the building ahead of the verdict."

Absolutely something too be proud of AND just what we have come to expect from our Muslim Brothers. They must have been out of dynamite that day.

"The executions come amid an outcry in many Muslim nations about comments made by the Pope on Islam."

Outcry = "LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -- "About 1,000 clerics and religious scholars at a meeting in eastern Pakistan said...The Pope, and all Infidels, should know that no Muslim, under any circumstances, can tolerate an insult to the Prophet (Muhammad).... If the West does not change its stance regarding Islam, it will face severe consequences,"

Do you think they mean Christians or the Pope will get a severe tongue lashing you think???

ALL BECAUSE OF..."the pope quoted a medieval text"...not even his own words...

Muslims go on their daily jihad killing Christians and get 15 years; the Christians retaliate and get death... Just like a ******-up islamic pig-**** country... Why am I not surprized :rolleyes:


New member
You know what I thought was funny, Muslims prayed for the Christians...something tells me the prayers of a Muslim for a Christian would be shocking to us if we were to hear it.

Something along the lines they hope the Christians see the light of day and follow Islam before its too late...Too late being the insinuation you can choose to follow Islam NOW, or you will be forced too it later.



New member
I missed the part where the report said that any Muslims still prayed for the Christians-??? I did notice this though-"violence that swept Sulawesi province from 1998 to 2002, killing more than 1,000 people of both religions. Only a handful of Muslims were convicted in the violence, all for 15 years in prison or less" this ""My father begged us not to be angry, not to seek revenge," Tibo's son, Robert, told Christian followers after the morning prayers. "He asked us to forgive those who did this to him. *** blesses all of us, he said."" and this-"Human rights workers say the men's 2001 trial was a sham, and that while it was possible the men took part in some of the violence, they almost certainly were not the masterminds.

Others said crowds of Muslim hardliners gathered at the court during the hearings, likely intimidating judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys and witnesses.

"The men's lawyers received death threats, including a bomb planted at one lawyer's house and demonstrators armed with stones outside the courthouse demanded that the three be sentenced to death," said Isabelle Cartron of London-based Amnesty International." etc, etc.

I don't know why you even posted this, it still makes Muslims look bad and all the barbaric acts they do and carry out every day more than affirms the image they give to themselves.



New member
**** Hamza! They praid for them... nough said?

"The men's lawyers received death threats, including a bomb planted at one lawyer's house and demonstrators armed with stones outside the courthouse demanded that the three be sentenced to death," said Isabelle Cartron of London-based Amnesty International
I think they did more than praying. also

The executions came amid an outcry in many Muslim nations about comments made by the pope on Islam. The pontiff last week cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman." He has since said he was "deeply sorry" about the reactions to his remarks and that they did not reflect his own opinions.
Because the pope says the truth about Muhmmad the blood thristy Muslims cry for more blood?

nough said...



New member
Boo ******* hoo. They brought it upon themselves. I'm not saying what the militants did was right, but sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.


New member
Oh and I should add that what these "Christian Miltants" did was incomprehensible and got what they deserved. They are not Christian.
You know what I thought was funny, Muslims prayed for the Christians...something tells me the prayers of a Muslim for a Christian would be shocking to us if we were to hear it.Something along the lines they hope the Christians see the light of day and follow Islam before its too late...Too late being the insinuation you can choose to follow Islam NOW, or you will be forced too it later.
I bet the prayers are more like...

"Grant me the strength, allah, to kill your sworn enemy, the christian, and his brother the jew, too!"



New member
Oh and I should add that what these "Christian Miltants" did was incomprehensible and got what they deserved. They are not Christian.
Same thing that I have been saying with those terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, but oh wait, it only applies to Christians. :rolleyes:

Ain't **** changed.



New member
Same thing that I have been saying with those terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, but oh wait, it only applies to Christians. :rolleyes:
Ain't **** changed.
Hamza, open your eyes...your people hate and mistrust ALL Jews for what a few have done. BUT you object to us feeling the same way after a so called few of your people doing all the things they have done.







New member
Hamza, open your eyes...your people hate and mistrust ALL Jews for what a few have done.
You call the state of Israel a few Jews? On top of that you call "all my people" haters of Jews.

Infact I would say only a percentage like %0.0001 of Muslims wish harm upon a random jew. And this is percentage outside Palestine due to obvious reasons.

BUT you object to us feeling the same way after a so called few of your people doing all the things they have done.
Simply saying "your people" just shows the kind of logic. Who are my people? Because I choose to be Islamic but born in the USA, I still have "people"... Humanity's downfalls are seen everywhere. :(

I don't know, I am only 17. I don't think it matters which colour, race, or religion to me, as long as she is a good/positive type person. Not to be shallow but looks somewhat matter too.

Most of my teachers are Jews. I tend to see a trend where the Jewish/Immigrant teachers are smarter than the white/mainstream/christian teachers... Oh and one of my closest friends is a Jew...

After I bought my Stang, I took it to the local shop for an Oil Change and what do you know!! The person who changed the oil for me wore a Yamaka!

I pretty much live in one now. A lot of the kids at my school are Jewish.

"This is a message from Muhammad ibn Abdullah, as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I, the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.
No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries.

No one is to destroy a house of their religion, to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims' houses. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil ***'s covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.

No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not to be prevented from visiting her church to pray.


Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation (Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day (end of the world)."

The English translated text of the Charter of Privileges was extracted from the Book 'Muslim History: 570 - 1950 C.E.' by Dr. A. Zahoor and Dr. Z. Haq, ZMD Corporation. P.O. Box 8231 - Gaithersburg, MD 20898-8231 - Copyright Akram Zahoor 2000. P. 167.
I can ask you every single questions but about Muslims. And lets be honest. We all know where that is going.



New member
You call the state of Israel a few Jews? On top of that you call "all my people" haters of Jews.
Infact I would say only a percentage like %0.0001 of Muslims wish harm upon a random jew. And this is percentage outside Palestine due to obvious reasons.

Simply saying "your people" just shows the kind of logic. Who are my people? Because I choose to be Islamic but born in the USA, I still have "people"... Humanity's downfalls are seen everywhere. :(

I don't know, I am only 17. I don't think it matters which colour, race, or religion to me, as long as she is a good/positive type person. Not to be shallow but looks somewhat matter too.

Most of my teachers are Jews. I tend to see a trend where the Jewish/Immigrant teachers are smarter than the white/mainstream/christian teachers... Oh and one of my closest friends is a Jew...

After I bought my Stang, I took it to the local shop for an Oil Change and what do you know!! The person who changed the oil for me wore a Yamaka!

I pretty much live in one now. A lot of the kids at my school are Jewish.

I can ask you every single questions but about Muslims. And lets be honest. We all know where that is going.
AND I can answer truthfully I would not choose to live in a Muslim community, I do however have a very close friend who is Muslim, he is a Black Muslim, the kind your people are trying to wipe out right now in the Sudan. He is from Gambia. He used to live here in my neighborhood but after a divorce had to sell the house, he is looking to move back.

I do not trust Arabic Muslims...



New member
AND I can answer truthfully I would not choose to live in a Muslim community, I do however have a very close friend who is Muslim, he is a Black Muslim, the kind your people are trying to wipe out right now in the Sudan. He is from Gambia. He used to live here in my neighborhood but after a divorce had to sell the house, he is looking to move back.
I do not trust Arabic Muslims...
I wouldn't trust my neighbourhood if they had something against me because of my colour, race, or religion. Period.



New member
WOULD YOU MARRY A MUSLIM? I've seen some pretty hot muslims...

I'd marry one if it wasn't against their religion, and convert her to Deism .

WOULD YOU WORK FOR A MUSLIM? I already do... I work for the gas they give me in my car.

WOULD YOU BUY A CAR OR HOUSE FROM A MUSLIM ? I'd want it checked for explosives first.

WOULD YOU LIVE IN A MUSLIM NEIGHBORHOOD? Sure, as long as they had a steady supply of drugs... how could I pass ??



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