What might the celebrations be for? =D I don't drink so yeah, fun time for me lol... I'll sit there...with my paper cup of punch^.^ I really don't like the taste of alchohol
eek. i love Cinco de Mayo. it signifies that my birthday is only 1 week away. -dies- oh sweet heaven... sweet 16. oh ***. what am i talking about? who gives a ****? haha. anyways. back to the subject. yeah. i'm cooking mexican tonight -does a mexican dance-
It's Senior Skip Day at my school. So of course i didnt go to school. Why today? Because we're the class of '05. and today would be 05.05.05
Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone.
Really? I didn't even know it was a celebration date lol. Hope you all had a good time though =) May the 5th here was election day o_0 Labour (Tony Blair) won of course...