Dr. Jai Maharaj

CIA Confirms Rendition Flights to Brits

By Pamela Hess
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Washington (AP) - CIA Director Michael Hayden acknowledged
Thursday that two rendition flights carrying terror
suspects refueled on British territory, despite repeated
U.S. assurances that none of the secret flights since the
Sept. 11 attacks had used British airspace or soil.

Hayden told agency employees that information previously
provided to the British "turned out to be wrong."

The spy agency reviewed rendition records late last year
and discovered that in 2002 the CIA had in fact refueled
two separate planes, each carrying a terror suspect, on
Diego Garcia, a British island territory in the Indian

"The refueling, conducted more than five years ago, lasted
just a short time. But it happened. That we found this
mistake ourselves, and that we brought it to the attention
of the British government, in no way changes or excuses the
reality that we were in the wrong. An important part of
intelligence work, inherently urgent, complex, and
uncertain, is to take responsibility for errors and to
learn from them," Hayden stated in the message obtained by
The Associated Press.

Hayden said neither man was tortured and denied there has
ever been a holding facility for CIA prisoners on Diego
Garcia. Both men remained on their respective planes during
the brief stops, according to a U.S. intelligence official
who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the
sensitivity of the matter.

Hayden delivered the news to the British government last
weekend on a previously scheduled trip to London.

British Foreign Secretary David Miliband announced the
rendition flights earlier Thursday. British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown said he "shared the disappointment that
everybody has" about the stops, and that it was important
to ensure they would not happen again.

The State Department's top lawyer, John Bellinger, flew to
London overnight to deal with potential diplomatic and
political fallout, according to a senior State Department

One of the two prisoners is now jailed at Guantanamo Bay
Naval Base and the other was released to his home country,
where he has since been freed by that government, the U.S.
intelligence official said.

The CIA didn't interrogate or imprison either man,
according to the official. In this case, the CIA only moved
the two men from one country to another.

The CIA has held and interrogated fewer than 100 prisoners
in its detention program, using "enhanced" or harsh
interrogation techniques on about a third of them, Hayden
has told Congress.

The rendition program secretly transfers alleged terrorists
from one country to another without formal extradition
proceedings. It can involve moving prisoners to the custody
of governments where harsh interrogation techniques,
including torture, are known to be used. The U.S.
government insists it does not move prisoners to third
countries without assurances that torture will not be used.

The British government had previously insisted it had no
evidence to support allegations that Britain had been
involved in rendition.

At the time of the 2002 flights in question, the United
States and Britain did not have an agreement regarding the
use of the Diego Garcia facility for renditions, and the
refueling stops did not require permission from British
authorities, the State Department said.

However, that began to change in 2003 with an "evolving"
series of understandings that now require the United States
to seek and receive British permission to use Diego Garcia
for renditions, spokesman Sean McCormack said.

A "final mutual understanding" appears to have been in
place by late 2005, when Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice said the United States respects the sovereignty of
foreign countries when conducting intelligence operations
within their borders, suggesting that the CIA conducts
rendition flights with the permission of the governments

In a Dec. 6, 2005, interview with Sky News from Berlin,
Rice publicly sidestepped a question about whether British
airports or airspace were being used in rendition, and
whether the British government was aware of it.

"We have obligations under our international conventions
and we are respecting the sovereignty of our allies," she
said. "We are not using the airspace or the airports of any
of our partners for activities that would lead renditions
to torture. We don't send people to be tortured."

McCormack said Rice spoke to Miliband about "the
administrative error" on Wednesday.

"Unfortunately, even with the best intentions,
unfortunately, even with the most rigorous searches and,
unfortunately, with good technology, sometimes
administrative errors occur and this was the case,"
McCormack said. "We regret that there was an error in
initially providing inaccurate information to a good friend
and ally."

McCormack said the review last year was "self-generated."

A U.S. intelligence official said the review was prompted
by fresh allegations in the press last fall that Diego
Garcia was being used as a secret detention site.

"We, in taking a look in particular at the issue of Diego
Garcia, asked ourselves a few questions and as a result
generated this search," he said.

Gordon Johndroe, National Security Council spokesman for
President Bush, said the incident was "unfortunate" but
will not damage U.S.-British cooperation.

"Mistakes were made in the reporting of the information,"
he said. "But we will continue to have a good
counterterrorism cooperation between the United States and
United Kingdom."

Associated Press writer Matthew Lee contributed to this

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The CIA/NSA/CSS probably helped the terrorists. They are known for
brutalizing innocent Americans while befriending pisslamic ****scums.

The NSA/CSS are pro-pisslamic, anti-American, terrorist-supporting

Why do the NSA/CSS tell mudslimes secrets they would never tell us
American citizens? It shows just what traitors the NSA/CSS are. I want
them punished for their cruelty to Americans.

There is a lot to be wary of concerning the NSA/CSS with regard to
trespass on civil rights of American citizens.

The NSA/CSS have the resources that enable them to decrypt much longer
security codes than most applications make availiable for the average

The fact that the NSA/CSS can decrypt any length of code in a matter of
minutes, that would take a single hacker a lifetime to crack the same
length is very upsetting to me. It makes me want to scorch them alive.

The NSA/CSS abuse their powers by invading our privacy electronically.
These cold-hearts attack use with their malware and breach our internet
security. They use malicious spyware and log our keystrokes. They then
defame us via using those keystrokes against us.

I hate perpetrators of keystroke-logging. KL is the most invasive of

I hate this invasion of privacy by the NSA/CSS. I up also upset that
NSA/CSS has ability to decrypt much longer security codes than most
American citizens. I am jealous of them.

I wish for a massive mob of USA citizens to gang up on the NSA/CSS,
steal their secret softwares, make copies of them and then distribute
them around all of America. I then wish for these American citizens to
use this malware against the NSA/CSS and the mudslime terrorists. I pray
night and day for this. This way, the American people can monitor the
NSA/CSS and pisslamic shitheads and make sure neither of them cause
trouble for America.

It's time that the American people fight back against the NSA/CSS and
their mudslime ****sucking friends.

The NSA/CSS support mudslimes yet they abuse us good-hearted Americans.

I pray that they will burn in the underworld and be forced to marry Satan.

Here is how I would like to punish the pro-pisslam, anti-USA,
terror-advocating NSA/CSS scum****s:

I shouldn't say this but I have more respect for sexual deviants than I
have for pisslamic-terrorists and the NSA/CSS who befriend them.