
Rock 89

New member
Hi guys, I'm Rock 89, from Italy!

My real name is Francesco, and I live in Palermo, Sicily. I'm moderator in a italian Linkin Park's fansite and we decide to join the other fansite outside italy. So I'm here and I notice that this is a very cool and well-provided site! I hope that I'll stay here for a lot of time, so we can talk and exchange thoughts about our favourite band.

I also love rock and metal music and i like so much play videogames. :thumbsup:

So here I am, you can find my contacts in my profile where you can also find the link to our italian fansite.

See you around here.

Rock 89

(sorry if my english is bad:p )



New member
hello francesco! I'm Maja from slovenia :D ..and I actually know your site..because your mods and the mods from my site know eachother :D

benvenuto su questo forum bellissimo, ti troverai bene sicuramente ;)


Rock 89

New member
Oh thank you guys for welcoming me!

Linkin_lp_park, do you want lasagna?:eek:k: **** we are famous in the entire wolrd only for food!

Maya yours is a very good site!:thumbsup: All the lpclub staff greets to you! (mi alleno con l'inglese :p )



New member
Now upon stereotypical analysis, I would have to band you. Seeing as though your Italian and may be gang affiliated it would only do harm to our gentle forums, though it will not be the first time the Italian Mob has attempted to take down

On Janurary of a said, 1898 several darkly clothed men has attempted to kill several members due to our increasing choke hold on the Linkin Park community. However with some long talks and a few bullets we convinced the mob messing with the forums was not a wise idea.

So my point is I will be watching you. Watching you like an old man watches a girl in the shower. Watching you like George Bush watches people of Arab descent and better yet watching you like aliens watch our world.

Things to help you survive this forums expirience:

-Read Rules

-Read My Threads

-Read Threads Not Made by Me

-Vote for me whenever it applies

-Make weird noises with your mouth when looking through the forums.

-Discontinue all other illegal mob affiliated activities whilst browsing through my forums.

-And if you by any chance lay a finger on any of the voluptuous women on this site... it will be you and I.

Other than that


Rock 89

New member
Thank you azemkamikaze03, I hope I real will have fun!

I didn't understand the thing about 1898 dark men, but I can tell you that I'm not here to do "illegal mob affiliated activities". ;)

See you around here!



New member
Welcome, Francesco!^^

All I have to stay to you is to stick around and have fun! :)

(rofl at azem...xD)



New member
Hi, rock 89!! welcome mate. It's lovely to have another mediterranean mate in this forum!! Yahoooo!!!:yahoo: This is has to celebrate it! And it's really wonderful we've the first italian member. I hope you will be an amazing representative of your nation here (you must be it :D ).. anyway, as all my mates've said before me, I hope you enjoy here and you have some fun with all of us (I'm sure about it!)

P.S dont worry about your english. it cant be worse than mine. sure.

P.S Excuse me, I dont want to be impolite, but you know, or you'll know with the pass of the days, sometimes, I'm quite curious :eek: ... so, if you dont mind answer me... why did you choose "rock"as nick?


Rock 89

New member
why did you choose "rock"as nick?
Well, I was a kid when I chose this nick, and I liked it because it sounds cool in italian. It's something like "RockOttantanove" (I don't know if you can read it in italian :p )

P.S.: thank to all you guys to welcoming me!

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