Clinton CNN Scam makes people look twice at the Queen.Everything Clinton does is unsavory


Harry Dope

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton prepared for a battle with her Democratic
rivals at the CNN-sponsored debate on Thursday night. She did not have much
to fear from the postdebate round table.
Among the experts trotted out by CNN to comment was James Carville, a
Democratic strategist and CNN commentator who is also a close friend of Mrs.
Clinton and a contributor to her campaign.

Mr. Carville's presence aroused the fury of rivals and bloggers. They called
it a conflict of interest and criticized CNN.

"Would it kill CNN to disclose that James Carville is a partisan Clinton
supporter when talking about the presidential race?" Markos Moulitsas wrote
on his liberal blog, Daily Kos. Mr. Moulitsas drew hundreds of comments.

Tom Reynolds, a spokesman for Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is
also seeking the Democratic nomination, said: "What you saw last night
lacked full disclosure. The average viewer out in middle America may not
know the inside-the-Beltway connection."

A CNN executive conceded that the cable channel should have more fully
disclosed Mr. Carville's past and that it was discussing how to handle such

The criticisms were among a series against CNN for how it managed the
debate, a two-hour event in Las Vegas that ran nearly 15 minutes late.
Viewers criticized segments like the opening, when candidates bounded onto
the stage in a style reminiscent of a sports event.

Voters and commentators wrote online about how the audience cheered and
booed, the way the CNN hosts reframed audience questions and whether it was
correct to demand yes-or-no answers to complex questions.

Maria Luisa Parra-Sandoval, a student who asked Mrs. Clinton whether she
preferred diamonds or pearls (Mrs. Clinton answered "both"), said she had
prepared a list of more serious questions but had been directed by CNN to
ask her trivial question.

CNN said the debate was the most watched in this campaign, drawing more than
four million viewers.

Viewers directed most of their criticism at the commentary. The channel has
been ridiculed by conservative groups as the Clinton News Network, partly
because its commentators include Mr. Carville and Paul Begala, an adviser to
President Bill Clinton.

Mr. Carville said in a phone interview that he did not have a role in Mrs.
Clinton's campaign and that he had "never been paid a nickel by her."

He also said he considered her a close personal friend, had contributed to
her presidential effort, had friends working for her campaign, planned to
vote for her in the Virginia primary and spoke to Mr. Clinton regularly.

He also sent a fund-raising e-mail message last spring on Mrs. Clinton's
behalf, Newsday reported in February.

"Let's show these attack dogs what we're made of," he wrote. "Our 'One Week,
One Million' campaign will send a clear message: Hillary won't back down,
and we've got her back."

"I am close to them," Mr. Carville said of the Clintons yesterday. "I hold
them in great affection and I'm a maxed-out contributor."

CNN executives said they routinely reminded viewers of Mr. Carville's
affiliation in his segments. On Thursday, Anderson Cooper, the CNN host who
moderated the round table, said, "I should point out David Gergen was an
adviser in the Bill Clinton White House, as, of course, was James Carville."

That was not enough for Jonathan Klein, the CNN president who said in an
interview that the disclosure fell short.

"He's not on the Hillary payroll, but he's on the Hillary bandwagon, and
that should be disclosed as much as we can," Mr. Klein said. "I wasn't
comfortable with it myself as I watched it.

"He has disclosed all of this previously and repeatedly on our air," he
continued. "He happened not to last night, and it's an unfortunate

Quote Of The Week
"The Clintons Are A Terminally Unethical And Vulgar Couple, And They?ve
Betrayed Everyone Who Has Ever Believed In Them." - Bob Herbert, Columnist
NY Times Clinton
"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message

Bush's Fake Town Hall Meetings
The White House Briefing also has this skit from the Daily Show on fake town
hall meetings and doublespeak:

...Comedy Central has now posted Bee's sketch on its Web site.

"As he barnstorms across the country to sell his Social Security reforms,
President Bush has introduced an exciting innovation: The fake town hall,"
Bee explains.

And indeed, Bee interviews Republican pollster Frank Luntz for guidance,
and then casts her own fake town hall, which turns out to be eerily like
Bush's, but for the relentless spewing of obscenities.

My favorite part, however, was Luntz serving as a White House "translator"
of sorts.

"Drilling for oil," says Bee. "I would say, responsible exploration for
energy," says Luntz.

"Logging," says Bee. "I would say, healthy forests," says Luntz.

"Manipulation," says Bee. "Explanation and education," says Luntz.

Another chance to add some of our own! Snake oil for the solvency problem?
That's Privatization. Surely someone out there can do better than that...
Your translations?

HRC should get a gay male prostitute, like Bush did wirh Guckert to ask her
fake questions - then the press would not cover it at all.....

Here's the test to see if the right wing losers ranting here have any
Let's see how you all react the next time Rudy hires plants in his
"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton prepared for a battle with her Democratic
> rivals at the CNN-sponsored debate on Thursday night. She did not have
> much to fear from the postdebate round table.
> Among the experts trotted out by CNN to comment was James Carville, a
> Democratic strategist and CNN commentator who is also a close friend of
> Mrs. Clinton and a contributor to her campaign.
> Mr. Carville's presence aroused the fury of rivals and bloggers. They
> called it a conflict of interest and criticized CNN.
> "Would it kill CNN to disclose that James Carville is a partisan Clinton
> supporter when talking about the presidential race?" Markos Moulitsas
> wrote on his liberal blog, Daily Kos. Mr. Moulitsas drew hundreds of
> comments.

Seems to me that anyone who is so interested in politics as to be watching
the debate would also know who Carville was. How dead above the neck would
you have to be to think "Wow, this Carville guy, he's totally non-partisan!"
From "The Hillary Project."

"Harry Dope" <> wrote in message
> Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton prepared for a battle with her Democratic
> rivals at the CNN-sponsored debate on Thursday night. She did not have
> much to fear from the postdebate round table.
> Among the experts trotted out by CNN to comment was James Carville, a
> Democratic strategist and CNN commentator who is also a close friend of
> Mrs. Clinton and a contributor to her campaign.
> Mr. Carville's presence aroused the fury of rivals and bloggers. They
> called it a conflict of interest and criticized CNN.
> "Would it kill CNN to disclose that James Carville is a partisan Clinton
> supporter when talking about the presidential race?" Markos Moulitsas
> wrote on his liberal blog, Daily Kos. Mr. Moulitsas drew hundreds of
> comments.
> Tom Reynolds, a spokesman for Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who is
> also seeking the Democratic nomination, said: "What you saw last night
> lacked full disclosure. The average viewer out in middle America may not
> know the inside-the-Beltway connection."
> A CNN executive conceded that the cable channel should have more fully
> disclosed Mr. Carville's past and that it was discussing how to handle
> such situations.
> The criticisms were among a series against CNN for how it managed the
> debate, a two-hour event in Las Vegas that ran nearly 15 minutes late.
> Viewers criticized segments like the opening, when candidates bounded onto
> the stage in a style reminiscent of a sports event.
> Voters and commentators wrote online about how the audience cheered and
> booed, the way the CNN hosts reframed audience questions and whether it
> was correct to demand yes-or-no answers to complex questions.
> Maria Luisa Parra-Sandoval, a student who asked Mrs. Clinton whether she
> preferred diamonds or pearls (Mrs. Clinton answered "both"), said she had
> prepared a list of more serious questions but had been directed by CNN to
> ask her trivial question.
> CNN said the debate was the most watched in this campaign, drawing more
> than four million viewers.
> Viewers directed most of their criticism at the commentary. The channel
> has been ridiculed by conservative groups as the Clinton News Network,
> partly because its commentators include Mr. Carville and Paul Begala, an
> adviser to President Bill Clinton.
> Mr. Carville said in a phone interview that he did not have a role in Mrs.
> Clinton's campaign and that he had "never been paid a nickel by her."
> He also said he considered her a close personal friend, had contributed to
> her presidential effort, had friends working for her campaign, planned to
> vote for her in the Virginia primary and spoke to Mr. Clinton regularly.
> He also sent a fund-raising e-mail message last spring on Mrs. Clinton's
> behalf, Newsday reported in February.
> "Let's show these attack dogs what we're made of," he wrote. "Our 'One
> Week, One Million' campaign will send a clear message: Hillary won't back
> down, and we've got her back."
> "I am close to them," Mr. Carville said of the Clintons yesterday. "I hold
> them in great affection and I'm a maxed-out contributor."
> CNN executives said they routinely reminded viewers of Mr. Carville's
> affiliation in his segments. On Thursday, Anderson Cooper, the CNN host
> who moderated the round table, said, "I should point out David Gergen was
> an adviser in the Bill Clinton White House, as, of course, was James
> Carville."
> That was not enough for Jonathan Klein, the CNN president who said in an
> interview that the disclosure fell short.
> "He's not on the Hillary payroll, but he's on the Hillary bandwagon, and
> that should be disclosed as much as we can," Mr. Klein said. "I wasn't
> comfortable with it myself as I watched it.
> "He has disclosed all of this previously and repeatedly on our air," he
> continued. "He happened not to last night, and it's an unfortunate
> omission."
> --
> Quote Of The Week
> "The Clintons Are A Terminally Unethical And Vulgar Couple, And They?ve
> Betrayed Everyone Who Has Ever Believed In Them." - Bob Herbert, Columnist
> NY Times Clinton
Harry Dope wrote:
> Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton prepared for a battle with her Democratic
> rivals at the CNN-sponsored debate on Thursday night. She did not have much
> to fear from the postdebate round table.
> Among the experts trotted out by CNN to comment was James Carville, a
> Democratic strategist and CNN commentator who is also a close friend of Mrs.
> Clinton and a contributor to her campaign.

Here's one I bet you didn't know. George Will helped Reagan prep for his
debates with Carter (he played Carter in the fake debates). After the
debates Will went on ABC and told people how great a job Reagan did.
You guys call this fair and balanced reporting. I call it junk journalism.

There are a lot of bad journalists - most of them just happen to have
come of age since the Reagan Revolution, a time when truth and common
decency became irrelevant.

We didn't get most of our debt because Reagan and Bush made simple
mistakes. We got to $9 trillion of debt because real journalists kept
their mouths shut and ran for the quick sound bite instead.

We didn't go to war for no reason because journalists did their jobs. We
went to war for no reason because journalists went for the quick sound bite.

We didn't have millions of stories about the pseudo scandal called
Whitewater because journalists did their jobs. We had endless Whitewater
organisms because journalists went for quick sound bites.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine:
Torquemada Bush wrote:

> And indeed, Bee interviews Republican pollster Frank Luntz for guidance,
> and then casts her own fake town hall, which turns out to be eerily like
> Bush's, but for the relentless spewing of obscenities.
> My favorite part, however, was Luntz serving as a White House "translator"
> of sorts.
> "Drilling for oil," says Bee. "I would say, responsible exploration for
> energy," says Luntz.
> "Logging," says Bee. "I would say, healthy forests," says Luntz.
> "Manipulation," says Bee. "Explanation and education," says Luntz.

Luntz made a career out of distorting reality so the GOP could get away
with raping our future. Tax cuts didn't cause debt, they made the
economy grow. (how did the economy grow before tax cuts?)

Luntz is a GOP spinner. His job is to create a reality based on delusion
and insanity.

Impeach Bush

Impeach Search Engine: