Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes toRival AIPAC



Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to
Rival AIPAC.
(A Real Con Job)

Bible Pounding Pastor John Hagee spearheads Christians United for

We take a look at a new recently established group called Christians
United for Israel-an evangelical organization that believes supporting
expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
imperative." We speak with investigative journalist Max Blumenthal who
reports they lobbied the Bush administration to adopt a
confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians
and give Israel a free hand in its attack on Lebanon. [includes rush

In March of this year, a study on the role of the Israel lobby in US
foreign policy caused an uproar in the academic community and in the
media. The paper's authors, Professor Stephen Walt of Harvard
University and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, argued
the pro-Israel lobby has unduly influenced the United States to set
aside its own security in order to advance the interests of Israel.
The study emphasized the activities of the pro-Israel lobby group the
American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC.

Well, there's another side of the pro-Israel lobby that's drawing
increasing attention--and some say its far more influential. A new
group was recently established called Christians United for Israel-
CUFI. They're an evangelical organization that believes supporting
expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
imperative." In a new article for The Nation, journalist Max
Blumenthal reports group members have held several meetings with White
House officials to talk about US policy in the Middle East. They've
apparently lobbied the administration to adopt a confrontational
posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a
free hand in its attack on Lebanon.

We're going to speak with Max Blumenthal in a moment but first, we
hear from Christians United for Israel. Their inaugural event was held
last month in Washington, DC. More than 3,000 people were in
attendance to hear speeches from Israeli and American dignitaries.
Among the speakers was Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback.

SEN. SAM BROWNBACK: Thank you in your energy. Thank you in your
prayers. Thank you for standing with Israel in this difficult time. I
close with noting that the recently elected Prime Minister of Israel
addressed a joint session of Congress about a month or so ago. And he
spoke there, and I sat as I listened to him give an eloquent speech,
uniting speech, thinking to myself, the United States doesn't have a
closer partner in the world than Israel today. And it is true. And
it's important for us, when our friend is in difficulty, Israel, that
we stand by them in this difficult time. Thank you for being here. God
bless you all. God bless the United States of America. And God bless
the Israeli people.

The group's founder, Texas television evangelist, John Hagee, also

JOHN HAGEE: We gather in Washington, D.C., tonight for one of the most
dramatic moments in the history of American Christiandom. We gather
here from every state in the nation. We gather here with more than
3,400 spiritual leaders. We gather for one purpose: to express our
solidarity with the state of Israel and the Jewish people, because
this historic event is being telecast across the nation and around the
world; because this telecast is being seen in Iran, where a new
Hitler, the President of Iran, threatens to annihilate Israel with a
nuclear holocaust, saying Israel should be wiped off the map and
saying, like it or not, the Zionist regime is headed toward total
annihilation, to be ended with a sudden storm; because the enemies of
Israel are doubtless watching this telecast and question our resolve
as Christians to stand with Israel until Islamofascism is totally
defeated; because this will be seen in Israel by a war-weary people
who at this very hour are once again fighting Hamas terrorists whose
covenant calls for the death of Jewish people and total destruction of
Israel; because God in heaven is watching and has commanded us, keep
not silent concerning Israel. Well, those of you in this audience who
stand in solidarity with Israel, until victory comes, stand and send a
message to the U.S. Congress, to the people of Israel, to the enemies
of Israel: We are with you. We stand with you. Israel, you are not

Max Blumenthal, who writes about Christians United for Israel in a new
piece for The Nation. He's a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at the
Nation Institute. He's based in Washington, D.C. His pieces have
appeared in The Nation, and Salon, American Prospect, Washington
Monthly. His piece is called "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism."

MAX BLUMENTHAL: Christian Zionism has been a force within the
Christian right for over 20 years, and they've made--the Christian
Zionist movement, they've made themselves an asset to Israel by
sending millions in aid money to Israel. They're a major source of
Israeli tourism, especially during the Second Intifada. They were
perhaps the only source of tourism revenue for Israel, which is a key
source of revenue for the Israeli government. And on an individual
basis, leaders of the Christian Zionist movement have lobbied the
government, especially the Bush administration, which has had an open
door policy to them. But never before has there been an official
Washington lobbying organization for the Christian Zionist movement.

So now you have Christians United for Israel, which was founded in
February by John Hagee, who commands a mega-church in San Antonio with
18,000 members. He's a huge force in Texas politics, a close, personal
friend of Tom DeLay. And what this organization has done is they've
convened all of the major Christian Zionist mega-churches in the
country under one umbrella group, and they've hired a lobbyist. Hagee
has a lot of money through his congregation. And their lobbyist is a
guy named David Brog, who's the former chief of staff to Arlen
Specter, and he's Jewish, so this makes him a huge asset to this
organization, because he can beat back criticism from other Jewish
leaders that Christian Zionists harbor ulterior motives for supporting
Israel, that they have an Armageddon-based agenda for supporting

And if you look at what John Hagee has written in his books, like
Jerusalem Countdown, his most recent book, which cites 17 unnamed
Israeli intelligence sources to claim that Iran is producing nuclear
suitcase bombs and that Israel must engage in a "nuclear showdown"
with Iran or risk committing national suicide, if you look at what
he's written, he does have an Armageddon-based agenda. And so I think
what this lobby does, it plays an instrumental PR role on behalf of
the Christian Zionist movement in preventing legitimate criticism of
their motives for supporting Israel, and they are bolstering what
AIPAC is doing and possibly even radicalizing what AIPAC is doing, by
providing them a grassroots base in the heartland.

The majority of America's 60 million evangelicals are premillenial
dispensationalists. They believe that the end times could come at any
moment, and they're looking for signs of that, so they're sympathetic
to supporting Israel for these reasons. And so they provide a strong
grassroots base. This is the Republican base. This is the only
component of the Republican base that still supports Bush's policies
in Iraq without question, unconditionally, and supports Israel's
expansionism. While the American Jewish community is willing to, you
know, stand for Israel and show solidarity for Israel, they also
support a peace process, and they support a sovereign Palestinian
state. But this group doesn't.

You know, for instance, Pat Robertson went on the 700 Club and said
that Ariel Sharon's descent into a comatose state was punishment for
dividing the land for the Gaza withdrawal, for pulling 9,000 extremist
settlers out of a huge swath of land. And, you know, then last week,
Pat Robertson was flown to Israel to pray with Ehud Olmert and go on
the 700 Club and tell his viewership that the Lebanese civilians, the
Lebanese society was harboring terrorists, and therefore, civilian
casualties were justified. So they play a PR role on behalf of the
extremist wing of Israeli political culture. They're very connected to
people like Benjamin Netanyahu, who's positioning himself to succeed
Ehud Olmert in the wake of Olmert's possibly imminent resignation. So
I think there's a real danger here...... Well, we know in the past
that Karl Rove and people in Karl Rove's shop, like Tim Goeglein and
Elliott Abrams, who's in the State Department, who's traveling, you
know, to Israel with Condoleezza Rice, have met with Christian Zionist
groups, so this is not an anomaly. But this group has a much larger
voice than any of the other groups that have met with the Bush
administration, and they claim--David Brog claimed to me that their
principal achievement has been keeping a ceasefire off the table for
the past month. So, their principal achievement has been essentially
giving Israel a free hand and the IDF a free hand to kind of, you
know, ramp up the war, and I think this has had catastrophic
consequences for the Middle East and the peace process.

I'm not discounting the influence of AIPAC. I'm not saying that
Christians United has anywhere near the influence of AIPAC, but in a
Republican-dominated Washington, Christians United represents where
the Republican base is at, and that's why you have Sam Brownback going
to their banquet. That's why Ken Mehlman, the head of the RNC, spoke
at their banquet.


Why all of this Christian support for Israel when Christians believe
that the Jews killed their Messiah-Jesus Christ?

Could it be because without the Jews and their Old Testament promise
of a second coming of a Messaih,
Jesus Christ would have been just another Jew causing
problems for the Roman invaders and the collaberating Jewish

Without that promise there could be no

The Evangelical Christians need the Jews to establish their claims
about Jesus being the Son-of-G-d. Without the Jewish prediction of a
"Second Coming", Jesus
would have been just another Jewish street magician.

Why Evangelicals, like snake oil salesman, Pat "Chazer" Robertson,
support Israel.

Christians support Israel out of a sense of spiritual debt to the
Jews, noting that the majority of the Bible was written in Hebrew and
ordained by God to the Jews. It is through this original covenant
between God and His "chosen people," that gentiles are able to come to
God. Paul speaks of this spiritual debt and instructs us to assist the
Jews (Romans 15: 27).

"They were pleased to do this, and indeed they owe it to them; for if
the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual
blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in
material things."

The REAL reason:

Because the Christians really don't have a choice. We must
not forget that there would be no Christian religion if it were
not for the Jews. Remember the Jewish promise of a second
coming of a messiah? The Christian conservatives believe that Jesus is
that dude.

Christians MUST quote the Old Testament since that is where the whole
idea of a Jesus came from in the first place. Remember the promise of
a messiah?

I have often wondered why the Christians are so willing to approve and
defend the Zionist colonization of Palestine when, at the same time,
they complain that the Jews killed their leader? Could it be that, for
Christianity the Jewish prophesy of the second coming of a messiah is
necessary for the Christ of the New Testament to be real?

It doesn't matter that the Jews do not accept Jesus as their
messiah; the Christians are stuck with the second coming tale and the
rest of the Old Testament with its violence, gardens, sea-splitting
and the rest of the deal - warts and all.

Christians have been trying for years to eliminate the OT and the
insane and viscious deeds committed in the Jewish book, but they
can't. Without the "Promise" of a second coming and their argument
that Jesus Christ is the promised product itself, they are stuck with

Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." Christiands confirmed it at
the Council of Nicea.

The First Council of Nicaea, convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine
I in 325, was the first ecumenical conference of bishops of the
Christian Church.

The purpose of the council (also called a synod) was to resolve
disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in
relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the
same or of similar substance as God the Father. This is where Jesus
became divine. Until then he was just another unemployed Jew with a
political message. Just another man.

"Jesus Christ - Just a man just as a painter must needs paint him as a
man We shall tell what we have believed about Jesus of Nazareth, but
him we shall treat as being what he appeared to be, a man...

"Almost our only resources of information about the personality of
Jesus are derived from the four Gospels, all of which were certainly
in existence a few decades after his death, and from allusions to his
life in the letters (epistles) of the early Christian propagandists.
The first three Gospels, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, many
suppose to be derived from some earlier documents; the Gospel of
St.John has more idiosyncracy and is couloured by theology of a
strongly Hellenic type. Critics are disposed to regard the Gospel of
St. Mark as being the most trustworthy account of the personality and
actual words of Jesus. but all four agree in giving us a picture of a
very definite personality; they carry the same conviction of reality
that the early accounts of Buddha do. In spite of miraculous and
incredible additions, one must be obliged to say, "Here Is a Man. This
part of the tale could not have been invented."

--- H.G.Wells
Outline of History

It's all money and politics friends. The Jews need the political
support of the Evangelical community and its financial support to
continue their warmongering tactics in
Palestine and continued American mercenary troops dying in Iraq for
the defense of Israel in the Arab world and the badly needed oil from

It's that simple. Jews don't like Christians and Christians
don't trust the Jews. ( Read the Torah) However, at this time in
history,the two will pretend to love one another until there is nomore
Palestine and the US military controls all of the oil fields in the
Forbidden Zone.of the Planet of the Apes serves the world-wide Jewish Community with guidance
and support for learning and living the Jewish Tradition with a
particular emphasis on being Jewish in a Gentile world
SEE: Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War?

In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
revive the pipeline to Haifa

US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy
headache at a stroke Ed Vuillamy in Washington Sunday April 20, 2003

The Observer
By Steven Scheer

LONDON (Reuters) - Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he
expected an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel to be reopened in the
near future after being closed when Israel became a state in 1948.

"It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa," the
port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of British
investors, declining to give a timetable.

"It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and
Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."

Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of
looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during
the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.

"It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.

Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to
Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential
future government figures in Baghdad.The plan envisages the
reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the
British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's
northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Iraqi invasion: oil perspective

The British built the Kirkuk-to-Haifa pipeline in 1927. In 1934, they
completed a 12-inch pipeline from the Kirkuk fields to Al-Haditha on
the Euphrates River. At that point the pipeline forked. One branch
went through Syria to Tripoli (Lebanon). The other went across Jordan
to Haifa. The British built refineries at both Tripoli and Haifa to
handle this Iraq oil. (In World War II, Germany wanted to get control
of this oil.)

In 1945 the British added a parallel 16-inch pipeline in Syria.

When Jews started to invade Palestine in 1945, Syria shut down its
branch to Tripoli. Iraq shut down all oil from from Kirkuk to Haifa.
At that point, most of northern Iraq's oil went to the Turkish port
city of Gihan, which was OK with the US, since Turkey was a US ally
against the USSR. Turkey collect transit fees for this oil.

In 1947 the British oil refinery at Haifa still handled trickle of oil
from miscellaneous areas, and still employed some 1,700 Arab workers,
plus 360 Jewish employees. The Arab and Jewish workers formed a union
to oppose British tyranny. Then Israel was created. Immediately Irgun
(commanded by Menachem Begin), the Hagana and other terrorist groups
moved in. Irgun had bombed the King David Hotel the year before, and
they started massacring Arabs in Haifa and elsewhere.

In 1952, western oil companies built two new lines through Syria to
Tripoli. The pipeline to Haifa was allowed to decay. Pieces of it were
dismantled. Various interests used the pieces to build water

In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
revive the pipeline to Haifa (Kirkuk oil fields were said to contain
perhaps 40% of Iraq's oil), and partly to bring oil deals to his
personal friends, such as Ray L. Hunt. Small American oil companies
like Hunt Oil will extract Kurdish oil as soon as and if Mosul and
Kirkuk are broken off from Iraq (17 November 2007). Mosul is the first
stop for Kirkuk oil.

When the Haifa pipeline opens back up, only Jordan (not Israel) will
collect hefty transit fees. Kurdish oil will go to Europe via Israel,
not Turkey. This might be a reason why Turkey is threatening to
invade. The minute Bush invaded Iraq, the Turkish realized that the
pipeline to Haifa would be opened back up. Therefore Turkey tried to
make deals with Central Asian states (such as Azerbaijan) to get new
pipelines to Turkey, but now Iran and Russia have foiled Turkish plans
by forming the new alliance of Caspian Sea states. Turkey feels
squeezed. This is yet another reason why they are threatening to
invade northern Iraq.

Shortly after the 2003 invasion, Benyamin Netanyahu (the then Israeli
finance minister) boasted, "Soon you will see Iraqi oil flowing to
Haifa. It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is
reconstituted, and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean. It's not
a pipe dream."

Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the US guaranteed all
Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis. This MoU is quietly
renewed every five years. It commits US taxpayers to maintain a
strategic US reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002
dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from
restrictions on oil exports from the US. Moreover, the US government
agreed to divert oil from the US, even in case of oil shortages in the
US. The US government also guaranteed delivery of oil in US tankers if
commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the
US to Israel.

Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding
(September 1, 1975)

Israel can wrench lot of oil from the region if the pipeline were used
again and Kurds were willing to sell the oil. It would also make Kurds
dependent on Israelis for oil revenues and thus give a greater
leverage to Israelis over Kurds of the region...

We are All Jews Now
Aidel gepotchket - Delicately brought up

Consider the present crisis in America and the rise of anti-
Americanism worldwide. "The US has become a Jewish state in more ways
than one. It has the same security checks, the same holocaust museums,
the same poverty for many and riches for a few as Israel

Azoy gait es! - That's how it goes!
On Feb 3, 7:46�am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to
> Rival AIPAC.
> (A Real Con Job)
> Bible Pounding Pastor John Hagee spearheads Christians United for
> Israel
> Why?
> We take a look at a new recently established group called Christians
> United for Israel-an evangelical organization that believes supporting
> expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
> imperative." We speak with investigative journalist Max Blumenthal who
> reports they lobbied the Bush administration to adopt a
> confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians
> and give Israel a free hand in its attack on Lebanon. [includes rush
> transcript]
> In March of this year, a study on the role of the Israel lobby in US
> foreign policy caused an uproar in the academic community and in the
> media. The paper's authors, Professor Stephen Walt of Harvard
> University and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, argued
> the pro-Israel lobby has unduly influenced the United States to set
> aside its own security in order to advance the interests of Israel.
> The study emphasized the activities of the pro-Israel lobby group the
> American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC.
> Well, there's another side of the pro-Israel lobby that's drawing
> increasing attention--and some say its far more influential. A new
> group was recently established called Christians United for Israel-
> CUFI. They're an evangelical organization that believes supporting
> expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
> imperative." In a new article for The Nation, journalist Max
> Blumenthal reports group members have held several meetings with White
> House officials to talk about US policy in the Middle East. They've
> apparently lobbied the administration to adopt a confrontational
> posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a
> free hand in its attack on Lebanon.
> We're going to speak with Max Blumenthal in a moment but first, we
> hear from Christians United for Israel. Their inaugural event was held
> last month in Washington, DC. More than 3,000 people were in
> attendance to hear speeches from Israeli and American dignitaries.
> Among the speakers was Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback.
> SEN. SAM BROWNBACK: Thank you in your energy. Thank you in your
> prayers. Thank you for standing with Israel in this difficult time. I
> close with noting that the recently elected Prime Minister of Israel
> addressed a joint session of Congress about a month or so ago. And he
> spoke there, and I sat as I listened to him give an eloquent speech,
> uniting speech, thinking to myself, the United States doesn't have a
> closer partner in the world than Israel today. And it is true. And
> it's important for us, when our friend is in difficulty, Israel, that
> we stand by them in this difficult time. Thank you for being here. God
> bless you all. God bless the United States of America. And God bless
> the Israeli people.
> The group's founder, Texas television evangelist, John Hagee, also
> spoke.
> JOHN HAGEE: We gather in Washington, D.C., tonight for one of the most
> dramatic moments in the history of American Christiandom. We gather
> here from every state in the nation. We gather here with more than
> 3,400 spiritual leaders. We gather for one purpose: to express our
> solidarity with the state of Israel and the Jewish people, because
> this historic event is being telecast across the nation and around the
> world; because this telecast is being seen in Iran, where a new
> Hitler, the President of Iran, threatens to annihilate Israel with a
> nuclear holocaust, saying Israel should be wiped off the map and
> saying, like it or not, the Zionist regime is headed toward total
> annihilation, to be ended with a sudden storm; because the enemies of
> Israel are doubtless watching this telecast and question our resolve
> as Christians to stand with Israel until Islamofascism is totally
> defeated; because this will be seen in Israel by a war-weary people
> who at this very hour are once again fighting Hamas terrorists whose
> covenant calls for the death of Jewish people and total destruction of
> Israel; because God in heaven is watching and has commanded us, keep
> not silent concerning Israel. Well, those of you in this audience who
> stand in solidarity with Israel, until victory comes, stand and send a
> message to the U.S. Congress, to the people of Israel, to the enemies
> of Israel: We are with you. We stand with you. Israel, you are not
> alone.
> Max Blumenthal, who writes about Christians United for Israel in a new
> piece for The Nation. He's a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at the
> Nation Institute. He's based in Washington, D.C. His pieces have
> appeared in The Nation, and Salon, American Prospect, Washington
> Monthly. His piece is called "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism."
> MAX BLUMENTHAL: Christian Zionism has been a force within the
> Christian right for over 20 years, and they've made--the Christian
> Zionist movement, they've made themselves an asset to Israel by
> sending millions in aid money to Israel. They're a major source of
> Israeli tourism, especially during the Second Intifada. They were
> perhaps the only source of tourism revenue for Israel, which is a key
> source of revenue for the Israeli government. And on an individual
> basis, leaders of the Christian Zionist movement have lobbied the
> government, especially the Bush administration, which has had an open
> door policy to them. But never before has there been an official
> Washington lobbying organization for the Christian Zionist movement.
> So now you have Christians United for Israel, which was founded in
> February by John Hagee, who commands a mega-church in San Antonio with
> 18,000 members. He's a huge force in Texas politics, a close, personal
> friend of Tom DeLay. And what this organization has done is they've
> convened all of the major Christian Zionist mega-churches in the
> country under one umbrella group, and they've hired a lobbyist. Hagee
> has a lot of money through his congregation. And their lobbyist is a
> guy named David Brog, who's the former chief of staff to Arlen
> Specter, and he's Jewish, so this makes him a huge asset to this
> organization, because he can beat back criticism from other Jewish
> leaders that Christian Zionists harbor ulterior motives for supporting
> Israel, that they have an Armageddon-based agenda for supporting
> Israel.
> And if you look at what John Hagee has written in his books, like
> Jerusalem Countdown, his most recent book, which cites 17 unnamed
> Israeli intelligence sources to claim that Iran is producing nuclear
> suitcase bombs and that Israel must engage in a "nuclear showdown"
> with Iran or risk committing national suicide, if you look at what
> he's written, he does have an Armageddon-based agenda. And so I think
> what this lobby does, it plays an instrumental PR role on behalf of
> the Christian Zionist movement in preventing legitimate criticism of
> their motives for supporting Israel, and they are bolstering what
> AIPAC is doing and possibly even radicalizing what AIPAC is doing, by
> providing them a grassroots base in the heartland.
> The majority of America's 60 million evangelicals are premillenial
> dispensationalists. They believe that the end times could come at any
> moment, and they're looking for signs of that, so they're sympathetic
> to supporting Israel for these reasons. And so they provide a strong
> grassroots base. This is the Republican base. This is the only
> component of the Republican base that still supports Bush's policies
> in Iraq without question, unconditionally, and supports Israel's
> expansionism. While the American Jewish community is willing to, you
> know, stand for Israel and show solidarity for Israel, they also
> support a peace process, and they support a sovereign Palestinian
> state. But this group doesn't.
> You know, for instance, Pat Robertson went on the 700 Club and said
> that Ariel Sharon's descent into a comatose state was punishment for
> dividing the land for the Gaza withdrawal, for pulling 9,000 extremist
> settlers out of a huge swath of land. And, you know, then last week,
> Pat Robertson was flown to Israel to pray with Ehud Olmert and go on
> the 700 Club and tell his viewership that the Lebanese civilians, the
> Lebanese society was harboring terrorists, and therefore, civilian
> casualties were justified. So they play a PR role on behalf of the
> extremist wing of Israeli political culture. They're very connected to
> people like Benjamin Netanyahu, who's positioning himself to succeed
> Ehud Olmert in the wake of Olmert's possibly imminent resignation. So
> I think there's a real danger here...... Well, we know in the past
> that Karl Rove and people in Karl Rove's shop, like Tim Goeglein and
> Elliott Abrams, who's in the State Department, who's traveling, you
> know, to Israel with Condoleezza Rice, have met with Christian Zionist
> groups, so this is not an anomaly. But this group has a much larger
> voice than any of the other groups that have met with the Bush
> administration, and they claim--David Brog claimed to me that their
> principal achievement has been keeping a ceasefire off the table for
> the past month. So, their principal achievement has been essentially
> giving Israel a free hand and the IDF a free hand to kind of, you
> know, ramp up the war, and I think this has had catastrophic
> consequences for the Middle East and the peace process.
> I'm not discounting the influence of AIPAC. I'm not saying that
> Christians United has anywhere near the influence of AIPAC, but in a
> Republican-dominated Washington, Christians United represents where
> the Republican base is at, and that's why you have Sam Brownback going
> to their banquet. That's why Ken Mehlman, the head of the RNC, spoke
> at their banquet.
> Why all of this Christian support for Israel when Christians believe
> that the Jews killed their Messiah-Jesus Christ?
> Could it be because without the Jews and their Old Testament promise
> of a second coming of a Messaih,
> Jesus Christ would have been just another Jew causing
> problems for the Roman invaders and the collaberating Jewish
> leaders.?
> Without that promise there could be no
> Christianity.
> The Evangelical Christians need the Jews to establish their claims
> about Jesus being the Son-of-G-d. Without the Jewish prediction of a
> "Second Coming", Jesus
> would have been just another Jewish street magician.
> Why Evangelicals, like snake oil salesman, Pat "Chazer" Robertson,
> support Israel.
> Allegedly:
> Christians support Israel out of a sense of spiritual debt to the
> Jews, noting that the majority of the Bible was written in Hebrew and
> ordained by God to the Jews. It is through this original covenant
> between God and His "chosen people," that gentiles are able to come to
> God. Paul speaks of this spiritual debt and instructs us to assist the
> Jews (Romans 15: 27).
> "They were pleased to do this, and indeed they owe it to them; for if
> the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual
> blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in
> material things."
> The REAL reason:
> Because the Christians really don't have a choice. We must
> not forget that there would be no Christian religion if it were
> not for the Jews. Remember the Jewish promise of a second
> coming of a messiah? The Christian conservatives believe that Jesus is
> that dude.
> Christians MUST quote the Old Testament since that is where the whole
> idea of a Jesus came from in the first place. Remember the promise of
> a messiah?
> I have often wondered why the Christians are so willing to approve and
> defend the Zionist colonization of Palestine when, at the same time,
> they complain that the Jews killed their leader? Could it be that, for
> Christianity the Jewish prophesy of the second coming of a messiah is
> necessary for the Christ of the New Testament to be real?
> It doesn't matter that the Jews do not accept Jesus as their
> messiah; the Christians are stuck with the second coming tale and the
> rest of the Old Testament with its violence, gardens, sea-splitting
> and the rest of the deal - warts and all.
> Christians have been trying for years to eliminate the OT and the
> insane and viscious deeds committed in the Jewish book, but they
> can't. Without the "Promise" of a second coming and their argument
> that Jesus Christ is the promised product itself, they are stuck with
> it.
> Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." Christiands confirmed it at
> the Council of Nicea.
> The First Council of Nicaea, convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine
> I in 325, was the first ecumenical conference of bishops of the
> Christian Church.
> The purpose of the council (also called a synod) was to resolve
> disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in
> relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the
> same or of similar substance as God the Father. This is where Jesus
> became divine. Until then he was just another unemployed Jew with a
> political message. Just another man.
> "Jesus Christ - Just a man just as a painter must needs paint him as a
> man �We shall tell what we have believed about Jesus of Nazareth, but
> him we shall treat as being what he appeared to be, a man...
> "Almost our only resources of information about the personality of
> Jesus are derived from the �four Gospels, all of which were certainly
> in existence a few decades after his death, and from allusions to his
> life in the letters (epistles) of the early Christian propagandists.
> The first three Gospels, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, many
> suppose to be derived from some earlier documents; the Gospel of
> St.John has more idiosyncracy and is couloured by theology of a
> strongly Hellenic type. Critics are disposed to regard the Gospel of
> St. Mark as being the most trustworthy account of the personality and
> actual words of Jesus. but all four agree in giving us a picture of a
> very definite personality; they carry the same conviction of reality
> that the early accounts of Buddha do. In spite of miraculous and
> incredible additions, one must be obliged to say, "Here Is a Man. This
> part of the tale could not have been invented."
> --- H.G.Wells
> Outline of History
> It's all money and politics friends. The Jews need the political
> support of the Evangelical community and its financial support to
> continue their warmongering tactics in
> Palestine and continued American mercenary troops dying in Iraq for
> the defense of Israel in the Arab world and the badly needed oil from
> Iraq.
> It's that simple. Jews don't like Christians and Christians
> don't trust the Jews. ( Read the Torah) However, at this time in
> history,the two will pretend to love one another until there is nomore
> Palestine and the US military controls all of the oil fields in the
> Forbidden Zone.of the Planet of the Apes
> www.torah.comserves the world-wide Jewish Community with guidance
> and support for learning and living the Jewish Tradition with a
> particular emphasis on being Jewish in a Gentile world
> .
> SEE: Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War?
> In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
> revive the pipeline to Haifa
> US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy
> headache at a stroke Ed Vuillamy in Washington Sunday April 20, 2003
> The Observer
> By Steven Scheer
> LONDON (Reuters) - Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he
> expected an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel to be reopened in the
> near future after being closed when Israel became a state in 1948.
> "It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa," the
> port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of British
> investors, declining to give a timetable.
> "It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and
> Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."
> Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of
> looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during
> the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.
> Shalom:
> "It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.
> Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to
> Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential
> future government figures in Baghdad.The plan envisages the
> reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the
> British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's
> northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.
> Sunday, November 4, 2007
> Iraqi invasion: oil perspective
> The British built the Kirkuk-to-Haifa pipeline in 1927. In 1934, they
> completed a 12-inch pipeline from the Kirkuk fields to Al-Haditha on
> the Euphrates River. At that point the pipeline forked. One branch
> went through Syria to Tripoli (Lebanon). The other went across Jordan
> to Haifa. The British built refineries at both Tripoli and Haifa to
> handle this Iraq oil. (In World War II, Germany wanted to get control
> of this oil.)
> In 1945 the British added a parallel 16-inch pipeline in Syria.
> When Jews started to invade Palestine in 1945, Syria shut down its
> branch to Tripoli. Iraq shut down all oil from from Kirkuk to Haifa.
> At that point, most of northern Iraq's oil went to the Turkish port
> city of Gihan, which was OK with the US, since Turkey was a US ally
> against the USSR. Turkey collect transit fees for this oil.
> In 1947 the British oil refinery at Haifa still handled trickle of oil
> from miscellaneous areas, and still employed some 1,700 Arab workers,
> plus 360 Jewish employees. The Arab and Jewish workers formed a union
> to oppose British tyranny. Then Israel was created. Immediately Irgun
> (commanded by Menachem Begin), the Hagana and other terrorist groups
> moved in. Irgun had bombed the King David Hotel the year before, and
> they started massacring Arabs in Haifa and elsewhere.
> In 1952, western oil companies built two new lines through Syria to
> Tripoli. The pipeline to Haifa was allowed to decay. Pieces of it were
> dismantled. Various interests used the pieces to build water
> pipelines.
> In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
> revive the pipeline to Haifa (Kirkuk oil fields were said to contain
> perhaps 40% of Iraq's oil), and partly to bring oil deals to his
> personal friends, such as Ray L. Hunt. Small American oil companies
> like Hunt Oil will extract Kurdish oil as soon as and if Mosul and
> Kirkuk are broken off from Iraq (17 November 2007). Mosul is the first
> stop for Kirkuk oil.
> When the Haifa pipeline opens back up, only Jordan (not Israel) will
> collect hefty transit fees. Kurdish oil will go to Europe via Israel,
> not Turkey. This might be a reason why Turkey is threatening to
> invade. The minute Bush invaded Iraq, the Turkish realized that the
> pipeline to Haifa would be opened back up. Therefore Turkey tried to
> make deals with Central Asian states (such as Azerbaijan) to get new
> pipelines to Turkey, but now Iran and Russia have foiled Turkish plans
> by forming the new alliance of Caspian Sea states. Turkey feels
> squeezed. This is yet another reason why they are threatening to
> invade northern Iraq.
> Shortly after the 2003 invasion, Benyamin Netanyahu (the then Israeli
> finance minister) boasted, "Soon you will see Iraqi oil flowing to
> Haifa. It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is
> reconstituted, and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean. It's not
> a pipe dream."
> Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the US guaranteed all
> Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis. This MoU is quietly
> renewed every five years. It commits US taxpayers to maintain a
> strategic US reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002
> dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from
> restrictions on oil exports from the US. Moreover, the US government
> agreed to divert oil from the US, even in case of oil shortages in the
> US. The US government also guaranteed delivery of oil in US tankers if
> commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the
> US to Israel.
> Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding
> (September 1, 1975)
> Israel can wrench lot of oil from the region if the pipeline were used
> again and Kurds were willing to sell the oil. It would also make Kurds
> dependent on Israelis for oil revenues and thus give a greater
> leverage to Israelis over Kurds of the region...
> We are All Jews Now
> Aidel gepotchket - Delicately brought up
> Consider the present crisis in America and the rise of anti-
> Americanism worldwide. "The US has become a Jewish state in more ways
> than one. It has the same security checks, the same holocaust museums,
> the same poverty for many and riches for a few as Israel
> Azoy gait es! - That's how it goes!

Page II
Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour

This is some seriously scary ****. People are insane, religion is
consuming this world in ignorance and hatred.
--- heavydny86

oy vay! -- woe is me!
G-d help us all-- Save our trailer parks.
"Raymond" <> wrote in message
On Feb 3, 7:46?am, Raymond <> wrote:
> Christians United for Israel: New Christian Zionism Lobby Hopes to
> Rival AIPAC.
> (A Real Con Job)
> Bible Pounding Pastor John Hagee spearheads Christians United for
> Israel
> Why?
> We take a look at a new recently established group called Christians
> United for Israel-an evangelical organization that believes supporting
> expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
> imperative." We speak with investigative journalist Max Blumenthal who
> reports they lobbied the Bush administration to adopt a
> confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians
> and give Israel a free hand in its attack on Lebanon. [includes rush
> transcript]
> In March of this year, a study on the role of the Israel lobby in US
> foreign policy caused an uproar in the academic community and in the
> media. The paper's authors, Professor Stephen Walt of Harvard
> University and John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, argued
> the pro-Israel lobby has unduly influenced the United States to set
> aside its own security in order to advance the interests of Israel.
> The study emphasized the activities of the pro-Israel lobby group the
> American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC.
> Well, there's another side of the pro-Israel lobby that's drawing
> increasing attention--and some say its far more influential. A new
> group was recently established called Christians United for Israel-
> CUFI. They're an evangelical organization that believes supporting
> expansionist policies of the Israeli government is: "a biblical
> imperative." In a new article for The Nation, journalist Max
> Blumenthal reports group members have held several meetings with White
> House officials to talk about US policy in the Middle East. They've
> apparently lobbied the administration to adopt a confrontational
> posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a
> free hand in its attack on Lebanon.
> We're going to speak with Max Blumenthal in a moment but first, we
> hear from Christians United for Israel. Their inaugural event was held
> last month in Washington, DC. More than 3,000 people were in
> attendance to hear speeches from Israeli and American dignitaries.
> Among the speakers was Kansas Republican Senator Sam Brownback.
> SEN. SAM BROWNBACK: Thank you in your energy. Thank you in your
> prayers. Thank you for standing with Israel in this difficult time. I
> close with noting that the recently elected Prime Minister of Israel
> addressed a joint session of Congress about a month or so ago. And he
> spoke there, and I sat as I listened to him give an eloquent speech,
> uniting speech, thinking to myself, the United States doesn't have a
> closer partner in the world than Israel today. And it is true. And
> it's important for us, when our friend is in difficulty, Israel, that
> we stand by them in this difficult time. Thank you for being here. God
> bless you all. God bless the United States of America. And God bless
> the Israeli people.
> The group's founder, Texas television evangelist, John Hagee, also
> spoke.
> JOHN HAGEE: We gather in Washington, D.C., tonight for one of the most
> dramatic moments in the history of American Christiandom. We gather
> here from every state in the nation. We gather here with more than
> 3,400 spiritual leaders. We gather for one purpose: to express our
> solidarity with the state of Israel and the Jewish people, because
> this historic event is being telecast across the nation and around the
> world; because this telecast is being seen in Iran, where a new
> Hitler, the President of Iran, threatens to annihilate Israel with a
> nuclear holocaust, saying Israel should be wiped off the map and
> saying, like it or not, the Zionist regime is headed toward total
> annihilation, to be ended with a sudden storm; because the enemies of
> Israel are doubtless watching this telecast and question our resolve
> as Christians to stand with Israel until Islamofascism is totally
> defeated; because this will be seen in Israel by a war-weary people
> who at this very hour are once again fighting Hamas terrorists whose
> covenant calls for the death of Jewish people and total destruction of
> Israel; because God in heaven is watching and has commanded us, keep
> not silent concerning Israel. Well, those of you in this audience who
> stand in solidarity with Israel, until victory comes, stand and send a
> message to the U.S. Congress, to the people of Israel, to the enemies
> of Israel: We are with you. We stand with you. Israel, you are not
> alone.
> Max Blumenthal, who writes about Christians United for Israel in a new
> piece for The Nation. He's a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at the
> Nation Institute. He's based in Washington, D.C. His pieces have
> appeared in The Nation, and Salon, American Prospect, Washington
> Monthly. His piece is called "Birth Pangs of a New Christian Zionism."
> MAX BLUMENTHAL: Christian Zionism has been a force within the
> Christian right for over 20 years, and they've made--the Christian
> Zionist movement, they've made themselves an asset to Israel by
> sending millions in aid money to Israel. They're a major source of
> Israeli tourism, especially during the Second Intifada. They were
> perhaps the only source of tourism revenue for Israel, which is a key
> source of revenue for the Israeli government. And on an individual
> basis, leaders of the Christian Zionist movement have lobbied the
> government, especially the Bush administration, which has had an open
> door policy to them. But never before has there been an official
> Washington lobbying organization for the Christian Zionist movement.
> So now you have Christians United for Israel, which was founded in
> February by John Hagee, who commands a mega-church in San Antonio with
> 18,000 members. He's a huge force in Texas politics, a close, personal
> friend of Tom DeLay. And what this organization has done is they've
> convened all of the major Christian Zionist mega-churches in the
> country under one umbrella group, and they've hired a lobbyist. Hagee
> has a lot of money through his congregation. And their lobbyist is a
> guy named David Brog, who's the former chief of staff to Arlen
> Specter, and he's Jewish, so this makes him a huge asset to this
> organization, because he can beat back criticism from other Jewish
> leaders that Christian Zionists harbor ulterior motives for supporting
> Israel, that they have an Armageddon-based agenda for supporting
> Israel.
> And if you look at what John Hagee has written in his books, like
> Jerusalem Countdown, his most recent book, which cites 17 unnamed
> Israeli intelligence sources to claim that Iran is producing nuclear
> suitcase bombs and that Israel must engage in a "nuclear showdown"
> with Iran or risk committing national suicide, if you look at what
> he's written, he does have an Armageddon-based agenda. And so I think
> what this lobby does, it plays an instrumental PR role on behalf of
> the Christian Zionist movement in preventing legitimate criticism of
> their motives for supporting Israel, and they are bolstering what
> AIPAC is doing and possibly even radicalizing what AIPAC is doing, by
> providing them a grassroots base in the heartland.
> The majority of America's 60 million evangelicals are premillenial
> dispensationalists. They believe that the end times could come at any
> moment, and they're looking for signs of that, so they're sympathetic
> to supporting Israel for these reasons. And so they provide a strong
> grassroots base. This is the Republican base. This is the only
> component of the Republican base that still supports Bush's policies
> in Iraq without question, unconditionally, and supports Israel's
> expansionism. While the American Jewish community is willing to, you
> know, stand for Israel and show solidarity for Israel, they also
> support a peace process, and they support a sovereign Palestinian
> state. But this group doesn't.
> You know, for instance, Pat Robertson went on the 700 Club and said
> that Ariel Sharon's descent into a comatose state was punishment for
> dividing the land for the Gaza withdrawal, for pulling 9,000 extremist
> settlers out of a huge swath of land. And, you know, then last week,
> Pat Robertson was flown to Israel to pray with Ehud Olmert and go on
> the 700 Club and tell his viewership that the Lebanese civilians, the
> Lebanese society was harboring terrorists, and therefore, civilian
> casualties were justified. So they play a PR role on behalf of the
> extremist wing of Israeli political culture. They're very connected to
> people like Benjamin Netanyahu, who's positioning himself to succeed
> Ehud Olmert in the wake of Olmert's possibly imminent resignation. So
> I think there's a real danger here...... Well, we know in the past
> that Karl Rove and people in Karl Rove's shop, like Tim Goeglein and
> Elliott Abrams, who's in the State Department, who's traveling, you
> know, to Israel with Condoleezza Rice, have met with Christian Zionist
> groups, so this is not an anomaly. But this group has a much larger
> voice than any of the other groups that have met with the Bush
> administration, and they claim--David Brog claimed to me that their
> principal achievement has been keeping a ceasefire off the table for
> the past month. So, their principal achievement has been essentially
> giving Israel a free hand and the IDF a free hand to kind of, you
> know, ramp up the war, and I think this has had catastrophic
> consequences for the Middle East and the peace process.
> I'm not discounting the influence of AIPAC. I'm not saying that
> Christians United has anywhere near the influence of AIPAC, but in a
> Republican-dominated Washington, Christians United represents where
> the Republican base is at, and that's why you have Sam Brownback going
> to their banquet. That's why Ken Mehlman, the head of the RNC, spoke
> at their banquet.
> Why all of this Christian support for Israel when Christians believe
> that the Jews killed their Messiah-Jesus Christ?
> Could it be because without the Jews and their Old Testament promise
> of a second coming of a Messaih,
> Jesus Christ would have been just another Jew causing
> problems for the Roman invaders and the collaberating Jewish
> leaders.?
> Without that promise there could be no
> Christianity.
> The Evangelical Christians need the Jews to establish their claims
> about Jesus being the Son-of-G-d. Without the Jewish prediction of a
> "Second Coming", Jesus
> would have been just another Jewish street magician.
> Why Evangelicals, like snake oil salesman, Pat "Chazer" Robertson,
> support Israel.
> Allegedly:
> Christians support Israel out of a sense of spiritual debt to the
> Jews, noting that the majority of the Bible was written in Hebrew and
> ordained by God to the Jews. It is through this original covenant
> between God and His "chosen people," that gentiles are able to come to
> God. Paul speaks of this spiritual debt and instructs us to assist the
> Jews (Romans 15: 27).
> "They were pleased to do this, and indeed they owe it to them; for if
> the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual
> blessings, they ought also to be of service to them in
> material things."
> The REAL reason:
> Because the Christians really don't have a choice. We must
> not forget that there would be no Christian religion if it were
> not for the Jews. Remember the Jewish promise of a second
> coming of a messiah? The Christian conservatives believe that Jesus is
> that dude.
> Christians MUST quote the Old Testament since that is where the whole
> idea of a Jesus came from in the first place. Remember the promise of
> a messiah?
> I have often wondered why the Christians are so willing to approve and
> defend the Zionist colonization of Palestine when, at the same time,
> they complain that the Jews killed their leader? Could it be that, for
> Christianity the Jewish prophesy of the second coming of a messiah is
> necessary for the Christ of the New Testament to be real?
> It doesn't matter that the Jews do not accept Jesus as their
> messiah; the Christians are stuck with the second coming tale and the
> rest of the Old Testament with its violence, gardens, sea-splitting
> and the rest of the deal - warts and all.
> Christians have been trying for years to eliminate the OT and the
> insane and viscious deeds committed in the Jewish book, but they
> can't. Without the "Promise" of a second coming and their argument
> that Jesus Christ is the promised product itself, they are stuck with
> it.
> Jesus said, "I and the Father are one." Christiands confirmed it at
> the Council of Nicea.
> The First Council of Nicaea, convoked by the Roman Emperor Constantine
> I in 325, was the first ecumenical conference of bishops of the
> Christian Church.
> The purpose of the council (also called a synod) was to resolve
> disagreements in the Church of Alexandria over the nature of Jesus in
> relationship to the Father; in particular, whether Jesus was of the
> same or of similar substance as God the Father. This is where Jesus
> became divine. Until then he was just another unemployed Jew with a
> political message. Just another man.
> "Jesus Christ - Just a man just as a painter must needs paint him as a
> man ?We shall tell what we have believed about Jesus of Nazareth, but
> him we shall treat as being what he appeared to be, a man...
> "Almost our only resources of information about the personality of
> Jesus are derived from the ?four Gospels, all of which were certainly
> in existence a few decades after his death, and from allusions to his
> life in the letters (epistles) of the early Christian propagandists.
> The first three Gospels, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, many
> suppose to be derived from some earlier documents; the Gospel of
> St.John has more idiosyncracy and is couloured by theology of a
> strongly Hellenic type. Critics are disposed to regard the Gospel of
> St. Mark as being the most trustworthy account of the personality and
> actual words of Jesus. but all four agree in giving us a picture of a
> very definite personality; they carry the same conviction of reality
> that the early accounts of Buddha do. In spite of miraculous and
> incredible additions, one must be obliged to say, "Here Is a Man. This
> part of the tale could not have been invented."
> --- H.G.Wells
> Outline of History
> It's all money and politics friends. The Jews need the political
> support of the Evangelical community and its financial support to
> continue their warmongering tactics in
> Palestine and continued American mercenary troops dying in Iraq for
> the defense of Israel in the Arab world and the badly needed oil from
> Iraq.
> It's that simple. Jews don't like Christians and Christians
> don't trust the Jews. ( Read the Torah) However, at this time in
> history,the two will pretend to love one another until there is nomore
> Palestine and the US military controls all of the oil fields in the
> Forbidden Zone.of the Planet of the Apes
> www.torah.comserves the world-wide Jewish Community with guidance
> and support for learning and living the Jewish Tradition with a
> particular emphasis on being Jewish in a Gentile world
> .
> SEE: Kirkuk to Haifa Pipeline: Reason for the War?
> In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
> revive the pipeline to Haifa
> US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional ally and solve energy
> headache at a stroke Ed Vuillamy in Washington Sunday April 20, 2003
> The Observer
> By Steven Scheer
> LONDON (Reuters) - Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he
> expected an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel to be reopened in the
> near future after being closed when Israel became a state in 1948.
> "It won't be long when you will see Iraqi oil flowing to Haifa," the
> port city in northern Israel, Netanyahu told a group of British
> investors, declining to give a timetable.
> "It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is reconstituted and
> Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean."
> Netanyahu later told Reuters the government was in the early stages of
> looking into the possibility of reopening the pipeline, which during
> the British Mandate sent oil from Mosul to Haifa via Jordan.
> Shalom:
> "It's not a pipe-dream," Netanyahu said.
> Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to
> Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential
> future government figures in Baghdad.The plan envisages the
> reconstruction of an old pipeline, inactive since the end of the
> British mandate in Palestine in 1948, when the flow from Iraq's
> northern oilfields to Palestine was re-directed to Syria.
> Sunday, November 4, 2007
> Iraqi invasion: oil perspective
> The British built the Kirkuk-to-Haifa pipeline in 1927. In 1934, they
> completed a 12-inch pipeline from the Kirkuk fields to Al-Haditha on
> the Euphrates River. At that point the pipeline forked. One branch
> went through Syria to Tripoli (Lebanon). The other went across Jordan
> to Haifa. The British built refineries at both Tripoli and Haifa to
> handle this Iraq oil. (In World War II, Germany wanted to get control
> of this oil.)
> In 1945 the British added a parallel 16-inch pipeline in Syria.
> When Jews started to invade Palestine in 1945, Syria shut down its
> branch to Tripoli. Iraq shut down all oil from from Kirkuk to Haifa.
> At that point, most of northern Iraq's oil went to the Turkish port
> city of Gihan, which was OK with the US, since Turkey was a US ally
> against the USSR. Turkey collect transit fees for this oil.
> In 1947 the British oil refinery at Haifa still handled trickle of oil
> from miscellaneous areas, and still employed some 1,700 Arab workers,
> plus 360 Jewish employees. The Arab and Jewish workers formed a union
> to oppose British tyranny. Then Israel was created. Immediately Irgun
> (commanded by Menachem Begin), the Hagana and other terrorist groups
> moved in. Irgun had bombed the King David Hotel the year before, and
> they started massacring Arabs in Haifa and elsewhere.
> In 1952, western oil companies built two new lines through Syria to
> Tripoli. The pipeline to Haifa was allowed to decay. Pieces of it were
> dismantled. Various interests used the pieces to build water
> pipelines.
> In 2003, Bush invaded Iraq, partly to topple Saddam Hussein, partly to
> revive the pipeline to Haifa (Kirkuk oil fields were said to contain
> perhaps 40% of Iraq's oil), and partly to bring oil deals to his
> personal friends, such as Ray L. Hunt. Small American oil companies
> like Hunt Oil will extract Kurdish oil as soon as and if Mosul and
> Kirkuk are broken off from Iraq (17 November 2007). Mosul is the first
> stop for Kirkuk oil.
> When the Haifa pipeline opens back up, only Jordan (not Israel) will
> collect hefty transit fees. Kurdish oil will go to Europe via Israel,
> not Turkey. This might be a reason why Turkey is threatening to
> invade. The minute Bush invaded Iraq, the Turkish realized that the
> pipeline to Haifa would be opened back up. Therefore Turkey tried to
> make deals with Central Asian states (such as Azerbaijan) to get new
> pipelines to Turkey, but now Iran and Russia have foiled Turkish plans
> by forming the new alliance of Caspian Sea states. Turkey feels
> squeezed. This is yet another reason why they are threatening to
> invade northern Iraq.
> Shortly after the 2003 invasion, Benyamin Netanyahu (the then Israeli
> finance minister) boasted, "Soon you will see Iraqi oil flowing to
> Haifa. It is just a matter of time until the pipeline is
> reconstituted, and Iraqi oil will flow to the Mediterranean. It's not
> a pipe dream."
> Under a 1975 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) the US guaranteed all
> Israel's oil needs in the event of a crisis. This MoU is quietly
> renewed every five years. It commits US taxpayers to maintain a
> strategic US reserve for Israel, equivalent to $3 billion in 2002
> dollars. Special legislation was enacted to exempt Israel from
> restrictions on oil exports from the US. Moreover, the US government
> agreed to divert oil from the US, even in case of oil shortages in the
> US. The US government also guaranteed delivery of oil in US tankers if
> commercial shippers become unable or unwilling to carry oil from the
> US to Israel.
> Israel-United States Memorandum of Understanding
> (September 1, 1975)
> Israel can wrench lot of oil from the region if the pipeline were used
> again and Kurds were willing to sell the oil. It would also make Kurds
> dependent on Israelis for oil revenues and thus give a greater
> leverage to Israelis over Kurds of the region...
> We are All Jews Now
> Aidel gepotchket - Delicately brought up
> Consider the present crisis in America and the rise of anti-
> Americanism worldwide. "The US has become a Jewish state in more ways
> than one. It has the same security checks, the same holocaust museums,
> the same poverty for many and riches for a few as Israel
> Azoy gait es! - That's how it goes!

Page II
Rapture Ready: The Christians United for Israel Tour

This is some seriously scary ****. People are insane, religion is
consuming this world in ignorance and hatred.
--- heavydny86

oy vay! -- woe is me!
G-d help us all-- Save our trailer parks.
My, my, with all these Communist Atheists pretending to be Jews and
Christians taking over Governments, News Medias, Medical Systems, and
Judicial Systems, so that they can destroy and control our Oil Sources, and
destroy our Scientists, with their Science falsely so called, and may
persecute true Jews and Christians across the Face of the Earth, which ones
are the True Jews and True Christians?

Lets see if these Clowns Ruling the Earth and in the News Medias can get the
understanding of this from Yahweh, and not from their own deceitful hearts.
I rewrote everything in this to make it accuratly express the Word and Will
of Yahweh, the God of Israel. No doubt the wicked will rebell against
Yahweh, and attack the righteous without just cause, and bring upon
themselves their own destruction!

How can we select and elect a Ruler whom does not have wicked servants that
will use the Law to Persecute and destroy the innocent?

Many will disagree on this, that is their right, they have the right to
either choose to do good or to do evil, and it is my right to choose to
endeavor to do good, and stand upon and defend my position until death.

Dear Hillary and George, and you Religious Rulers, and you followers of the
Tax and Spend Democrats, and followers of the Borrow until Economic Collapse
Republicans, and followers of the Religious Rulers, and follower of the News
Media, and followers of Environmental Groups. Take a look at your Rulers,
what are they, and what are you for following them?

Are they Righteous by being truly acquainted with the God of Abraham and
being faithful to him?

Proverbs 29:12 "If a ruler hearkens to lies, all his servants are wicked."

Your wicked servants are your dogs that do your evil works of setting up and
destroying America, and the lives of Individual Americans, for profit.

Proverbs 29:7 "The righteous considers the cause of the poor, but the wicked
prefers not to acquaint that."

Yes, your supporters are not only diverted from understanding what causes
people to become poor, they have decided to take advantage of the Poor, and
make money while destroying them. They are deliberately causing many to
become poorer, because of your Laws and Regulations, why your Laws and
Regulations? Because they are being applied and interpreted to defend the
Rich from the Poor that they wrong.

Proverbs 30:14 "There becomes a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and
their jaw teeth alike knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the
needy from among men."

Diverted from our Just Causes of War against Terrorism, it is your
supporters whom have launched a War on the Poor for profit.

1Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while
some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows."

Yes, they have not entered the Kingdom of God by acquainting the door to the

John 10:7-19

"Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the
door of the sheep. All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but
the sheep did not hear them. I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he
shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief cometh
not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they
might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good
shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep. But he that is an
hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, sees the wolf
coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees: and the wolf catches them, and
scatters the sheep. The hireling flees, because he is an hireling, and cares
not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known
of mine. As the Father acquaints me, even so acquaint I the Father: and I
lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of
this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there
shall be one fold, and one shepherd. Therefore does my Father love me,
because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man takes it from
me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have
power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. There
was a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings."

Matthew 12:38-45

"Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master,
we would see a sign from you. But he answered and said unto them, An evil
and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be
given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: For as Jonas was three days
and three nights in the fish's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days
and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh shall rise in
judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented
at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here. The
queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and
shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear
the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. When the
unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking
rest, and finds none. Then he says, I will return into my house from whence
I came out; and when he is come, he finds it empty, swept, and garnished.
Then goes he, and takes with himself seven other spirits more wicked than
himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man
is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked

Matthew 7:1-21

"Judge not, so that you become not judged. For with what judgment you judge,
you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to
you again. Also why do you behold the mote that is in your brother's eye,
but considers not the beam that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to
your brother, Let me pull out the mote out of your eye; and, behold, a beam
is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of your own
eye; and then shall you see clearly to cast out the mote out of your
brother's eye. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast you
your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn
again and rend you. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall
find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asks
receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be
opened. Or what man is
there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he
ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to
give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is
in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things
whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for
this is the law and the prophets. Enter you in at the strait gate: for wide
is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there
be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leads unto life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false
prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves. You shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes
of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good
fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring
forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every
tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that says unto
me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the
will of my Father which is in heaven."

This is one of the things against women and people of true faith, that the
News Media and US Politicians are trying to brainwash the Public against, so
that they can target True Jews and True Christens. In Proverbs the Virtuous
Woman portrayed is the head of her Husband's Harem, and she and her Maidens
are all faithful to her Husband, and she coordinates the Harem as a
Household for him.

The virtues of a Virtuous Woman are held in such high admiration by Yahweh,
that he had them written, with each successive phrase beginning with the
first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, until the last letter. So I tried to
match these virtues recorded in Hebrew Proverbs into English.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++From Hebrew

Answer me, who can find a virtuous woman, because her worth exceeds beyond
that of rubies?

Bedrock of her husband's heart, trusting in her he has no need to take

Caringly she does him good, and not evil, all the days of his life.

Delighted to work finishing with her hands, she obtains wool and flax,

Enterprising like the merchants' ships, she imports her food from abroad.

Frequently arising amidst the night, she prepares meals for her household,
and delegates assignments to her maidens.

Gardening she considers a field, and buys it, and with the fruit of her
hands she plants a vineyard.

Health orientated she exercises for strength, and strengthens her arms.

Intuitionally tasting her sexuality relates good, she lets not the lamp of
Yahweh's presence, go out amidst the night.

Joining what she desires with the spindle, her hands hold the distaff.

Kindly outstretching her hand to the poor, she reaches forth with what the
needy need.

Lighthearted she fears not the snow, knowing she provided warm scarlet
garments for all of her household.

Making her own wardrobe, her garments are royal silks and purple.

Neatly dressing him, her husband is noticed when he sits among the Rulers of
the land.

Opportunely she makes fine linen, and delivers girdles to the markets.

Personal integrity and fortitude are her garments, and she will rejoice at
things to come.

Quaintly she opens her mouth with wisdom, and kindness is the law of her

Relentlessly caring for all the ways of her household, she takes little time
for the bread of idleness.

Standing for her, her children call her blessed, and her husband praises

Truly many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel beyond them all.

Understandably Vainness is beauty alone, and Graciousness is deceitful, but
a Woman whom respects Yahweh, shall become praised.

Victory for her, is the Liberty to produce the fruit of her own hands, to
allow her own works to bring her praise.

+++++++Added in English to complete the English Alphabet+++

Who will be my Jew Girl leading her six handmaidens to care for my heart,
and will eat their own bread, and wear their own apparel, like Isaiah says
as the daughters of Zion fall on that day of battle to fulfill the

X -ray scopes, I will develop to search the whole world to find where the
stuff she is doing now, is that what I like, and not like the haughty
daughters of Zion whom have overthrown righteousness across the face of the
earth beginning from Jerusalem!

Yearning for her presence every moment, and the light of Yahweh within her
heart, I desire nothing but to be with her and the pure hearths of her six

Zealously I will search the world over, and over, until I can hold her with
one arm about her back, and her head resting in my other hand, as I look
into her eyes, and we burst into fiery flames of passion!


Latin 405 AD was 155 years after Hebrew became a non spoken language, and
spells the pronunciation of the Hebrew Alphabet a little different than
modern Hebrew which was revised as a spoken language in the late 1700s to
mid 1800s. Elisha Ben Yehuda was one who helped revive the Hebrew Language,
but unfortunately many who helped revive the language neither knew how to
pronounce the letters nor the words, and they often reinvented the words by
making up new meanings to the old words, and adding new words for modern
things, like for "air planes." "Elohim" is a plural class named, named upon
God, Angels good or bad, and men good or bad, and each one in the class was
known as a "God," and were called sons of the Most High God if they
believed, but were called daughters of men, if they were unacquainted with
the Most High, and made up their own beliefs and doctrines. The name of the
Most High God was not revealed to Abraham, and was revealed first to Moses
as Yahweh. Islam tries to use a definite article with the singular word for
God, to form Allah, or "The God." But there is no such thing as a definite
article. Example, "The Sheep all ate grass." and, "The Sheep starved to
death," There is no way to use an article and make only one Sheep exist.
Yahweh is the God of Gods and Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and so is his
uniquely begotten son of the house of David beneath him, and so is the heir
by birthright of the House of Israel.

The singular word like Sheep comes from Old Saxton usage, which was similar
in usage to Greek. It would use an article before a singular word to make a
Class. In the Nominative "Theos," is just one form of four singular words in
Greek for "God,' and as "Thee," it originally meant, "A room," or "an
office," and that is why rulers were called "Gods." And when exercising the
authority of their office as Gods, they were called in the Nominative,
Kurios, or Lord, which also has nine forms in Greek. But Lord, is singular
Adowni, or plural Adownim, in Hebrew, yet there is only one called Yahweh,
he is the God of Gods and Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

But putting an article on the singular Greek word makes a Class, and putting
a plural article on the four plural nouns for God in Greek, makes plural
classes. In Hebrew and Aramaic and Arabic and Greek, all who erred in the
visions, and were not acquainted with the Most High, worshipped a class,
often in the form of a Trinity. Islam knowing that was wrong to worship a
class tried to develop the definite article to refer to the Most High alone.
Saxton and Old English only had class articles, and to develop a singular
article in English, at first they used the word "one," like in Greek, and
later shortened it to "on," and later changed that to "an," and then later
dropped the "n" to produce the article "a." So now we use both "an" and "a"
as articles, and the words "this," or
"that," are more like the Arabs try to make their article, "this God," or
"that God," which takes away the class like a true definite article would.

Thinking about this, I don't think in English all the time, so previously I
wrote in English the number of Greek nouns wrong, there are a total of nine
Greek forms of each Greek noun, in five cases, and a singular and a plural
in each of four cases, and just one word form used for both a singular and a
plural in the Vocative
Case. So you have a singular and a plural Genitive Case, and a singular and
a plural Accusative Case, and a singular and a plural Dative Case, and a
singular and a plural Nominative Case. Then in Greek you have singular and
plural articles for each case except the Vocative Case, and you have single
and dual articles as well, similar to "this or that" as singular articles,
and "these or those" as plural articles.

Within my body as a cup, the Father has always been there, and he sent his
resurrected uniquely begotten son within me, as my cup, my silver cup
whereby I drink and divine. My soul was sorely wounded by the archers that
laid in wait for me, but I trusted in the God of Jacob, and revealed the
mysteries of things from above, and the mysteries of things that lay

Head of the Mountain of Ephraim, the watchman does sound forth the warning
of the sword upon the face of the earth.

To the Liars Ruling the Earth, and to their wicked followers!

"The word of Yahweh came unto me, saying, Son of man, I have made you a
watchman unto the house of Israel. Therefore hear the word at my mouth, and
give them warning from me. When I say unto the wicked, You shall surely die,
and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked
way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but
his blood will I require at your hand. Yet if you warn the wicked, and he
turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his
iniquity, but you have delivered your own soul. Again, When a righteous man
does turn from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, and I lay a
stumbling block before him, he shall die, because you have not given him
warning, he shall die in his non witness, and his righteousness which he has
done shall not become remembered, but his blood will I require at your hand.
Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man, warning the righteous to not non
witness, and he does not miss witnessing, he shall surely live, because he
is warned by you as my mouthpiece, also you have delivered your own soul."

Again the word of Yahweh came unto me, saying, Son of man, speak to the
children of your people, and say unto them, When the sword births upon a
land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for
their watchman, If when he sees the sword come upon the land, he blow the
siren, and warn the people, then whosoever hears the sound of the siren, and
takes not warning, if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall
become upon his own head. He that heard the sound of the siren, and heeded
not the warning, his blood shall become upon him. But he that heeded the
warning shall deliver his soul. But if the watchman see the sword come, and
blow not the siren, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and
take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his
blood will I require at the watchman's hand. So you, O son of man, I have
set you as watchman unto the house of Israel, therefore you shall hear the
word at my mouth, and warn them from me. When I say unto the wicked, O
wicked man, you shall surely die, if you do not speak to warn the wicked
from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will
I require at your hand. Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked of his way to
turn from it, if he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his
iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. Therefore, O you son of man,
speak unto the house of Israel, Thus shall you speak, saying, If our
transgressions and our non witnesses become upon us, and we pine away in
them, how should we then live? Say unto them, As I live, says Adowni Yahweh,
I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from
his way and live, turn you, turn you from your evil ways, for why will you
die, O house of Israel? Therefore, you son of man, say unto the children of
your people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the
day of his transgression, as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not
fall thereby in the day that he turns from his wickedness, neither shall the
righteous become able to live for his righteousness in the day that he no
longer witnesses. When I shall say to the righteous, that he shall surely
live, if he trust to his own righteousness, and commit iniquity, all his
righteousness shall not become remembered; but for his iniquity that he has
committed, he shall die for it. Again, when I say unto the wicked, you shall
surely die, if he turn from his sin, and do that which is lawful and right,
If the wicked restore the pledge, give again that he had robbed, walk in the
statutes of life, without committing iniquity, he shall surely live, he
shall not die. None of his non witnesses that he has committed shall be
mentioned unto him, he has done that which is lawful and right, he shall
surely live. Yet the children of your people say, The way of the Adowni is
not equal, but as for them, their way is not equal. When the righteous turns
from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, he shall even die thereby. But
if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and
right, he shall live thereby. Yet you say, The way of the Adowni is not
equal. O you house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways says

Joseph is Adowni even as Judah said in Genesis 44:33, so how is it that they
of Judah will call Joseph Lord, to fulfill the scripture? O yes the promised
front captain from the loins of Judah of the house of David is seated at the
right hand of Yahweh and is head of the House of Jacob, and he is within
Lemuel, the heir by birthright of the House of Israel, Joseph.

The tree of Judah, and the tree of Joseph, have become one tree to fulfill
this prophecy of the scripture of Ezekiel.

Get this printed and sent out to the Poor and Middle Class!

We the People are the Government, and the Elite and Bankers are trying to
steal it from us!

An outed CID Informant, or any other outed Agent, and even those that have
not yet been Publicly outed, has to live on guard at all times, because the
secret files that were recorded only in the White House and in the Pentagon,
for our personal security, have fallen into the wrong hands. So the
Communists use Domestic Criminals via the Internet to set us up much faster
now, than the ways that they did it before. Our lives and are Liberty are at
risk every moment, because some among the Tax and Spend Democrats, and some
among the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, have betrayed us, and
because of their personal dislikes, the Communists use them, and use
personal attacks to set us up, and get rid of us for our common enemies!

Who would know better about this, than an outed CID Informant whom was outed
and kidnapped by Legal Foreign Exchanged Students from Africa, armed with
stolen US Weapons on American soil, in the 1980s?

Oh, now that the Russians are part of our Space Program, we are suppose to
take the Communist Soviets' word for it on AGW, and let them take control of
our lives and destroy them, right? Sorry losers, I stood against that wall
in Europe a long time, and know better. I watched them taking over the Space
Program and using our Satellites to spy on us, check Google Earth Map
yourself, every US City has a clear Photo, but any where Bin Laden and his
likes could be, it is impossible to get a clear Satellite Photo for a
reason, like the one place you cannot get a clear Satellite Photo in the US
off Google Earth Map, Crawford Texas! Well, look at that, Satellite Photos
of Washington DC and the State Capitals, no wonder he takes so many
vacations there, that guy in Crawford Texas betrayed us, so our enemies
could make attack plans against us, using Google Earth Map Satellite Photos!
With all the Bunkers in the Capital Cities, it is like putting the Emergency
Control Center, in the Twin Towers!Who did these Politicians and the Elite
Communist Zionists that own them, set up to get killed there?

Get this printed and sent out to the Poor and Middle Class, and have
everyone trace who helped destroy their Businesses, Jobs, and Incomes, and
start putting the Traitors that are getting rich while destroying America,
in Jail where they belong!

Like I told you all, these traitors have taken Russia's side against the
Arabs, and are using the US Government to drive up Oil Prices, and
systematically destroy them and the US from within, that is why they let the
Wall down, so that the US Politicians, and News Medias, and Russia, could
play good Cop vs Bad Cop to distract the world from seeing what is going on.
They have the US fighting the Soviets' Wars, because the Soviets took over
the State of Israel to get control of both US Parties, and made an alliance
with Shanghai, to take control of the Banks, so they could outsource our
Jobs, destroy our Tillable farmland with Urban Sprawl and Biofuels, destroy
our Economy, and overthrow the US From Within. The Global Banks own your
Local Government, so no matter what you Vote for on Federal or State Levels,
they override our US Constitution and all of our Rights not protected
therein. All of the records the Corporations collect on US Citizens ends up
on Computers in Russia and Communist China, and much of it through
Corporations owned by Soviet Zionists.

AGW is just one of the lies that they are using to destroy the Poor and the
Middle Class by destroying our Jobs and Businesses, so that they can drug
them, and or jail them, and or kill them for their own Profit, while taking
the USA over from within!

On Websites both for and against AGW, there are no scientific facts there to
support the theory, or to disprove it. A good Scientist and or Engineer
tries to disprove his own theory and makes his findings Public, so that
others may duplicate the Experiments, and Get the Test Results themselves,
to prove or disprove the theory. Because these Websites do nothing like
that, they are brainwash sites playing on people's fears and emotions.

Both sides on the issue have a bunch of Science falsely so called.

1Timothy 6:20 "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust,
avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so

But as the truth gets out, just take a look at them Traitors on Capital
Hill, and in our State Capitals, they will be heading for their Bunkers that
they stocked with Food and Water, so that we can fill the doors in with
concrete, so that they cannot get back out and keep destroying our lives! It
is the best mouse trap that they could have ever built! Just look at Hitler
to see the results!

CNN and other Major News Medias, helped the Mafia take over!

Like Nancy Grace's faking feeling sorry for me, because she claimed that she
did not know her Lawyer put those things in the Papers where she slandered
and liable me, and where she said that she felt sorry for me because I was
Homeless, but alas, Homeless people don't send you their e-mails with their
address, their phone number, and their e-mail address and their website
addresses, like I sent to both Nancy Grace and all of CNN! She did not
respond, because they were deliberately laying a trap trying to use the
system to kill me! And besides, unlike their targets that they want to take
away their voting rights, like Martha Stewart, it is OK for CNN and their
Lawyers to not only lie to the Public, but it is ok for them to lie in our
Courts and get away with it, because they help run our Politicians, our CIA,
and FBI, our Military, and the Medical Maltreatment that they force upon us
like in Nazi Germany!

They are selectively deliberately making People Jobless and Homeless,
deliberately outsourcing their Jobs, so that they can make money off them
with forced Medical Maltreatment! That is why all the New Policies focus on
the Poor, and they are importing most of the Poor, like here in MN, there
are no Jobs, so why are all these people from Iraq and Iran sitting at the
Food Banks with us? These are suppose to be the brighter minds that they
brought to help the USA, instead they are ending up on Social Security
Disability in rising numbers to help destroy the US Economy, and when the
Government stirs them up and goes after them, we will all be caught in the
middle like in Iraq!

The Elite have built deep bunkers and are still stocking them with Food, so
that they can survive while the rest of the Population suffers by their
deliberate manmade disasters that will make Katrina look like a walk in the
Park! They can get in their bunkers, and shut off the Water, Electricity,
and Fuel, for the rest of us, to try to make us all kill each other! No
doubt they have planned for that event!

Escape Goats, look out, you might be the next one that they set up to try to
hide their crimes against Humanity!

Look at the escape goats that the News Media and US Government are setting
up to blame their deliberate medical maltreatment of US Veterans and US
Citizens on. They set up people and say that they are Frauds because they
did not use all the donations for helping our Veterans, but they take our
Taxes and our Insurance Money and provide Medical Maltreatment to both US
Veterans, Homeless People, the Working Poor, and the Middle Class. It is a
shell game that they use only parts of truth, and the faults of others to
try to stop people from seeing the whole picture of what they are doing!
They are deliberately targeting the Businesses and Incomes of selected
People, and they are systematically running them out of Business, using
these big Global Corporations and the US Governments, Federal, State, and
Local, to destroy America from within!

To dismiss the truth as rhetoric or spam, or a manifesto, is exactly what
both the Nazis and Soviets did before medicating, and or jailing, and or
killing their victims. This tenor of the Politicians and News Media is a
threat to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness of all Americans, and
all the people of the world. No doubt that is what they did with all my just
complaints and Petitions for a Redress of Grievances since 2003.

Arrest all them clowns in Washington and the News Medias that will not
reveal the truth, along with the rest of the Nazi Murders!

With the fortunes that they amassed at our expense, we could pay off half
the deficit!

Interesting Rome and Tokyo sided with Hitler, now that they sided with the
US, we get the same medical treatment as Nazi Germany.

Jeb Bush said, "As I have researched Tenet, I have been very impressed by
the company's commitment to improving patient care as well as the board's
commitment to strong corporate governance and transparency. I care deeply
about the future of health care in this country, and I'm delighted to be
affiliated with Tenet, a leading company in this field."

But they provide the same type medical maltreatment that I got at the end of
a gun!

How much money can they regulate into his pockets at Tax and Insurance Payer

This is what I expect from them Tax and Spend Democrats and the Borrow until
Economic Collapse Republicans!

And since to Obstruct Justice, the White House likes to say that they did
not keep the emails from 2003-2005, that is OK, I have Copies. I wrote the
President, the CIA, and the FBI, and CNN, how I had to escape from a
Hospital and get to a court because those Doctors were Killing me, and the
Court ordered them to stop, but look at what they did to betray me into the
hands of the enemies of the People of these United States. I have the Copies
because when they hacked my Computer, the Hard Drive went out. I put it in
the Refrigerator, and got all the Data off it, to include their attempt to
set me up to look like a suicide bomber.

Yep, they deliberately take online computers away from you so you cannot get
the truth out. They even take Magnifying Glasses away from disabled Veterans
that need it to read and write with. One time, I hid in a dumpster after
getting out of a straight jacket, and waited until the Court house opened in
Jackson Michigan, and the Judge ordered the Police and Doctors to stop force
treating me, because my Neurologist said that those drugs were making me
more dysfunctional and were killing me. After telling the President this,
trying to get a safer Health Care System for all of America, they
deliberately violated a Court order and tried to kill me.

At the same time, even though I warned them at the beginning of the Iraq
War, that we were drawn into this conflict with lies, so that our enemies
could destroy us from another angle, these Traitors on Federal, State, and
Local Levels, just found ways to shoot the Messenger, and drive on hand in
hand with the enemies of these United States leading us to bondage, and the
Global Economy to disaster.

Try this on for size!

These People are using the Law like Nazi Germany did, using it to defend the
so called Professional Medical Community and Politicians from prosecution,
of their committing Crimes against Humanity!

I want Arrest Warrants for Senator Hillary Clinton and her Husband, and Al
Gore, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and George W Bush, George H Bush, Jeb Bush,
and any Congressman and or Senator that signed their Policies concerning
Heath Care, in the past to the present, into Law, and the CIA, and the FBI,
and the owners and Lawyers of CNN, and Time Warner Cable, and their
Producers and News Anchors, and the owners and Lawyers of the Drug
Manufactures, and the Lawyers and the Doctors of the Hospitals that
performed these Crimes against Humanity, helping to destroy our Liberty, our
lives, and the US Economy ! The conflicts of interest are there, especially
in the Bush and Clinton Families, they deliberately passed their Policies to
make Profit off the Medical Community, and are aiding in the destruction of

Besides the Costs of this War being the blood of our Families, and our Tax
Money being wasted in misguided Military efforts, look where else these
Politicians are wasting our Tax Money destroying our Economy and Social
Security System. I want them arrested for Obstructing Justice, for Treason
against the People of these United States, for Medical Maltreatment Torture
like the Nazis and Soviets did, and for mass murder of all the Americans
that died of what they falsely call Iatrogenic Deaths to deceive the Public.

Importing Brighter Minds

Many of the Doctors whom did this, were not born in America, they Immigrated
here to work in our Hospitals, because they say that there are not enough
Americans here to do the job right! But look at what these so called
brighter minds are doing, and look at who they are doing it too, at Tax
Payer expense!

Note; there were a lot of Foreign People locked up as Patients in the
Hospitals with me, that had committed no crimes, I only mention a couple
here, but there were hundreds, once admitted it is the Law that they be
placed on Social Security Disability, and a continued forced drug treatment
program after release, paid for by the Tax Payers. These are the so called
"Brighter Minds," that US Immigration Policies are bringing into America, to
help Senator Clinton and President Bush lead their Tax and Spend Democrats,
and Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans, and destroy America's
Economy and US Constitution and all of our rights not protected therein!

Read this that I have been posting and help us put a stop to it, these
traitors are deliberately destroying America so that they can set up a
totalitarian rule over us. Read it and tell me what you don't understand!

Hillary Clinton's and the Democrats', and the Republicans' dogs, will
destroy anyone that speaks a word against their Idols, even when they order
to use Policies to confine and murder innocent people, their dogs take and
do their dirty works. I just posted this somewhere else read it and let me
know how to stop their dogs from destroying America!

Most of them homeless people are homeless because some rich people did what
the Mob use to call, "Turning the Crank." It simple meant that they did
whatever it took to destroy their businesses, their jobs, and their lives. I
have had it happen several times, and end up being homeless after the
Criminals that they sent my way robbed me, and the Police not only could not
get my things back, but several times, even though I told the Police ahead
of time what was happening, the Criminals called the Police and had me
hauled off with lies, just long enough to rob everything that I had, and
when the Police realized what happened, they say it was not their fault,
they were just following the law.

No one yet has been able to tell me how to get it into court, the ACLU and
others said it would cost too much, but without getting a change, the system
will take the Liberty of more Americans with the falsehood brought by
Lawyers in our Courts, these people whom slander you like Nancy Grace's
support Law Firm and CNN did me, and liable you in our Courts, got me
seriously misdiagnosed and maltreated. Besides what is on here, I am a
Celiac, and had a Hospital band that said so, and they kept accidentally
putting Food on my tray that had Wheat, making me sick. I found later I am
allergic to Corn Starch also. But the most of Patients inability to use the
restroom correctly, was directly caused by overmedicating them, and
medicating most of them with drugs that they did not need. Most were just
poor people swept up off the street by Senator Hillary Clinton and Michael
Bloomberg. Like one guy was there from Africa just because he had 17 wives,
another was from Iraq and they and others kept having seizures from the
medications. This maltreatment was done at Tax Payer and Insurance Payer

A note, tomorrow my sister will finally be able to pick me up and take me to
a store and do laundry, because she got her car fixed. An Engineering
Company that makes machines for making Pop-Cans, is going to let me use a
Computer of theirs and Engineering Software for designing and testing Wind
Turbines beginning tomorrow too! But already someone in the State Government
of MN has sent for Scientists from another Country to design the Wind
Turbines, by lying saying that no American wants to do it!

Everything that we vote for on Federal and State Levels, is overridden by
Local Level Governments, whom are all under the Control of Homeland
Security. A Complete overthrow of our Republic, the US Constitution and all
of our Rights not protected therein, and a complete overthrow of Democracy,
yes Russia and China are in Control of the Local Governments!

Interesting, just like a Zionist, they want to do away with the Arabs, and
buy oil from Russia. Where will it all end now that Russia controls our
space program, and our Satellites to clearly spy on us, so our enemies can
plan attacks on our homes and businesses, but we cannot get a clear
Satellite Photo of the area's where Bin Laden and his likes might be,
because they say those area's are undeveloped, well, at least on Satellite
Photos they are. Try Google Earth Map for yourself, you will find a clear
Photo of Trailer 19 where I live, and Washington DC, and every other US
City, but you will find no clear shots of Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc,
you must go there yourself to get accurate intelligence, to make plans
against Bin Laden and his likes. The Pakistan and US Governments refused our
requests for accurate Grid Maps, so that we could make plans and get Bin
Laden and his likes, and they refused our requests for permission to Arm, so
that we could get them ourselves, what is up with that?

Oh, now that the Russians are part of our Space Program, we are suppose to
take the Communist Soviets' word for it, and let them take control of our
lives, right? Sorry loser, I stood against that wall in Europe a long time,
and know better. I watched them taking over the Space Program and using our
Satellites to spy on us, check Google Earth Map yourself, every US City has
a clear Photo, but any where Bin Laden and his likes could be, it is
impossible to get a clear Satellite Photo for a reason, like the one place
you cannot get a clear Satellite Photo in the US off Google Earth Map,
Crawford Texas! Well, look at that, Satellite Photos of Washington DC and
the State Capitals, that guy in Crawford Texas betrayed us, so our enemies
could make attack plans against us, using Google Earth Map Satellite Photos!

Can you not understand that according to the Scriptures, no one is alive
again until the resurrections, so all whom pray to the dead are getting
answers from devil spirits? Saul found out, they lead you to a War where you
and your Family will die! That is why the Communists deliberately keep
contradicting the Word of God, bringing up the controversy of life after
death in the Media, over and over, so that they may deceive the people, and
brainwash them against the truth, and bring them into bondage and death!

Warning to all Jews and Christians!

The Atheists whom hijacked our Religious beliefs pretending to be Jews and
Christens, for there own purpose of setting up a Global Government, are now
launching another all out offensive against any of their opposition. In
exact opposition to both the Laws of Moses, and the testimony of Jesus
Christ, they say that anyone that stands in their way, or that sides with
their enemies, will be killed without mercy.

If you show compassion or mercy towards those that they are being
slaughtering, they will take you and drug you with mind control drugs, and
or jail you, and or kill you.

They have began to kill men, women, and children, all across the world at a
much faster pace! The Atheists pretending to be Jews and Christians, in
charge of this new offensive, are the Rulers of Israel, and the Rulers of
both US Political Parties.

President Bush's new economic stimulus will not help the poor in our State,
because there are no jobs, so without a Job to pay Taxes, how will a Tax cut
help any of us? We need immediate deregulation on Federal, State, and Local
Levels of Government, so that we can build both homes and businesses, and
plant Victory Gardens, with the resources that we have available, and
without any regulations that would force us to have to borrow from a Bank!
And we need Homeland Security backed off of us, because the Mafia is using
Homeland Security to both pick targets for the State of Israel, and to
eliminate them one way or another!

President Bush said that we would do anything to protect America, and
Americans, will he get rid of Homeland Security that the Zionists set up, so
that they can track us down, drug us, jail us, and or kill us?

The doomsday cult broadcast by the News Media, was Soviet Brainwashing to
try to justify using the US Government for storming Cults. The Russians
control Israel, the BBC, MI5, and MI6. They now control all US News Media by
using the Mafia!

Take it from a Veteran, it is the Religious and Medical and Media and
Political and Judicial and Police Systems, that they used our Tax money to
set up, for our so called health and protection, that have been infiltrated
and are being controlled by our enemies, to destroy America from within.
Like in Africa, taking refuge in the Churches will get you killed. It was
Church records in both Germany and the Soviet Union, that betrayed some of
my Family, and they will use it here too, they already are using all of our
records for that. I found my personal History, my Military, my Criminal, and
my Medical Records, on Russian and Chinese Computers, and China claimed that
they got it from US Corporations! !

We should not let anyone whom supports Zionism be nominated, elected, or
hired to any Public Office on Federal, State, or Local Governments, they
would help the Atheists whom are pretending to be Jews and Christians, to
use Homeland security to kill off all the rest of us, as so called "Cults!"
But on the Other hand, these Atheists will use this to target true Jews and
Christians, so that they can take control to try to eliminate us.

Take it from a Veteran, it is the Medical and Media and Political and
Judicial and Police Systems, that they used our Tax money to set up, for our
so called health and protection, that have been infiltrated and are being
controlled by our enemies, to destroy America from within.

Their deliberate goal is to make money while stirring up strife, to cause
confusion, and separate us, and systematically pick us off one at a time, or
in small groups.

1Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while
some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves
through with many sorrows."

James 3:16 "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every
evil work."

"If we do not all hang together, we will all surely hang!"

It is fools whom do not read or understand how the enemies of the people of
these United States want to use the system to kill me, and others, and how
bad those medications are that they force on us. I am within my right to
request to have them arrested for taking part in a conspiracy to commit
murder, mass murder, and treason against the People of these United States.
They are trying to cleanse Society of the Political and Religious Opponents,
exactly the way both the Nazis and Stalinists did it, so why should we let
them get away with attempted murder, mass murder, and treason against the
People of these United States?

It was the Medical Maltreatment and allowing violent prisoners to attack me
while I was in their custody, and the Medications forced on me by CNN, the
FBI, and Michael Bloomberg, and Hilary Clinton, that put me in my current
condition, do you think we should let them get away with trying to murder
more people? Look at how many deaths that their Medical Maltreatment and the
Medications already caused in the USA. Oh, by the way, Homeland Security is
picking out the Targets, for them Atheists that took over the State of
Israel Pretending to be Jews and Christians, most of them come from the
Communist Soviet Union.

Now do you understand why they would use the system to target and outed CID

Is Pakistan just another place to herd criminals in upon the innocent, like
they did with Warsaw, so that they can all be killed when they go to clean
up the criminals?

I ask, "Mr. President, Where is this guy Bin Laden and his number two, dead
or alive? When we use our own money and resources, you have repeatedly
deliberately blocked our every real effort to locate and capture him, why
have you betrayed us?"

We abolished slavery, but our system has been hijacked to establish new
forms of slavery!

In order for the families of the victims, whom all began to suffer upon that
day of atrocities, to get Justice, we will not rest in peace, until we have
brought those responsible for 9-11, and those responsible for using the War
on Terrorism to falsely accuse and jail or kill the Innocent, and or for
using the War on Terrorism as an opportunity to take our Taxes, and impose
upon us Interests, and impose upon us Carbon Credits, destroying our
Economy, and not accomplishing the Job of defending our Liberty, but are
destroying our Liberty, making us slaves, for their own purpose of grabbing
power to rule over us with a heavy hand, to Justice!

It is the Bigots that hijacked American Foreign Policy for expanding their
own selfish Bigotry and Tyrannical agendas, Religious and Non-Religious,
that are causing the backlash of hate against America! And we all suffer
because of their greedy agendas at home and abroad! And all their agendas
are hidden behind the lie, "We are doing it for your own good!" Then they
herd us into slums, and herd the Criminals on top of us, just like the Nazis
and Russians did to Warsaw, and when they go to clean up the Criminals, they
will haul us off too!

Believe me, the Iraq War was a bipartisan effort to deceive the public,
broadcast by the Medias! I wrote them all and warned them that we were drawn
into Iraq with lies, so that our enemies could destroy us from another
angle, just look at our Economy. I even wrote them in 2003 saying that the
mental health system was the greatest threat to our Liberty, and to our
lives! And with a bipartisan effort, they set me up, and tried to get me
killed, and made it impossible to get any redress for my just grievances.

Believe me, the private Hospitals and State Hospitals are worse than the VA,
but they are all set up as traps!

I wrote the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and warned them that those Psychological
Behavioral Control Drugs were causing people to commit suicide and or murder
suicide, they disregarded the warning, and nearly 6000 Iraq Vets committed
suicide or murder suicide since then, and thousands of more US Citizens. Big
Pharma controls it and our Politicians and News Medias! They want to take
our children and brainwash them to be like them, and even overmedicate them
with Psychological Behavioral Control Drugs that cause them to commit
suicide and or murder suicide! My Great Great Grandfather Johan, helped
build the local Church, and local school, and raised no Taxes to do it! Now
they take out Taxes, and took over what can and cannot be taught in the
school system that he helped build.

The C.A.L.M. is the Militia that I belong to, and the US Constitution and US
Military Code of Justice, and the Geneva Convention Regulates it!

Now hear this, we the People are the Government, and we the People are the
Militia of 1775 that set up the Government to protect our Rights. Our
Representatives in Congress were suppose to hear our voice, and set the
Regulations of the US Military Code of Justice, so that it did not Violate
any of our US Constitutional Rights, or any of our Rights not protected
therein. If I were to have a Harem, the US Military Code of Justice would
have me stand a Court Martial, which is a Violation of my Religious Freedom,
and a violation designed to destroy the Family Structure and Judgments that
we have lived by, since being passed to us by our Father Abraham! The
Militia being the Public, and the Public being the Militias, the US Military
Code of Justice was to be set up to Govern the Public. The US Military Code
of Justice also outlaws free speech, and freedom of Religion, in many areas.

Was the War on Bin Laden and his likes, declared to be set up as a trap for
the Just, or was the War Hijacked by others who are against getting Bin
Laden, and want to destroy our Liberty, our US Constitution, and all of our
Rights not protected therein?

Homeland Security has become the most dangerous Mafia run organization in
the world.

Since the days of Cain and Able, to degrade and do violence to just men, the
degradation tactic has been used to destroy their credibility and take them
out. The same with Esau and Jacob. People of the same Families, of the same
Religion, become corrupt, and belittle and attack the just. Look at the
overall object of our Medias, and Homeland Security, even when someone has a
Teflon Skin, they are all out to find a fault to try to bring them down, it
is worse when the Public eye is not on them. The Medias and Homeland
Security, brainwash the people with their own invented standard for judging
and condemning people. That is what both Cain and Esau did, and many other
religious and non-religious people since. So not only part of the Religions
Based on Abraham are built upon fictitious standards for judging and
condemning people, but secular Government too. And when Politicians or
Organized Religious or Organized non-religious groups, use those off groups
who have a fictitious practice for judging and condemning others, to attack
other groups for their own gains, there are Wars, like the ones we see
before us!

I was falsely accused of intending to commit a crime in Seattle Washington,
when trying to get a gun and a belt for a security Job. I wanted the Job,
because though I cannot see well enough to safely drive, I can fire a gun
and hit the target blind-folded. The Police believed the Criminals, and the
Sheriff Deputy Guards deliberately destroyed any evidence that would prove
my innocence, as they cuffed us, and brutally beat and stripped us to take
pictures of scars and tattoos. Everyone that has a scar or tattoo is
automatically considered to be a criminal, I only have scars from the many
times that I was beaten and robbed by robbers, or by the Police accusing me
of being a robber. The system was so corrupt, just to get out of it, I had
to make a confession that was not true under duress, it was the only option
that they left me!

In the US Army in 1976-1979, they brainwashed us into thinking that they
provided Justice for us, telling us that the murders that were indeed guilty
of unjustifiable violent murders, were executed. But after getting out, I
found that there were no Military Executions since 1961. What ever happened
to them violent murderers?

One was our NBC instructor, whom hit his wife in the head with an
entrenching tool, and buried her in our training area, I took his place
until we could get a new trained NBC instructor. But I passed the AGI, the
first time through, while our Unit had failed the inspection eight years in
a row!

And one killed 13 German Prostitutes, saying that he made Germany pay for
their sins of legalizing prostitution, I was persecuted by the men for not
shooting him while I guarded him with a gun until the MPs could haul him
off, the men persecuted me because they said the system was corrupt, and
would not provide Justice, but I believed that he should stand trial, and
when found guilty, he should have been shot. They told us he was executed,
but we know now that he probably was not executed.

All ready we have had such difficulty getting US Passports and IDs, to hunt
Bin Laden and his likes, we had to revert to getting Foreign Passports and
IDs, just to get out of the United States. With their Red Tape Systems, they
are locking us in just like the Soviet Union did. These new US IDs will
completely take away our freedom! "Where are your papers? Your Papers are
not in order, step this way into my jail!" And when you tell them that your
objective is to locate and bring to Justice, Osama Bin Laden and his likes,
they put you in cuffs, and send you to a Doctor for a Mental evaluation.

After repeatedly being sent to Doctors by Homeland Security and Police
Departments, I have no doubt, after experiencing the repeated maltreatment
from US Medical Staff, that they use their "so called saving lives job," as
a cover for committing crimes against humanity. Many of them are cold
blooded torturers, and murders, out to make a profit off Tax Payers and
Insurance Companies, while killing us.

Pissing on the Toilet Seats and on the Floor, and crapping everywhere, is
exactly what many of the patients did in all the places where they locked me
up. Then they wondered why I got infected after they operated on me in New
York, using a false diagnosis to operate in the first place, and to explain
the infection afterwards! I was the patient secretary in New York, taking
the minutes of our meetings, and that was a daily subject! They took the
Computer away so that I could not spell right, or see very well most of the
time. Many of my notes on the Computer were destroyed, and they would not
let me use a floppy disk to back them up, even though I had my family send
me floppy disks! Instead of letting me use my magnifying glass to see, the
Police took it away, and they gave me three different sets of glasses at Tax
payer expense, that did not work well because of my fluctuating eye sight!
The biggest complaint was, the Doctors were calling us Criminals that were
bent on doing Crimes if they did not medicate us, and their overmedicating
us, was nearly killing us!

Those doing the evils brought upon us, own and control both Parties. Anyone
you choose, the money holders are still in control, and will continues on
with any new Puppet that they dangle before us, for you to elect!

They don't have to worry, Bush likes to pardon people who commit treason,
and the left is no different.

The so called "Skeptic of AGW are right," AGW is a scam, just like AG
Cooling was. It even snowed in Baghdad and Atlanta, but these nuts do not
know that the Soviets have been trying to control the whether as a weapon
for years, now they just use their studies as a Psychological Warfare
Tactic, for deceiving and controlling, and subduing the masses!

AGW, just like AG Cooling is a Psychological Warfare Tactic, for deceiving
and controlling, and subduing the masses. I studied it in the US Army in
1976-1979. Controlling crazy environmentalists, whom are often so out of
touch with reality, that they will kill any opposition to their cause, to
get them to set up and kill off leaders whom tell the honest truth, is it's

I warned Bush to get cattle into the forests, to eat the underbrush so that
the fires would not destroy the trees. I told him that he has given the
enemy a tool for their propaganda! They blame the fires on AGW, and knowing
their plan ahead of time did not help, because the two US Political Parties
found a way to shoot the messenger! Just wait and see what happens when they
start hitting these giant Water Systems that the Communist had us build,
they planned to blame the Water shortage on AGW!

A standard technique is also to claim "responsibility" for things that they
have had no part in, that is a big part of their Psychological Warfare
Tactics, they try to make it look like the enemy is everywhere, and once
people realize that, they change the tactic, when someone points out where
they really are, and what their plans really are, they convince people to
lock them up as being a paranoid crazy person. Both the Nazis and Soviets
used this to kill off masses of their opponents!

Many Veterans and Citizens committed suicide because our Politicians
betrayed us with deliberately bad medical maltreatment. I know now why they
attacked me, I am an eyewitness to the Government brainwashing us with lies,
to make us think that they are doing justice, when they are not. I need help
making the Military Documents of when I was in the US Army Public, to blow
their scam!

But, because I am neither a Borrow until economic Collapse Republican, nor a
Tax and Spend Democrat, all my petitions for a redress of Grievances are
rejected and buried with so much red tape, that I cannot get them into any
courts, let alone get any fair and honest redress!

I wrote this so that you might be able to understand the results of your
associating Yourself with the wrong crowd, and if you vote for any of them
candidates, the only change we will get is, they will finish killing many of
us with a miserable death!

Look at how paranoid these people are, having barricaded themselves in, and
Armed themselves against the Public, and they falsely accuse the innocent,
And set them up, and lock them up and force mind control drugs on them, or
They jail the innocent, or they kill them, while the guilty get away!

America, that is only a small reason why you should all be careful, these
people are armed and dangerous!

16 January 2008

From the Founder of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm;

To whom it may concern;

My name is Joseph R Loegering

Founder, of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm!



The Civil American Liberties Militia!

Intelligence and NBC Defense.

The Central Command and Control Office.

6050 Highway 10 NW Trailer 19

Anoka Minnesota, 55303-4579

Phone 763-205-1296

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

National Security update!

America, you should all be careful, these people are armed and dangerous!

To Protect the People of these United States, I have sound evidence, and
just cause, to place Senator Hillary Clinton, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Vice
President Dick Cheney, President George Bush, the owners of CNN and Time
Warner Cable, their Producers and Anchors, the FBI and the CIA, the
controllers of both US Political Parties, and Bill Clinton and GHW Bush and
those who control them, under Citizens Arrest for obstructing Justice, and
for Treason against the People of these United States. I need a Federal
Judge to issue Warrants, and a Federal Marshal to Deputize Deputies for
serving them.

It is the money holders that own and control both Political Parties, and our
Judges, our Courts, our Law Enforcement, our Judges, our Lawyers, our
Medias, and our Medical Institutions, that we need to remove from the
Political Systems, of Federal, State, and Local Government, to bring about a
change for the good!

We lost our Rights because of your Government and Criminals whom rule and
reduced us under absolute Despotism!

The Liberals take turns with the Conservatives letting the guilty go free,
and the Conservatives take turns with the Liberals, convicting the innocent,
with no moderates in between these two degrees, doing anything to stop it,
which object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism!

As evidence of Systematic Obstruction of Justice, and Systematic Crimes
against Humanity, I present to a candid world, the Government levels which
were corrupted by the Tax and Spend Democrats, and by the Borrow until
Economic Collapse Republicans, and by Criminals, being current the Federal,
State, and Local Governments of these United States.

Having been injured in my second tour of Duty in the US Army, in 1980- 1982,
while running in a PT Formation on Ft Drum New York, as a race riot broke
out, and I was hit in the head with a Rock that squashed my eyes and caused
a Stroke and PSTD, and five US Army Doctors declared that I would be
permanently blind, but I got most of my sight back, but because it
fluctuates in and out depending on the air pressure outside, and migraine
headaches, and multiple complex seizure disorder also caused by the head
trauma, and every year as I get older it gets worse, I cannot safely drive.
If I buy a car and have someone else drive it for me, when they steal it,
the Police say that I can do nothing about it, because I gave them the keys.
When I buy a bike, I end up with unpaid hospital bills, where I misjudged
the road, and or my Bike gets stolen and sold as scrap metal. They even made
it illegal for the blind, and or disabled, to hitchhike to a store, or to a
laundry mat, or to a job! They have even regulated Society so that the poor
cannot use their innovation, and make useful things to survive, from Scrap
Yards, or Dumps, or Dumpsters!

I have no where to live, except slums filled with criminals, and no local
Government that herds the criminals into the slums, to keep them out of
richer zones, will let you arm to defend yourself against the criminals,
because they don't want you to run the criminals out of the slums, back into
the rich zones.

At the same time I was outed as a CID informant, and was being hunted by
Foreign Agents and Domestic Criminals, as I was kidnapped by Terrorists
outside Ft. Riley Kansas, whom were Armed with stolen US Weapons. Though I
know who outed me, who they had hunting me I still do not know, and I am not
allowed to arm to defend myself, because I was set up by Criminals, who were
using the Government Systems against me.

Our loss of all rights, who is at fault?

Our rights began to become eroded the most on Federal, State, and Local
Levels of Government, because of the repeated Wars on Drugs, Prostitution,
and Pornography, and for getting People so called Medical help. They
designed the Laws to make it easier to catch Drug Traffickers, Drug Addicts,
Pimps, and Prostitutes, Pornographers, and force them to go to Doctors
against their will, but the Laws set up for that, are now too often used to
classify innocent people as Suspects, so that they can violate their
fundamental Rights, and force them to get Medical Treatment that causes them
harm and financial ruin because one way another, you are forced to pay for
expensive Medical Procedures that did you no good. The first of which
fundamental Right violated is the right of Liberty, and then the right to
choose which Doctor or Medical Treatment Plan to refuse, in preference of
one that works for you. They force harmful Mind Control Drug Treatment upon
you, even if you are innocent, and have not committed any crime, nor intend
on committing any crime. Their so called Professionals falsely claim that
they know who will commit a crime, ahead of time, before they commit it, and
they say that their forced treatment, is to prevent a crime from happening!
But the majority of people who commit suicide or murder suicide took their
Drugs, and the unnatural chemical imbalance caused by the Drugs, is the
primary reason that they committed suicide! And all it takes to get this
forced harmful Drug Treatment, at Tax Payer and Insurance Company Expense,
is an accusation from a Fundamentalist, or Political Rival, or a Corporation
like CNN, and your life is systematically destroyed by the System that they
set up over us, for your so call health and benefit. The only ones it
benefits are the Politicians and the Corporations that set the system up!

Welcome to Fascist Nazi Germany and to the Communist Soviet Union combined,
called America! Some of the non-religious are as dangerous as the

One cannot regulate Morality, and force it upon others without a backlash.
The Criminals use the same Laws set up against them, to set up innocent
people. Like in Prohibition the only way to prevent innocent people from
getting caught in the crossfire, and keep the Drug and Prostitution out of
the hands of Warlords and Human Traffickers, is to legalize both Drugs and
Prostitution, and move it into an area where our children will not see it
everyday like they do now! These Christian Fundamentalist are as dangerous
as Islamic Fundamentalists. They form their own standard for judging and
condemning people, that has nothing to do with God or morality! Women are
the most highly thought of by God, but are despised by Fundamentalists.
These Fundamentalists take allegory from scriptures and throw away the true
meaning, and twist it to try to support their unjustifiable attitudes and
actions towards women.

There are good men, and bad men, good women, and bad women, and these
Fundamentalists tend to put all women in the category of bad women.

If you want, I will translate the forty virtues from Hebrew Proverbs, that
portray the qualities of a Virtuous Women. She is portrayed as faithful to
her Husband, she is a resourceful Capitalist, that is a humanitarian, and a
guide to both the Harem and all her husband's children. But most of these
Fundamentalists would stone her for wanting to be a member of an Harem! And
many of these Fundamentalists would abuse women in a Harem, because they are
bad people! The same is true with non-religious people, you have some kind
and tolerant, and some cruel and intolerant.

The cruel and intolerant are called Bigots and Tyrants, whether they
religious or non-religious.

They think that I want to form a GREEN business, because I want to build
Windmills for pumping Water, and Making Electricity, and saving Farmland,
but those with a GREEN agenda are out to destroy the very things that we
need to survive, our Tillable Farmland and our Economy by causing Inflation
paying for useless GREEN TECHNOLOGY. What I am trying to do, is cut the
Cost of Living that keeps going up because of Biofuels and Urban Sprawl,
taking away more of our Tillable Farmland, and Bank Interest and Taxes that
are causing Inflation to rise out of control! My sister even bought Cows
from another State, because they did not have enough grain to feed them,
because the fields are being used to make Biofuels instead of Food for Man
and Beast!

For local and town planning, the requirement for a qualified Contractor
makes it impossible to be resourceful, and build your own home and or
business, by the law. The people should be encouraged to owner build, to the
current availability of materials onsite, including and taking into account
the viability to remain self sustainable. The new trailer park that I am
moving into, outlawed having any plowshares that will not fit into a 10 by
12 foot shed, no higher than 7 feet high. You cannot build your own shed
either, you must buy a pre-built one from a store that they recommend. You
cannot collect fire wood and stack it outside, to cut down on paying for
fuel or gas to heat the trailer, it must be in your shed with your
plowshares. And they outlawed planting Vegetable Gardens, they are taking
away our ability to plant Victory Gardens to reduce the High Cost of Living,
because they said that the Gardens would attract wild animals that would eat
our Food! They outlawed Clothe lines, so that you must use their laundry
mat, or buy appliances from a store that they recommend, and have their
maintenance crews put it in, and or inspect it. They are doing this all
across the County, the poor can no longer collect enough useful things to
survive, let alone to build a home or a business, it is zoned as junk, and
the rich haul it away for themselves. Even the cars of your guests must be
registered, or they will be ticketed and hauled off after a certain time. So
because I am disabled, anyone who stops to take me to work, or to help me
set up useful things, must have their car registered, or it might be
ticketed and hauled off at our expense! And you only get two parking places,
all others must be parked in a community parking spot, a long ways from your
trailer! You are not allowed to own a Semi-Tractor for trucking in your
plowshares and materials, or trucking your products to market, because they
say the roads were not built for that, sort of like that bridge that
collapsed here recently! Though my Father taught Auto Mechanics as a College
Professor and I am an Engineer, if things were set up so that we could do
things for ourselves, we would not need to collect Taxes to pay welfare,
like after paying $20 for an application fee, my sister drove me to the
Association meeting at the new Trailor Court, and on the way there the
Alternator started going out, we both knew exactly what it was, and wnted to
order a part and have it delivered to the Trailer Court. After getting there
we found that they do not allow you to work on cars in the Trailer Court, so
after the meeting we took off to try to get to the nearest Garage to get it
repaired, we broke down in the freezing cold half way there, and had to call
a tow truck.

What is worse everything has been made illegal to do by yourself, so that
the rich can make money off us, using the Police and Courts as their slave
drivers. I will repeat this. If it were set up so that we could do things
ourselves we would not need Taxes for welfare! Why did they not listen to my
Petition for a Redress of Grievances, and deregulate and restore the US
Constituting on every level of Government with integrity? It was so that the
rich could make us slaves, and make money off of us at every turn, like when
the Industrialists owned the business, the bank, the store, the hospital,
and the workers homes!

They think that in order to survive, we must go to a Bank and borrow money
and pay Interests to buy a home or a business or a car. They think that in
order to survive, we must go to a Bank and borrow money for everything, and
pay Interests while causing Inflation to rise so high that we cannot afford
land, a business, a home, food, clothing, a car, or proper healthcare that
actually works!

Fools, it is these Banks and Politicians and Corporations that they own,
calling all the shots! It is an invisible 666 inside their forehead or hand,
so that only those that they approve of, can buy and sell, while the rest
starve to death, as they deceive the whole world, and command fire to fall
from heaven in the sight of all men. They finance and or supply both sides
in every conflict, so that they can make money off both sides, and they
deliberately stir them up one against another, to get rid of whoever they
don't want to live in their New World Order.

And what is worse, they destroyed the Family structures passed to us since
the days of Abraham, that we use to lived by, but they destroyed so that
they can take our Children, so that they can be so called Educated by them,
and or force their so called Education on them in our Schools, to try to
make them just like them.

Without school vouchers, why should any parent let their children be
brainwashed against their own values, by a Government using their Tax money
against them?
Many in my Family are School Principles, Teachers, and College Professors,
and they cannot teach the things in school today, that my Great great
Grandfather Johan, whom had 15 children, began to teach us in the Local
Church, and local School, that he helped build without raising Taxes to do
One Just reason for back to the beginning!

Beginning in Lee's Summit Missouri, as the President was preparing to come
to Lee's Summit for his reelection campaign speech, my computer was being
hacked by Terrorists whom tried to set me up to look like a suicide bomber,
and I misjudged the situation when I thought CNN, Time Warner Cable, and the
FBI were helping me to stop the Terrorists from hacking my computer, and
were helping to find Osama Bin Laden. Dr. Smith of the Kansas City VA
started falsely accusing me of Intending To Do a Crime, and claimed that he
needed to give me drugs that had already nearly killed me. And when the
President came, he said, "Just in case something happens to the President,
we will give you an alibi!" And he had the staff and armed VA Police lock me
on a Ward where I was repeatedly given drugs that destroyed my ability to
think, and nearly killed me. I got out and got different Doctors that said
they would not give me the medications because they only cause Iatrogenic
Illnesses. But I kept looking for Bin Laden, and when I saw a commercial
saying to come to New York and meet your favorite News Anchor, and they
showed Paula Zahn, and Nancy Grace, I thought maybe they would help me do a
propaganda video, to flush out Bin Laden, so that my men in the region could
grab him, but it was a setup by CNN, Time Warner Cable, and the FBI.

An internet post said;

"Hillary Clinton - Ready for change"

With a response;

"You mean like the change Hillary brought to New York? Can anyone list those
huge changes?"

Trailer Trash!

As a US Veteran, I am disabled, and I live in Trailer lot 19,separated from
my plowshares and clothes by the Government and CNN, unable to afford
shipping my plowshares here, it is furnished from Trailer Trash, and most of
the clothes that I wear came from Trailer Trash too!

It is true one man's Trash is another man's Treasure, but when the Trailer
Trash becomes filled with useful things, that someone did not want to throw
away, but it was thrown away for them, because of pink eviction slips posted
by the Sheriff, at first sight you know that you are going to feel sick,
knowing that your neighbors cannot afford a place to live and keep their

I even found an entire set of uniforms, for the school baseball team, that
became Trailer Trash.

The end of February, because bills are too high for me to pay, I will be
moving in with a friend in the same boat, if we share bills, we might be
able to keep our things from becoming Trailer Trash! CNN and the NYPD and
New York Hospital and New York Courts, forcing treatment upon me that I did
not need, made it so I ended up here!

After being accused of everything but telling the truth, and being
railroaded through their hospitals and courts, I know we would be better off
without not only the New York Government Officials from Local, State, and
Federal Positions, but from most Local, State, and Federal Position across
the Country!

Situation update. 20 January 2008

Like the Race Riot where I was stoned while running in a PT Formation on Ft
Drum New York, and later had to OJT as a Medic because all of our Medics
were taken out in another Race Riot, it is these Atheist Zionists pretending
to be Jews and Christians, that infiltrated our Fellowships and caused
confusion to break them up, and stir up Race and Religious Riots, to get us
picked off. I was outed as a CID Informant at the same time, and now that
the secret files recorded only in the White House and the US Pentagon are in
the hands of these Atheist Zionists pretending to be Jews and Christians, my
life is in danger wherever I go. Like the VA Staff member who questioned who
I was one time because I was talking about Christ, while I was recruiting
veterans at the Kansas City Va for my Militia, to hunt down Bin Laden and
his likes, she said, "I thought you were a Jew, your VA Hospital records say
that you are a Jew, are you a Jew?" So I pulled out my Hebrew, Tanach, and
said, "Yes, I am a blood descendant of Israel." She got me what I needed
then, but I have been being set up by the Medical Community ever since, whom
has been deliberately misdiagnosing me, to justify forcing mind control
drugs on me, that nearly kill me every time. That was just before my home
computer was hacked, and the FBI, CNN, and Time Warner Cable, only made it
look like they were helping me to hunt Bin laden and his likes, while
setting me up to try to discredit me, and kill me.

While they had me locked in a New York Hospital, where violent Criminals
transferred in from the Jails would constantly beat and rob me, and the
Police would only take reports, and then make plea type deals and let the
criminals off, the Police took away first my Magnifying glass and locked it
in Police Lockup, so that I could not see to read and write, and then when I
was taking notes on a Computer there and asked my Family to send me floppy
disks so that I could back up the files, they said to protect Patient's
Privacy, I was not allowed to make copies of my notes, and then they took
the Computer away. They broke up my Family all across the Country, and only
my sister would help get me out, even though she could not afford it. Though
it was the Bush and top Bush Administration Officials that started it, Mayor
Michael Bloomberg and Senator Hilary Clinton helped set up their trap,
ordering all homeless people to be force treated with mind control drugs,
and making it illegal to be released to any Religious Homeless Shelters, and
making it so that even if you get out, mandatory forced drug treatment was
to continue at Tax Payer and Insurance Company Expense. It took a Year for
me to get out of their deliberate deception and medical maltreatment!

That is why I am in this Trailer Court now.

CNN even contacted my brothers and sisters all across the country stalking
me when I got out, and called me here. They gave me a personal contact
inside CNN acting like they were going to help me get to the bottom of this,
but then said, "A lot of people that were working here then have left, and
we have a lot of new people, so there is really nothing that we can do, even
though it was wrong!" Her name is CNN Security.
Please, send them a few messages, and let them know what you think about it!

With a lot of the cars broken down in this Trailer Court, because of the
extreme cold, and because the people from town failed to keep their word
about stopping and giving us a ride to the store, I decided that even though
it is illegal to walk down the Highway, and it was -11 Degrees F, to walk to
the nearest Gas Station and pick up some Coffee, Cigarettes, etc, just
enough to get us by for awhile, because it is more expensive there, but it
is only a mile away instead of two, I barely made it, but they let me stay
inside to warm up before heading back. It was easier coming back, because
the wind was with me, but going there, it about froze me.

I did not need a Rock Collection, or Sea Shell Collection, or Wall
Decorations, but since that was what the poor were offering for Food and
Cigarettes when I got here, I have a lot of them.

I cut my fuel bill down here by insulation around the skirt inside under the
Trailer, with 3 inches of Styrofoam and Plastic. The New Trailer Court that
I am moving to will not let you insulate like that, they claim that you must
have vents in the skirt or the Furnace and Hot Water heater will produce
Carbon Monoxide, but heck, I have the same Furnace people put in their
houses, and an Electric Hot Water Heater, and none of them have to put vents
into their basements at all. So what is up? Out of all the fear tactics they
used to outlaw making it on your own without having to borrow from the Bank,
or their Friends, when they asked if there were any questions, I asked,
"Where is the nearest Hospital? And how can we get there from here?" It was
several miles away, but if they were so concerned about our health and
safety, why did none of them know the answer? They had to ask someone in the

Now that people saw my website, several of them asked me to design websites
for their businesses, and I am trading some of that labor for a used Web
Server, so that I can free up another computer for Engineering Software for
designing Windmills. Someone in the State Government wants to take my Job
before I get it developed, they sent for Scientists from Sweden or Denmark
to come here and design better Wind Turbines. They say it is a Job that no
American wants to do, they outsource everything, so that we have no Jobs,
and they use our Tax Money to cut our throats!

Is that a coincident that our Tax Money would be used to target taking away
my Job again? It is not just the Borrow until Economic Collapse Republicans,
it is the Tax and Spend Democrats that work for these Atheists Zionists that
are pretending to be Jews and Christians, and are using US Corporate
Records, and Homeland Security to pick their targets and systematically
eliminate us.
The torch of Liberty!

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become symbols that
are hated for the destructiveness of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of
Happiness, that Fascism and Communism causes.

I will not let the symbols of the land of my Fathers, become symbols that
are hated for the Bigotry and Tyranny of Political, Religious, Public
Officials, or Corporate Rulers.

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the torch of
Liberty, and bring down the Profiteering of Bigots and Tyrants!

1Timothy 6:10

"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted
after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows."

It is what distracted us from our Just Causes of providing Truth and
Justice, to bring Freedom for all!

The Global Banks and Global Medias deliberately promoted the Housing Market
to Gobble up our Tillable Farmland, and Global Warming offering no
applicable or affordable alternative to Oil and Coal, and promoted the
Biofuels to gobble up more our Tillable Farmland, and take control of our
Water, Oil, and Electricity, so that America could be brought to her knees.

That is why not Bush, but the Banks and the Industrial Military Complexes
are turning our Food into fuel, it is the only way that they can keep using
our Forces to set up a Global Rule for them. US Armed Forces alone use more
Oil than the 37th Largest Nation, and these Global Banks and Global
Industrial Military Complexes are Financing and Supplying both sides in
every Conflict in the World, so that they can make Money off both sides, and
they are using the Global Medias to distract the Whole World from seeing
what is going on, to hide what is going on, so that they can destroy whoever
they don't want in the New World Order!

Before I was eight, I could cut steel, form it, and weld well enough to help
my Father Build a Tractor. Before I was 10 I had plowed, disked, planted,
and harvested enough food to sell in the markets to feed thousands. Now that
equipment and fuel is unaffordable, and with no land to plow because it is
unaffordable, thousands starve to death every day, looking for Food.

To the Fascist Communist Nation of America!

Mr. President,

You are not fit to be Commander in Chief, because when a messenger is sent
to say that your surge in Iraq, and with France and you selling advanced
weapons to India, these two things are destabilizing your ally in Pakistan,
where the Foreign Fighters from Iraq are regrouping, and placing his Nukes
closer to the hands of our Enemy, but instead of admitting that your
precious Surge that is wasting our money and destroying our Economy, and
your Profiteering in India, are causing the problem, you shoot the

Why did this Government send in Bhutto to help destabilize the Government of
your Ally and place his Nukes at risk of falling into the hands of our

I warned you at the beginning of the Iraq War, that we were drawn into the
Iraq War with lies, so that our enemies could destroy us from another angle,
but you did not stop, you just caused confusion, and shot the messenger
among your koas, and you drove head-on, and helped the enemy destroy our US
Constitution, and all of our rights not protected therein, and destroy our
Economy, and reduce us under an absolute State of Despotism!

Yes Bush, and yes Hillary, and yes to both Democratic and Republican
Followers, I see the change that you have brought about in this Nation, and
to the World, no truth, no honesty, no integrity, no Justice, replaced with
nothing but debate, propaganda, deceit, and Profiteering! You have changed
the 1st amendment already, to read, "Ignore any Petition for a Redress of
Grievances, because the dogs will get rid of my opposition for me!" You have
made it impossible to even get a case into Court, let alone get any Redress!

That is the way you handled all my honest and just Petitions for a Redress
of Grievances!

Why did you ignore my repeated Petitions? Because your Campaign Money, and
our Taxes, and your Sponsors, support you, the Government, and the
Corporations against whom I have just complaints.

The first of which is Treason against the People of these United States, by
blocking any real efforts to get Osama Bin Laden!

With no history of doing violent acts, it is your standard to diagnose
harmless people as "dangerous," and slander them with false allegations in
their medical records, and liable them with others reading your falsified
diagnosis, and liable them in public, as being a dangerous person that must
be treated or they will do something wrong, and you use the medias to
brainwash the Public to help you do your dirty works, so that your Medical
and Media Corporations, can make money off the Sponsors, Tax Payers, and
Insurance Companies. You lie in our Courts, to deceive them into thinking
that you are the Professional that knows ahead of time, whom will commit
crimes, and sway the Courts to give you the power to destroy a persons
Liberty, as you maltreat them, trying to brainwash them into thinking that
there is something wrong with them that will cause them to commit crimes,
using false allegations over and over!

With your Behavioral Control Drugs, you are nothing but Fascist and
Communists that destroy Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, of the
harmless people that you falsely accuse of being dangerous!

You have made every Citizen a Suspect, and force upon us all repeated
searches no matter where we go! You have even made it illegal for the blind
and or disabled to hitchhike to a store, or a laundry mat, or a job! You
have regulated Society so that the poor cannot use their innovation, and
make useful things to survive, from Scrap Yards, or Dumps, or Dumpsters!

I know exactly what you Fascist and Communists are, you are antagonists that
keep denying reality, and you brainwash and raise people's suspicions
against your targets using propaganda, and you falsely accuse people,
especially the poor, of being immoral and dangerous, and you slander and set
up innocent harmless people over and over with your Medias, until they snap,
and then you take away their Liberty, and Drug them with Mind Control Drugs,
and or Jail or Kill them, and say that they were dangerous, and glorify
yourself and each other in Public, as some kind of hero for doing your evil.

All this maltreatment is done with the Tax Payers Money, our Insurance
Money, and Money forced out of us when we are sent to Doctors that we are
not allowed to refuse, whom provide nothing but drug treatments that cause a
manmade chemical imbalance that eventually causes people to commit suicide
or murder suicide, and they do it for profit, causing nothing but millions
of Iatrogenic Illnesses and Deaths!

You are Bigots, Tyrants, Robbers, and Murderers!

You falsely accuse people of being immoral and dangerous, so that you can
violate their rights and search them repeatedly, or take away their Liberty,
and Drug them with Mind Control Drugs that eventually cause them to commit
suicide or murder suicide, or you scream that they are dangerous, and use
trumped up charges to jail or kill harmless people.

You say, "Oh, I am afraid, you will do something wrong, so I can't let you
go, I have to give you Medication to help you!" "Oh, I am afraid, you will
do something wrong, so I must search you again and again, as I haul you off
to jail, don't worry, 'Cuffs' are standard operating procedure for alleged
criminals, or suspects!" "Oh, don't worry about the hardened criminals that
we lock you in with, we have a medical staff ready to help you 24/7, with
expensive and dangerous behavioral medications, that will help you get along
with them!" "We also have 'Protective Custody' for the innocent, we can lock
you in a cell next to hardened criminals, and tell the nice guards to let
you out to pace the floor one hour a day!"

That is what these Bigots and Tyrants think Liberty means!

I will take the symbols of the land of my Fathers, and light the torch of
Liberty, and bring you Profiteering Bigots and Tyrants down!

Just stay C.A.L.M. Everybody, we are here for you!

Follow me, I am a US Army Veteran!

As an experienced registered informant for the Criminal Investigation
Department, of the United States Army, it is doing my Duty to my God, and to
my Country, as I secretly pretend to be one of them, and stand face to face
with Domestic Criminals and Foreign Enemies, going along with whatever
interests and activities the Domestic Criminals or Foreign Enemies, have
busied themselves with, as I secretly suck up all the information, and
gather all the evidence that I can, about their interests and activities,
and then I report of their interests and activities, and give the evidence
to the loyal among the US Government.

We are members of the C.A.L.M. Before the Storm, the Civil American
Liberties Militia! We are made up of mostly likeminded US Military Veterans,
that are spread across the entire USA, and some abroad, secretly doing our
Duty to our God, and to our County! We have no membership registry or dues,
we are all Volunteers, and we do not expect any pay, for our Duty that we
daily do, working separately to bring about our joint effort of defending
our Families, and our Country, by exercising the Rights that we serve our
God, and our Country, to defend, against all our common Enemies, Foreign and

In service of God and Country

Heir by birthright of the house of Israel
